Anonymous ID: c1dad5 Nov. 23, 2020, 2:10 a.m. No.11748852   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD >>11741587 Q Research General #14988: Ebake Cheqt Edition

>>11741659 Emergency lockdown of Shanghai Pudong Airport for mandatory test on CCP virus

>>11741665 How Does Trump Get A Negative Batch Ratio Count And Biden Is Over 100%

>>11741666 Nigeria Threatens to Sanction CNN over Protest Coverage

>>11741673, >>11741679, >>11741730, >>11741738, >>11741745 anon notes and commentary on Russell Ramsland election fraud briefing

>>11741677 Michael Steel is a paid liar.

>>11741681 Trump administration revives talk of action on birthright citizenship

>>11741699 18 Pages of ES&S: 1998-2004

>>11741726 Here is the script being handed out by the Wisconsin GOP to get ballots thrown out during the recount.


>>11741785 Wisconsin Officials Accuse Trump Observers Of Obstructing Recount

>>11741932 Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests ‘Unreliable’ & Quarantines ‘Unlawful’

>>11741994 Man Arrested in Deadly Attack at Nebraska Sonic Restaurant

>>11742007 pf

>>11742083 Trust in elections plunges 43 points in a month

>>11742099 Anon Decode: SIGNATURES ARE IMPORTANT

>>11742101 BREAKING REPORT: The FBI Is NOT INVESTIGATING Any Voter Fraud Claims in the 2020 Presidential Election…

>>11742102 Analyst says absentee ballots already key to Georgia runoffs

>>11742105 Specific examples of the "Ghost Army" are detailed in the bill. Among them:

>>11742117 Trump slams the Paris Climate Accord and says it was designed to destroy the American economy

>>11742166 Two charged in Los Angeles for submitting thousands of fraudulent voter registration applications

>>11742174 Symbolism = END.

>>11742195 Voter Fraud 2020 | Sorted by State

>>11742238 Harris (and Padilla) worked with Soros front so Californians could ‘vote safe’

>>11742271 #14988, #14989, #14990

Anonymous ID: c1dad5 Nov. 23, 2020, 2:10 a.m. No.11748853   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD >>11742322 Q Research General #14989: Sundays day of rest and GOD Edition

>>11742398, >>11742517, >>11742529, >>11742581, >>11742605, >>11742618 ,>>11742710, , Trump campaign legal team clarifys Sidney Powell is not on POTUS legal team

>>11742457 THE UNITED NATIONS listed as the major funder of SMARTMATIC voting machines

>>11742474, >>11742564, >>11742571 , ANON Calling it now — Sidney Powell IS Durham. The Trump legal team statement makes no sense otherwise.

>>11742509, >>11742512 , QSnatch

>>11742526 Jenna Ellis Eyes on this 2016 Negative Statement About Trump supporters

>>11742542 POTUS stated that Sidney Powell was representing him on the 15th of November 2020

>>11742577 Kracken Op: Infiltration of Enemy Ops during E2020 Fraud

>>11742589 DARK TO LIGHT General Flynn 2 hours ago

>>11742641 Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says "Second Wave" Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, "Pandemic is Over"

>>11742664, >>11742673, >>11742772, >>11742776 ,(OLD NEWS)UK Dominic Raab First Secretary of State admits live on air that all Restrictions & Lockdowns are Based on a PCR Test that has a False Positive number of between 90% & 93%

>>11742693 FLASHBACK: Lou Dobbs on CNN in 2006: Smartmatic Based in Venezuela Sold to Sequoia, Top Officials Still in Venezuela, Before Sale to Dominion

>>11742760 Byron York tweet - Rudy implies or states that Sidney Powell is part of the legal team.

>>11742799 MELANIA TRUMP FLOTUS Since 1966, the arrival of the White House Christmas Tree has become an iconic holiday tradition. This year’s tree, a lovely 18 1/2 foot Fraser Fir from Dan and Bryan Trees of West Virginia, will arrive tomorrow at the White house North Portico

>>11742849 Be on the watch for Dominion cannon is loaded & will blow up in Judge Brann's court, as well as the newest findings of thousands early & absentee votes cast by voters whose registered addresses are actually POB's disguised

>>11742881 Oregon Gov. Kate Brown urges residents to call cops on shutdown violators

>>11742896 RE: SIDNEY POWELL

>>11742956, >>11743008, >>11743050 , Charles Voyde Harrelson (July 23, 1938 – March 15, 2007)

>>11742982 Liberal law prof calls out Michigan Dem AG for 'abusive use of criminal code' over vote certification drama

>>11743055 “KRAKEN” is a CIA Hacking Program

>>11743099 #14989,

Anonymous ID: c1dad5 Nov. 23, 2020, 2:10 a.m. No.11748854   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD >>11743126 Q Research General #14990: Clarification of Sidney Powell, Interdasting Edition

>>11743191 Jack Flynn The statement tonight was a simple clarification of Sidney Powell's role

