Anonymous ID: bbcc00 Nov. 27, 2020, 12:25 p.m. No.11809788   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>11804596 Q Research General #15068: Coomer Is Audi 5000 Edition

>>11804688 Dominion Voting Systems - Edison Research - Affidavit from Military Intelligence whistleblower

>>11804701, >>11804720, >>11804736 Eric Coomer IS the Coomer Meme CONFIRMED

>>11804716 Chanel Rion, OANN,Sat Nov 28, 10pm et - Hunter Biden's laptop and Rudy Guiliani

>>11804717, >>11804750, >>11805230 FTP server found for Eric Coomer? (HUGE if true)

>>11804742 Prince Harry is good friends with Jill Biden

>>11804751 I made this graphic assuming POTUS will be at Camp David this [weekend] with his family

>>11804779 Appears to Be a Threat to Trump to Not Resist the (Antifa) Election Rigging?

>>11804841 "Eric Coomer, Dominion's head of product and strategy, has disappeared.

>>11804888 One dead, several injured in random Nevada shooting spree

>>11804901 These sorcerers then began the systematic destruction of all keys to the ancient wisdom


>>11805034 Barr just appointed Robert Heberle to head election fraud investigation

>>11805046 “Don’t Talk to Me That Way – DON’T EVER Talk to the President That Way!” – President Trump SLAPS DOWN Media Hack

>>11805239, >>11805341 Ezra Cohen-Watnik Re-Tweets


>>11805371 #15068

Anonymous ID: bbcc00 Nov. 27, 2020, 12:25 p.m. No.11809791   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>11805376 Q Research General #15069: We Have The Servers - Coomer Edition

>>11805488 Intresting Soros comms


>>11805497 ‘Propaganda machine’: George Clooney takes aim at Hungarian media and officials who accused him of Soros links

>>11805500 Pompeo reflects on 'most memorable moments' as secretary of state, addresses plans for the future

>>11805502 PA poll watcher, a Navy vet, alleges missing USB cards, up to 120,000 questionable votes

>>11805508 TRIBUTE TRASHED Three arrested after Portland war memorial to veterans is vandalized with ‘f**k USA’ during Thanksgiving protests

>>11805511 Gabriel Sterling transcript and video - works for GA Sec of State - in charge of Voter Deployment ($10 mil pay-for-play grant)

>>11805514, >>11805538 Computer repairman at center of Hunter Biden laptop scandal closes shop, disappears - death threats ?

>>11805522, >>11805544, >>11805549, >>11805577, >>11805590, >>11805597, >>11805600, >>11805626, >>11805633, >>11805638, >>11805647 Rebellion Defense Investors Dig

>>11805526 American Thinker: We Needed the Result We Got

>>11805534, >>11805683, >>11805695, >>11805703 Not Only Was Dominion Prone to Attack from China and Iran – It Was Also Connected to Pro-Obama Entity Known as ACORN

>>11805547 Obama-era Hatchet-Man Appointed by DOJ to ‘Prosecute’ Election Crime

>>11805563 Rebellion Defense - Check out Kleiner Perkins (Schlein) - Did this company have anything to do with the BUG that was inserted into the software used on All Digital Vote Counting Machines?

>>11805591, >>11805666 5 more ways Biden magically outperformed in elections

>>11805609 Michael Flynn Thanks ‘Every Single Patriot Who Circled Me with Prayers’

>>11805611, >>11805616, >>11805617, >>11805619 George Washington's Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior

>>11805651 National Math and Reading Tests Postponed to 2022 – They Want to Hide How Much Students Have Fallen Due To Draconian COVID Rules

>>11805657 President Trump Announces Rally in Georgia on Saturday Night – December 5th

>>11805660 Trump Admin Removes Globalists and Warhawks from Defense Policy Board and Dopey Madeleine Albright

>>11805698 Vermont Governor Directs Schools To Interrogate Students About Their Family’s Thanksgiving Activities

>>11805733 Korean Translation of Chinese Ballot printing video

>>11805863 Also fired from the Defense Policy Board is Jane Harman, trustee of Aspen Institute.

>>11805912 Trump is just now getting into Beast Mode.

>>11805924 Next-gen James Murdoch joins the fight against fake news

>>11805977 Swiss politicians have voiced outrage and demanded an investigation after revelations that a second Swiss encryption company was allegedly used by the CIA

>>11806002 The New Jersey Voting-machine Lawsuit and the AVC Advantage DRE Voting Machine

>>11806053 Check this out ALL THE NAMES INVOLVED (Massachusetts)

>>11806082, >>11806088 JAMES and Kathryn Murdoch RANKED CHOICE VOTING

>>11806095 New Flynn

>>11806114 The Truth will always be in the EYE of the beholder

>>11806143 #15069

Anonymous ID: bbcc00 Nov. 27, 2020, 12:25 p.m. No.11809793   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>11806148 Q Research General #15070: Mourning Son Brings Heat Edition

>>11806238 a Q hit piece from 2 days ago worthy of ripping and the linux tools to do it

>>11806245, >>11806252, >>11806260, >>11806267, >>11806274, >>11806281, >>11806389 REBELLION DEFENSE - ERIC SCHMIDT Pentagon, Special Operations, Kissinger (May 2020)


>>11806373, >>11806376, >>11806392 The Great Barrington Declaration: Thirty Five Thousand Doctors WW Sign to End Lockdowns Anons Know What to do!

>>11806407 anon opines and digs on alternate Durham as Duke University COVID Wuhan virus connection

>>11806409 States that the amount of deaths year over year are similar and it's possible they are miscatagorizing deaths. Article pulled later.

