So the Death Cult has raised their children to know their religion and to perpetuate their dark secrets to keep man enslaved. Is there a correlated (mirrored) cadre of light-warriors who raise their own or induct worthy souls into similar secrets to fight for light? Or do we do something different, where Christians stumble around in the dark, finding solace in the Almighty, until the Christ sets things right again? POTUS seems to know exactly what he's doing and who he's fighting for. How has he known and since when?
SURELY, this election of November 3rd is the "1st marker"!
In this interview with the Conspiracy News Network, [Gates] and his friends in the Death Cult work hard to subtly undermine the Pfizer vaccine, as they serve up some pseudo-scientific nonsense how their other vaccine (e.g., AstraZeneca's) "scales up better" (huh?!!!). These people are totally sick and totally evil. Why would I want their jab over the one developed and endorsed by POTUS? At this point, why would I, as a healthy person, really want any COVID jab at all? Unless there's more to the POTUS vaccine than we know, and I suspect there is (CURES EXIST! e.g., broad immunity to multiple virus types / the cure for all flu and colds).
The military? The courts? It doesn't really matter how it happens. POTUS won this election and he will be President of the United States for 4 more years. The people will come to see. America first and then the world. Nothing stops what's coming and TRUST THE PLAN. Indeed, how can we not trust when God is with us.
The moment he begins to walk along it, the warrior of light recognizes the PathโฆIn these words lies all his power: he chose the path along which he is walking and so he has no complaints.
A warrior of light is in the world in order to help his fellow man and not in order to condemn his neighbor.