>>11743203 ANON THEORY, If MI AG Nesser was exploring avenues to sue the trump administration for inquires with election officials, Powell is not past of the Trump admiration and is therefor exempt could be a reason for the clarification from POTUS team

>>11743207, >>11743378 , Durham is not the only game in town


>>11743247 (2016) Trump proxy Roger Stone to publish book alleging the Clintons murdered John F. Kennedy Jr. to jump-start Hillary's rise to the White House

>>11743250, >>11743364 , Anon theory If Sidney doesn’t work for Trump, and never has directly as confirmed today, then she must be working for someone or something much BIGGER THAN TRUMP

>>11743252 HIT PIECE Trump Campaign Cuts Ties With Lawyer Sidney Powell Who Promoted Wild Election Fraud Conspiracy Theories

>>11743284 Passengers spend night on Baltic Sea ferry that ran aground

>>11743293, >>11743303 , WHO recommends against the use of remdesivir in COVID-19 patients

>>11743294 GOP Rep. Collins: ‘I’m About Tired’ of Stacey Abrams, False Claims of Voter Suppression

>>11743318 ANON thoughts Lin Wood isn't "on the official team" either, neither is Mark Levin

>>11743359 Lin Wood Sidney Powell & I are more alike than we are different. We are fighting different legal battles for the same clients - We The People. The People voted overwhelmingly to re-elect Donald Trump All interests are aligned.

>>11743365, >>11743497 , Clinton's The Delian Project updates pictures of their Key Leadership

>>11743383 Collins: Conservative Georgia voters have 'got to' vote in runoffs

>>11743390 Kamala Harris

>>11743405 Elephant Rescued After Falling Into A Well In Indian Village

>>11743422 SCOTUS blog

>>11743431, >>11743517 , The Kraken awakens and does not sleep till the the job is done.


>>11743561 Sidney Powell NOT on Trump’s legal team according to White House

>>11743564 Barack Obama Makes TikTok Debut By 'Passing' Memoir Over To Fans In New Trend [Watch]

>>11743614 Californians Defy Gov. Newsom Curfew Order, Flood Streets in 16 Cities

>>11743615 ANON FINDS Might be something who knows. On Sidney Powell's twitter her pinned tweet has Lin Woods twitter username misspelled

>>11743653 Clock Fag

>>11743676 Tom Fitton on why Sidney Powell had to be outside the system (Cap)

>>11743848 John Bolton: "There is no Trumpism – the man does not have a philosophy

>>11743881 #14990

Anonymous ID: c1dad5 Nov. 23, 2020, 2:10 a.m. No.11748857   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD >>11743891 Q Research General #14991: ALL interests are ALINGNED Edition

>>11743980 There are no coincidences. Everything is planned. Lin Wood

>>11743982 Anon theory

>>11743997, >>11744002, >>11744003, >>11744013, >>11744027 , GENERAL FLYNN, Sidney Powell has been suspended from Twitter for 12 hours

>>11744014 Saved the puppy from getting eaten by an alligator and never dropped his cigar, a true legend

>>11744026 Robert F. Kennedy Jr: COVID19 Vaccine Should Be Avoided At All Cost

>>11744060 No pardons. No deals. White House turkey's 2020 Suggestions for names from Anon

>>11744073 The Boss is telling us no worries

>>11744155 Corn and Cob?

>>11744181 Statement from Sidney Powell via CBS News

>>11744184 Sidney Is Staying the Course to Prove the Massive Deliberate Election Fraud” – Attorney Sidney Powell Suspended by Twitter — Releases Statement and Signs Off #KrakenOnSteroids

>>11744222 Counterinsurgency may be defined as ‘comprehensive civilian and military efforts taken to simultaneously defeat and contain insurgency and address its root causes’.

>>11744291 Fox News loses important in 25-54 Demographic ratings to CNN for Thursday, November 19th

>>11744309 Sidney Powell is spearheading This is in part why she is separate from Pres Trump’s defense.

>>11744327 Military and civilian working together as a counter insurgency. Q post 4363

>>11744352 In The Tall Grass

>>11744368 GOP Governor To Trump: ‘Stop Golfing And Concede’

>>11744403 Joseph J Flynn Retweeted BardsFM

>>11744409 Fuck off Mustache, Washington war hawk John Bolton urges top Republicans to call out Trump’s ‘INEXCUSABLE’ behavior in challenging election result

>>11744429 Joseph J Flynn Statement from our team….it’s all good multiple vectors .. Sidney has never taken a dime from the Trump legal team … she has a strategy and it will work

>>11744463 Cohen retweet

>>11744504 Flynn Jr confirming Sidney separation is for legal defense fund - ie a protective legal maneuver.