>>11806435, >>11806441 Kissinger and Eric Schmidt, 2013 and 2015 vidyas

>>11806446 Lin Wood hearing in 11th circuit at 3:30 EST today. The hearing is for injunctive relief.

>>11806457 new DJT on gab, "Numbers don’t lie, or add up!"

>>11806461 as invited, anon opines on the epic of Gilgamesh, the anti-hero.

>>11806468, >>11806477, >>11806488 ELECTRONIC VOTING IN GEORGIA article from july 2017

>>11806475 “President Trump nominates record number of Federal Judges.” @OANN

>>11806483 What the Election Will Come Down To

>>11806487 From Dominon Voting Systems to Covid19 treatment

>>11806492 Helped Set Up Drop Boxes and Promoted Far Left Activists as Absentee Ballot Counters

>>11806498 DJT: Twitter bans highly respected Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano after he did a great job of leading a hearing on the 2020 Election fraud.

>>11806580 ‘KRAKEN CENSORED’ Twitter ‘BLOCKS “potentially harmful” links to explosive lawsuits filed by Trump’s fired lawyer Sidney Powell’

>>11806591 Digging into CA Election Equipment yesterday, and noticed a company called Democracy Live.

>>11806622, >>11806628 Statement from Dominion on Sidney Powell's Charges (Nothing to see here. Humor in bold.)

>>11806639 Iranian media reporting that Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi, the father of the Iranian nuclear program, has been assassinated.

>>11806715 anon opines on Pompeo's Dog Tweet at 7:02, Comms that they got the goods?

>>11806751 anon opines COVID-19 is a re-run of AIDS in terms of manipulating counts and categories

>>11806763 a rare For The Keks: Labour Candidate: If Covid Vaccine Isn’t Vegan It Breaches My Human Rights Laws

>>11806797 Ric Grenell to Newsmax TV: Transparency Showed Flynn Case 'Overblown'

>>11806802 A/SD Chris Miller landed in Qatar yesterday

>>11806833 Abrams attended her first Bilderberg conference in 2019

>>11806870 King v. Whitmer (2:20-cv-13134) PDFs

>>11806882 Worth a scroll over on half chan

>>11806895 Seems the info is in the hands of POTUS and team???

>>11806927 #15070

Anonymous ID: bbcc00 Nov. 27, 2020, 12:26 p.m. No.11809798   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>11806935 Q Research General #15071: When Gilgamesh Did Bilderberg WIth Stacy Abrams In 2019 Edition

>>11807025 anon opines on multiple meanings

>>11807026 Schmidt departs as chairman of Defense Innovation Board (Sept. 15 2020)

>>11807044 December 3 concert to raise money for the two Democrat candidates for U.S. Senate that face a runoff election on January 5.

>>11807045 Judicial Watch has filed an official complaint with the Office of Congressional Ethics about Rep. Ilhan Omar potential violations of law. (link to petition, You Know What To Do Anons)

>>11807059 New DJTs, incl.: Yesterday’s news conference being broadcast in full now on @Newsmax

>>11807063 strange spike in incomplete NV voter reg fiiles, casinos and RV parks used as addresses

>>11807066 U.N. Seeks ‘New Social Norms,’ Declares Itself a ‘Trusted’ Coronavirus News Source

>>11807075 anon opines: If anyone was gonna be behind a bug on electronic voting systems meet suspects 1 and 2; This from 1998 article

>>11807102 Doctors in China jailed for harvesting organs from patients

>>11807128 How the hell did Newsmax get a feed of POTUS yesterday without the "glitches" if it was the pool feed like Faux claimed?

>>11807177, >>11807192 Schmidt and Defense Innovation Board…Did Schmidt bug the electronic vote?

>>11807212 Cher in Pakistan to help ‘world’s loneliest elephant’

>>11807240 Buried under a Serbian cornfield, Roman military headquarters slowly sheds its secrets

>>11807248 all 900 military ballots in Fulton County, GA went to Biden?

>>11807261 anon opines on 2 U.S. senator election scheduled for 05 Jan. 2021 in Georgia.

>>11807273 Big drop last night points us to dig on Rebellion Defense and the founding investors Schmidt, Klein, James Murdoch

>>11807289, >>11807322 DJT “ALL NEWLY REBUILT MILITARY” retweets Scavino 17 second video of F35

>>11807301 O’Brien: ‘There Are More’ Israel Peace Deals Coming

>>11807318 PA Data Scientist: I "Personally Observed" USB Cards "Uploaded to Voting Machines" "Over 24 Times"

>>11807324 Join 35,000+ Doctors and 650,000+ People World Wide in Speaking out

>>11807338 Twitter is censoring this old video of CNN actually covering Smartmatic and the corrupt Chavez election back in the day

>>11807346, >>11807393 DJT retweets Scavino lion and jackals vidya "So much truth!"

>>11807398 "Exhibit #6 Affiant: Jessica Connarn Told to backdate ballots"

>>11807420 Fox News is threatening their regular guests to NOT go on @newsmaxnow

>>11807421 anon continues Katie Hobbs digg to Sojourner Center

>>11807427, >>11807475, >>11807612 DJT r/t NYT about Iran's Top Nuclear Scientist Killed In Attack

>>11807496 Chris Kreb on 60 minutes I stand by my call, Most secure election in history

>>11807498, >>11807521 Good Morning Kevin McCullough @KMCRadio Booms

>>11807523 New DJT wrt Biden's unsolvable problem

>>11807528, >>11807614 Todd Park, Eric Schmidt, "U.S. Digital Service"

>>11807550 USMC on Field Radios

>>11807576, >>11807583 "Exhibit 105 has to be the most incredible attachment to a lawsuit ever filed in the history of America’s legal system."

>>11807676 USMC: 70th anniversary of the Battle of Chosin Reservoir

>>11807690 #15071