>>11744594 Prince William and Kate's dead dog announcement

>>11744619 SIDNEY Powell and her continuing list/documentation of election felonies

>>11744652 Loud and clear

>>11744660 #14991, #14992,

Anonymous ID: c1dad5 Nov. 23, 2020, 2:10 a.m. No.11748858   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD >>11744663 Q Research General #14992: Sidney Powell is Kraken On Steroids 2020 Edition

>>11744725 CALL TO DIGG Dominion poll worker training video Democracy Suite for digging

>>11744748 One expert says there are 100,000 uncounted Trump votes in this contested state

>>11744752 Galatians 6:9

>>11744760 Sidney's last tweet, which was removed, was a link to an article linking Soros and China to dominion

>>11744762, >>11744834 , DO NOT post this to twitter or you will get your account locked

>>11744796 TRUST THE PLAN

>>11744813 Anon Breaks down PA decision and path to SCOTUS

>>11744831 U.S. departed the Treaty on Open Skies on Sunday

>>11744832 U.S. Marines Never forget

>>11744848 Sidney Powell is being paid ONLY by donations from the American People

>>11744855, >>11745208 , Joe Biden's secret phone call to download and share

>>11744856 Neil Degrass Tyson doing 10:10 comms?

>>11744867 Who created and developed the software used in the voting machines sold by the merged Dominion/Sequoia entity? Who controls the code?

>>11744940 Attorney Sidney Powell Suspended by Twitter — Releases Statement and Signs Off #KrakenOnSteroids

>>11744951 Dominion Voting Systems shared office is INCUBATOR for radical left-wing organizations

>>11744997 NOV 9 A Military Police soldier with talks about his experience during active shooter training at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Hohenfels, Germany

>>11745016 Sidney Powell trending for keks

>>11745044 Report: LA County Restricting Indoor/Outdoor Dining Thanksgiving Eve

>>11745078 Sequoia Voting System: How To Script Votes

>>11745080 The American media dub her "the steel magnolia". Mrs Fang Chinese entrepreneur

>>11745090 Chris Christie slams Trump's legal team, says they're a 'national embarrassment': 'Outrageous conduct'

>>11745096 WH trolling the enemy again just for fun…before SP blows them up representing "We The People"

>>11745172 Flynn team calls-out Grifters: Jordan Schachtel, Ryan Saavedra, and Tim Pool

>>11745196 What if Lupi is referring to Prince Andrew. Lots of “wolf” related articles out there

>>11745221 Explanation on Sidney Powell

>>11745256 New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy confronted while having dinner with his maskless family

>>11745300 pb, PF

>>11745309 Sidney Powell Blowing Up Georgia Vote Fraud Is The New Sherman's March Metaphor For Deep State Destruction

>>11745328 Smartmatic Lied: Lord Mark Malloch Brown Admitted to License Agreement Between Smartmatic and Dominion in 2015 Interview (VIDEO)

>>11745343 They call her 'Big Mike' for a reason.

>>11745365 Report: Al Sharpton’s Charity Paid Relatives over $80K in 2019

>>11745395 #14992

Anonymous ID: c1dad5 Nov. 23, 2020, 2:10 a.m. No.11748859   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD >>11745401 Q Research General #14993: Smartmatic Lied: Lord Mark Malloch Brown Admitted to License Agreement Ed

>>11745505, >>11745506, >>11746050 , The link Between Dominion, Sequoia, Smartmatic, and the CCP

>>11745527 'You Can Lie Remotely': Russian MFA Spokeswoman Zakharova Piques NYT Headhunt in Moscow

>>11745532 The reason why Sidney Powell had her twitter locked for 12 hours ?

>>11745542 LEAKED Dominion Voting Systems Training Videos (11/18/2020)

>>11745544 DPS Crew Discovers Mysterious Monolith From Air In Remote Utah Wilderness

>>11745547 This link gets you immediately banned on twitter for posting

>>11745552, >>11745637, >>11745672, >>11745815, >>11745869, >>11746121 , PF

>>11745555 Here's a screencap. They're autobanning the word Soros and Dominion


>>11745570 MD Gov. Larry Hogan: "We were the most respected country with respect to elections – and now we're beginning to look like we're a banana republic… I'm embarrassed."

>>11745641, >>11745681 , 10th Amendment, Everything in the text of the Constitution carries meaning.

>>11745643 The software used is called Dominion Voting Systems which is a derivative of Smartmatic. It is in 30 states.

>>11745644 Why does the media ban you if you talk about George Soros?

>>11745693 SIDNEY POWELL agrees with White House, she's not Trump's lawyer

>>11745723 Is dominion admitting to being connected to the innerwebs while votes are being tabulated?

>>11745734, >>11745755, >>11745774 , Pelosi Busted Sneaking $350M for 50 Richest Zip Codes into COVID Relief Bill

>>11745744 Pastebin of the GNews article -

>>11745760 Looks a lot like a search pattern…

>>11745783 The link Between Dominion, Sequoia, Smartmatic, and the CCP

>>11745807 Billionaire George Soros Gives Whopping $50M to Help Biden and Other Dems Win US Elections

>>11745836 Sen. Blackburn: ‘Now is the time’ for Trump to present evidence of fraud in court

>>11745871, >>11745958 , Sequoia Capital China, They are into a little bit of everything

>>11745922 Dershowitz: Trump Has ‘Two or Three Legal Constitutional Paths’ — ‘I Don’t Think that the Election Is Going to Be Reversed’

>>11746007 Interesting New Lawsuit Filed In Pennsylvania State Court by Pennsylvania GOP Challenging Legality of Vote-By-Mail

>>11746059, >>11746099 , General Flynn, Democrats Do Drama – We Need to Stay Resolved, Disciplined, and Driven

>>11746158 #14993

Anonymous ID: c1dad5 Nov. 23, 2020, 2:11 a.m. No.11748861   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD >>11746171 Q Research General #14994: Stay Resolved, Disciplined, and Driven Edition

>>11746271, >>11746283, >>11746303, >>11746315, >>11746334, >>11746341, >>11746350, >>11746363, >>11746372 SIDNEY LINK TO http://G.NEW.ORG ABOUT SOROS AND SMARTMATIC

>>11746275 A few questions for General Flynn

>>11746286 How the Insurrection Act and Militia Act Empower Trump to Cast the Die


>>11746335, >>11746386 Statement From Sidney Powell

>>11746342 Democrats Do Drama – We Need to Stay Resolved, Disciplined, and Driven

>>11746354, >>11746375 eq. affiliation


>>11746415 Kenyan cops crack down on 'online cartel' that lured young girls into 'orgies'

>>11746417 US Navy Rear Admiral Reportedly Makes Unannounced Visit to Taiwan

>>11746466 WHO Director Dr. Tedros Moves the COVID-19 Goalposts Right Off the Playing Field

>>11746481, >>11746655, >>11746741 PF

>>11746510 Smartmatic was recently investigated for election fraud committed in Argentina:

>>11746512 DOMINION LINKEDIN / 25 Files / 15 Original

>>11746521 Brian Newby signed that shit. What is this 2005 business.

>>11746522 "evidence" of fraud in Washington state's election for Governor.

>>11746539 Trump administration pulls out of Open Skies Treaty with Russia

>>11746554 Georgia BOMBSHELL Analysis - BIDEN takes MINIMUM 98% of a 23,487 vote batch at 12:18AM - Impossible!

>>11746632 John K. Singlaub

>>11746647, >>11746662 In 2020, there were over 200,000 request of "indefinitely confined status" absentee ballots due to covid.

>>11746677 Statement from Soros Fund Management on Palantir Investment

>>11746755 Dr Michael Yeadon says second wave of covid is false.

>>11746770 POTUS TWEET

>>11746839 Sidney Powell had to separate herself from the Trump campaign because what she is investigating is now deemed a matter of national security.

>>11746944 #14994

Anonymous ID: c1dad5 Nov. 23, 2020, 2:11 a.m. No.11748862   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD >>11746955 Q Research General #14995: Midnight Research Edition Edition

>>11747036, >>11747183 Theory on Rudi and Powell

>>11747037 POTUS TWEET

>>11747124 Coronavirus tests ordered by Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan in April from South Korea turn out to have been flawed

>>11747145 Gov. Inslee: Washington can’t meet ‘urgent and dire’ COVID needs without federal aid

>>11747161 POTUS Schedule for MONDAY - November 23, 2020

>>11747206, >>11747226, >>11747531 “Islam is a political ideology” that “hides behind the notion of it being a religion,”

>>11747212 2020 General Election Early Vote Statistics

>>11747286 Exclusive: War Hero Urges AG Barr to Dismiss Charges Against Gen. Michael Flynn

>>11747288, >>11747321 Clear Design Administrators Guide


>>11747340 COVID / WHO / WUHAN LAB info

>>11747344 he pdf CM said to save show up in WH visitor logs. 2012-2016

>>11747387 Washington Voter Fraud Tracking

>>11747390 Beijing-Controlled News Outlet Paid US Newspapers Millions To Publish Propaganda This Year

>>11747414 FBI Investigating "Orgasmic Meditation" Company For Sex Trafficking, Prostitution, & Violation Of Labor Laws

>>11747428 Top Pentagon adviser says ‘Israeli lobby’ funds officials who want war

>>11747484 Flynn interviews Trump at Virginia Beach, September 6, 2016


>>11747538 Clear Ballot "controls" king county (Seattle's elections)

>>11747594 Dan Scavino Tweets (bideo)

>>11747614 Strengthening readiness with dynamic force employment


>>11747668, >>11747738 This was Sidney Powell's last post

>>11747669 Twitter anon posted Lou Dobbs covering Smartmatic scandal in 2006, when he was on CNN.

>>11747735 Richard Brand and Ilya Shapiro at CATO Institute

>>11747745 #14995

Anonymous ID: c1dad5 Nov. 23, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.11752778   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD >>11746955 Q Research General #14995: Midnight Research Edition Edition

>>11747036, >>11747183 Theory on Rudi and Powell

>>11747037 POTUS TWEET

>>11747124 Coronavirus tests ordered by Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan in April from South Korea turn out to have been flawed

>>11747145 Gov. Inslee: Washington can’t meet ‘urgent and dire’ COVID needs without federal aid

>>11747161 POTUS Schedule for MONDAY - November 23, 2020

>>11747206, >>11747226, >>11747531 “Islam is a political ideology” that “hides behind the notion of it being a religion,”

>>11747212 2020 General Election Early Vote Statistics

>>11747286 Exclusive: War Hero Urges AG Barr to Dismiss Charges Against Gen. Michael Flynn

>>11747288, >>11747321 Clear Design Administrators Guide


>>11747340 COVID / WHO / WUHAN LAB info

>>11747344 he pdf CM said to save show up in WH visitor logs. 2012-2016

>>11747387 Washington Voter Fraud Tracking

>>11747390 Beijing-Controlled News Outlet Paid US Newspapers Millions To Publish Propaganda This Year

>>11747414 FBI Investigating "Orgasmic Meditation" Company For Sex Trafficking, Prostitution, & Violation Of Labor Laws

>>11747428 Top Pentagon adviser says ‘Israeli lobby’ funds officials who want war

>>11747484 Flynn interviews Trump at Virginia Beach, September 6, 2016


>>11747538 Clear Ballot "controls" king county (Seattle's elections)

>>11747594 Dan Scavino Tweets (bideo)

>>11747614 Strengthening readiness with dynamic force employment


>>11747668, >>11747738 This was Sidney Powell's last post

>>11747669 Twitter anon posted Lou Dobbs covering Smartmatic scandal in 2006, when he was on CNN.

>>11747735 Richard Brand and Ilya Shapiro at CATO Institute

>>11747745 #14995

Anonymous ID: c1dad5 Nov. 23, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.11752784   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD >>11747747 Q Research General #14996: Patriot's Worldwide Edition

>>11747786 Putin Says He's Not Ready To Recognize Biden As US President.

>>11747798 USSS TWAT :55 SEC VID

>>11747816, >>11747822, >>11747842, >>11747903 Election Administration at State and Local Levels

>>11747820 The Banned Link

>>11747833, >>11747834, >>11747936 Michael Steel





>>11747908 Philly Bans All Indoor Gatherings Unless You're Still Counting Biden Votes

>>11747911 Great Transition video

>>11747932, >>11747969 Dig Request

>>11747943 Based

>>11747950 Republican Business Interests Separate From Sidney Powell…

>>11747967 Airbnb Executive Resigned Last Year Over Chinese Request for More Data Sharing

>>11747972 NEW FLYNN Statement from Sidney Powell to We the People

>>11748005 PF

>>11748138 Facebook image to text filter defeated ( link image for circulation -fire at will!)

>>11748156 Dominion Patents includes ERIC COMMER

>>11748201 Democrats Do Drama – We Need to Stay Resolved, Disciplined, and Driven

>>11748209 Gov. Newsom, family in quarantine after exposure to COVID-19

>>11748240, >>11748285 Why were COVID-19 domains being purchased before September 2019?

>>11748257 Has Moscow been secretly microwaving our spies for years?

>>11748328 Lin Wood on Judge Jeanine

>>11748395 Key individuals at Dominion are associated with the Carlyle Group

>>11748545 #14996

Anonymous ID: c1dad5 Nov. 23, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.11752789   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD >>11748547 Q Research General #14997: Dodge This Edition

>>11748656 "Pandemic is Over" - Former Pfizer Chief Science Officer Says "Second Wave" Faked On False-Positive COVID Tests

>>11748671 Flashback: HBO's John Oliver called electronic voting machines 'completely insane' in 2019

>>11748675, >>11748770, >>11748788, >>11748810 Notable Republicans in WEF Young Leaders

>>11748676 Michael Flynn Jr. Releases More Information on Trump Team’s Sidney Powell Statement — And It’s NOT What You Think

>>11748699 Smartmatic Lied: Lord Mark Malloch Brown Admitted to License Agreement Between Smartmatic and Dominion in 2015 Interview

>>11748700, >>11748704 , Carlyle Group

>>11748714, >>11748965 In-Q-Tel: A New Partnership Between the CIA and the Private Sector (1999)

>>11748750 Trump’s Maneuvers Won’t Handcuff Biden (comms?)

>>11748757 Let the games begin! Donald Trump releases the Kraken

>>11748787 ‘Freedom Pass, Please’: Boris to Introduce Covid Passports as More Lockdowns Loom (multipass keks)

>>11748803 Trump Campaign Appeals Dismissal of Pennsylvania Lawsuit

>>11748855 Making sense of the news about Sidney Powell

>>11748856 How to share the Link that Shall Not Be Named withtout getting the ban-hammer

>>11748875 Fla. Police Announce More Than 170 People Arrested In Two Year Effort To Combat Child Porn, Trafficking

>>11748882 2006: Democracy for Sale: Electronic Voting Machines malfunction

>>11748895 Lets go deeper, dig into the names of the carlyle group…

>>11748908 Rogoff involved with children in Alaska, married to CEO of Carlyle group, and hosted dinner for Barry Obama. Might be a pedovore.

>>11748913 Former Harvard Fencing Coach Accused Of Taking $1.5 Million To Secure Admission For Students

>>11748921, >>11748931 Michael Kratsios also a member of WEF's Young Leaders

>>11748985 ‘One kind of fraud’: Biden won thousands of illegal votes by noncitizens, study shows

>>11748995, >>11749034 California Public Employees’ Retirement System Owned Carlyle as Minority 'strategic' investors prior to 2012


>>11749043 Hillary Clinton is set to be the featured attraction at the private equity firm The Carlyle Group’s investor conference (2016)

>>11749131, >>11749132 PA mail in voting challenge. Illegal because it violated State Constitution

>>11749326 Graphic: potus BIG leads when voting stopped.

>>11749375 #14997

Anonymous ID: c1dad5 Nov. 23, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.11752793   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD >>11749377 Q Research General #14998: Digital Camo For Digital Soldiers Edition

>>11749424 Reporter Carl Bernstein names 21 GOP senators who 'repeatedly expressed extreme contempt for Trump'

>>11749460, >>11749465 Netanyahu flew to secret meeting with Saudi crown prince

>>11749468 Hunter Biden’s Tattoo Shows “666” Anti-Christ Symbol

>>11749478 Canada police conduct under microscope in witness testimony for Huawei CFO's U.S. extradition case

>>11749509 @RealDonaldTrump had the votes to win but vote totals changed by unprecedented counting AFTER Election Day.

>>11749539 Black Rifle Coffee outted themselves by disavowing support for Kyle Rittenhouse and for self defense.

>>11749554 Anons interested in how to destroy positive thought inertia, look closely at this technique.

>>11749582, >>11749602, >>11749663 Dominion Block Diagram.

>>11749650 Biden to Name Russia Hoaxer, CNN Analyst Tony Blinken Secretary of State

>>11749653, >>11749662 AMAZON ELECTION SERVICES.

>>11749665 Turns out Fake News was colluding with AND BEING PAID BY Chinese communists.

>>11749778, >>11749809, >>11749823 satire, or fake, or any serve-able sauce on Soros' supposed arrest?

>>11749791 anon opine: As the election fraud picture becomes clearer by the day, which entities are most at risk of being dismantled/destroyed by revelations of The Plan?

>>11749814 help anon dig on MI recount, audit, election law

>>11749875 Nine #Australian soldiers have taken their own lives in the space of three weeks amid an inquiry into war crimes in #Afghanistan.

>>11749876 anon reminds doubters that spelling matters

>>11749903, >>11749925, >>11749968 3 Minutes and holding 7 Minutes and HOLDING DOUBLE CAMO

>>11749905 reminder to watch Bannon's Warroom at 10 AM EST

>>11750023 anon opines on Barnes Law

>>11750080 Quantifying Illegal Votes Cast by Non-Citizens in the Battleground States of the 2020 Presidential Election

>>11750090 @USArmy “When I look through IVAS I see how we're going to fight on the battlefield of the future.”

>>11750136 anon opines as to #KrakenOnSteroids

>>11750153 #14998

Anonymous ID: c1dad5 Nov. 23, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.11752796   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD >>11750168 Q Research General #14999: chatty cathys filling out the thread, nobody saying shit Edition

>>11750506 Fear The Dragon

>>11750575, >>11750804 Wiki edits our president

>>11750738 Gen Flynn tweet decode D5

>>11750858 New Jersey Gov in Restaurant with no mask, no social distancing

Anonymous ID: c1dad5 Nov. 23, 2020, 10:43 a.m. No.11752799   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD >>11751013 Q Research General #15000: E-bake again Edition

>>11751031, >>11751036, >>11751174, >>11751189, >>11751239, >>11751363, >>11751396, >>11751400, >>11751443 @WhiteHouse: Which turkey should President Trump pardon at this year's National Thanksgiving Turkey Pardoning Ceremony—Corn or Cob?

>>11751038, >>11751449 White House Christmas Tree to be received by 1st Lady Melania Trump (video link needed)

>>11751043, >>11751266 Calling attention to the Jamestown Foundation

>>11751046 This is an election observer/whistleblower testimony from Detroit

>>11751047 Major California Donors To Urge Gov. To Pick Woman Of Color To Replace Harris

>>11751055 Dominion Software Manuals & Assesments that was on the Colorado SoS site is now bundled together here

>>11751060 There was supposed to be an unsealing of "Jane doe 1's" deposition today in the guffrie vs maxwell by 9am. but its not there yet. Lawfags?

>>11751061 Kim Klacik (R-MD7 candidate) reveals voter fraud whistleblower allegations in Maryland

>>11751066 Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement: Our Mission Statement

>>11751100 Jens Stoltenberg: Another B/W

>>11751113, >>11751395, >>11751455 Planefag Reports

>>11751252 Assault charge. Man breathing on women outside Trump golf club

>>11751415 Biden expected to tap Jake Sullivan as national security adviser, Linda Thomas-Greenfield for U.N. ambassador

>>11751430 QANTAS CEO confirms that proof that you've been vaccinated for COVID-19 will be compulsory for international air travel onboard his aircraft. #9ACA

>>11751444 @CIA Take a peek at what it is like to work at #CIA and discover how you can play a role in protecting our nation

>>11751456 @RandPaul: The DC U.S. Attorney today confirmed to me that they will not pursue an investigation of who is funding the thugs who attacked my wife and me and sent a DC police officer to the hospital

>>11751567, >>11751584 NEW: Third Circuit Court of Appeals grants expedited review for Team Trump’s appeal from Pennsylvania

>>11751625 BREAKING: Michigan Certification Could Be Delayed By GOP Canvasser

>>11751627, >>11751643, >>11751688 Dominion Digg

>>11751701 #15000

Anonymous ID: c1dad5 Nov. 23, 2020, 5:09 p.m. No.11758343   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD >>11751735 Q Research General #15001: This Election Will Determine If We're A Free Nation Edition

>>11751773 @LLinWood: I appeared on @JudgeJeanine WABC radio show. We talked election irregularities, Kyle Rittenhouse and . . . AOC

>>11751797 Facebook Helps Launch New Tech Industry Lobbying Group To Battle Anti-Monopoly Push

>>11751800 @USArmy Drill Sergeant Hayon Ju & her Soldiers salute during the playing of the national anthem at their basic combat training graduation on @OfficialFtSill

>>11751803, >>11751886, >>11751920 @Whitehouse: re: (needs link sauce)

>>11751807 Pennsylvania Republicans File Emergency Request To Block Vote Certification

>>11751821 @Clintonfdn: Amid the COVID-19 crisis, our work has expanded…Tonight, we gathered (virtually) to celebrate the work of the Foundation community — including 5 inspiring leaders

>>11751837 House Democrat Seeks Disbarment of Giuliani and 22 Trump Election Lawyers

>>11751877 Report: New York’s Democrat Attorney General Puts Pressure on Business Leaders to Coerce Trump to Concede; Talk of Withholding Donations to GOP Georgia Senate Races

>>11751891 Netanyahu Flew To Saudi Arabia For First Known Meeting With Crown Prince see #15002 Saudi denies MBS meeting with Israel's Netanyahu

>>11751902 UNICEF planning ‘mammoth operation’ to deliver 2 billion Covid-19 vaccines to 92 low-middle income countries in 2021

>>11751939 ‘Disgusting abuse’: Documentary shows mother encouraging ‘transgender’ TODDLER to announce new gender at church congregation

>>11751945 Planefag Reports

>>11751980 After Years Behind Bars, Activist Who Exposed ‘Shadow CIA’ and US Gov’t Crimes to Be Freed

>>11752039 Sidney Powell links to series of tweets by Pasquale "Pat" Scopelliti @ThyConsigliori Here is a pdf of them and the link

>>11752071 Sidney Powell Agrees She Is Not Part of Trump Legal Team, Says Lawsuit Coming This Week: ‘It Will Be Epic’

>>11752093 UN accuses Japan of ‘extrajudicial abuse’ in arrest of former Nissan boss Carlos Ghosn

>>11752123 German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas is meeting his French and British counterparts in Berlin today for talks focussing on the #nuclear deal with #Iran

>>11752134 #14999 Posted in #15001

>>11752174, >>11752187 History of Sequoia Voting Systems,Inc REPORT OVERVIEW

>>11752218 “WE WILL NOT COMPLY!” – Americans from Coast to Coast Defy COVID Orders

>>11752229, >>11752245, >>11752267, >>11752288 Is This Glitch THAT Glitch? "Glitch is the friendly community where everyone codes together

>>11752236 British Airways 747 bursts into flames at Spanish airport where it was being stored following its retirement

>>11752249 Former Secretary of State John Kerry will return to government in a new role tackling climate change, President-elect Joe Biden's transition team announced Monday

>>11752379 CALI BACK IN PLAY — California Conducted Fatally Flawed Election In 53 of 58 Counties

>>11752419 #15001

Anonymous ID: c1dad5 Nov. 23, 2020, 5:09 p.m. No.11758345   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD >>11752514 Q Research General #15002: The Establishment Has Trillions Of $ At Stake In This Election Edition

>>11752563 @TheJusticeDept": Fifteen Members and Associates of Philadelphia La Cosa Nostra Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges

>>11752570 @TheJusticeDept: Florida and Tennessee Pain Clinic Owner Extradited from Italy to the United States to Face RICO Charges

>>11752571 Statement From Sidney Powell "STATEMENT FROM SIDNEY POWELL TO "WE THE PEOPLE"

>>11752572, >>11752592, >>11752629, >>11752634, >>11752875, >>11752954 Planefag Reports

>>11752602 Anon bun from #15001

>>11752639 Logistics Experts: COVID-19 Marks End Of Globalization, Makes National Supply Chains Critical Infrastructure

>>11752667 LA reports 300 homicides for the first time in a DECADE as cops blame the coronavirus lockdown and cuts to the police

>>11752714 New Mexico to boost COVID-19 testing with saliva samples

>>11752831 Court arrests Dagestani police official in 2010 Moscow subway terror attack criminal case

>>11752884 If Illegitimate and Unexplained Negative Votes Were Reversed or Eliminated in Georgia, President Trump Would Easily Win the State

>>11752907, >>11752930 Blinken is ‘a friend of Israel,’ ex-officials say

>>11752929 George Soros-linked election software company lies about ties with Dominion

>>11752939, >>11753136 Maybe Rudy was pointing at KNOWINK Is that INK on Rudy's head? The election security hole everyone ignores

>>11752950 A dozen compelling allegations of voting irregularities in 2020 election

>>11752981 Dept of Justice: Fifteen Members and Associates of Philadelphia La Cosa Nostra Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges

>>11753024 Dominion Exec VP Lets It Slip: Software Switched Votes From One Candidate To Another (dcclothsline)

>>11753084 An Air Force pilot became disoriented because of reduced visibility, crashed his fighter jet off the coast of England earlier this year, U.S. Force officials said Monday

>>11753089 FBI reportedly investigating threats against Georgia election officials

>>11753105, >>11753145 NYT: Joe Biden to Nominate Alejandro Mayorkas as Homeland Security Secretary

>>11753179 Michigan Department of State / Secretary of State Michigan Board of State Canvassers LIVE

>>11753238 #15002

Anonymous ID: c1dad5 Nov. 23, 2020, 5:38 p.m. No.11758808   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD >>11753296 Q Research General #15003: We Will Face Challenges, But We Will Get The Job Done Edition

>>11753343 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Grants Expedited Review For Team Trump’s Appeal in Pennsylvania

>>11753354 Gabon’s First Family Stashed Cash in DC Property

>>11753364, >>11753651, >>11753741, >>11754086 MORE DIGGING ON SMARTMATIC…

>>11753442, >>11753547 PA GOV I guess Prohibition treats Covid?

>>11753476 twat MP4 Bidens plan to tax gun owners

>>11753481 Fox News ‘interviews’ Dominion spox Michael Steel, a former strategist for John Boehner, Paul Ryan, and Jeb! Bush

>>11753594 footface Kerry twat KERRY PANIC COMMS….MUH CLIMATE CHANGE

>>11753629 Is it aliens? Wildlife officials discover mysterious 12-foot-tall metal monolith in Utah desert

>>11753667, >>11753691 Fitton Twat on biden NSC nominee

>>11753743, >>11753853 Corona fines

>>11753782 no mash on son, arrested MP4

>>11753861, >>11753935, >>11753943 planefag

>>11753920 Pence house gets xmas trees WH TWAT

>>11754070 Oregon Governor Pushes Residents To Report Neighbors Who Break Coronavirus Lockdown Restrictions

Anonymous ID: c1dad5 Nov. 23, 2020, 5:38 p.m. No.11758811   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD >>11754138 Q Research General #15004: EBake For The Win Edition

>>11754151 U R G E N T R E Q U E S T I need identity of any GA voter who cast a MILITARY ABSENTEE BALLOT.

>>11754174, >>11754186, >>11754211 Herridge: @SenRonJohnson alleges FBI link between Flynn case + a “Miles Taylor” based on heavily redacted May 2017 FBI Director notes

>>11754175, >>11754192 WHISTLEBLOWERS: Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia

>>11754188, >>11754243, >>11754315, >>11754343, >>11754726, >>11754750 PF

>>11754195 Biden to nominate Janet Yellen as Treasury secretary

>>11754208 Anthony Fauci calls on New York to accept FDA approval of vaccine

>>11754232 Georgia Elections Officials Extend Use of Ballot Drop Boxes For January Twin Senate Runoff

>>11754251 Pennsylvania Health Secretary Dr. Levine Issues One-Night Suspension of Alcohol Sales Starting Night Before Thanksgiving

>>11754303 Miles Taylor in Wikileaks

>>11754307 House Dems Demand GSA Briefing on Ongoing Refusal to Grant Biden-Harris Team Access to Transition Resources

>>11754335 Yet another way to stop Covid

>>11754436 FBI setting up alibi???!!!

>>11754509 "They Could Not Have Chosen Better" - Hillary Clinton Endorses Biden's Foreign Policy Team

>>11754536 The pdf Code Monkey said to save show up in WH visitor logs. 2012-2016 – Obama Years. Interesting, Voting Industry ppl Show up in Whitehouse Logs !

>>11754665, >>11754867, >>11754926 Replika was founded by Luka Inc. who was originally based in Moscow but then moved to San Francisco.

>>11754720 Wayne County Clerk Admits to Committing Fraud on Camera

>>11754810, >>11754815 Anon theory

Anonymous ID: c1dad5 Nov. 23, 2020, 5:40 p.m. No.11758829   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD >>11755014 Q Research General #15005: EBake toVICTORY Edition

>>11755068 Michigan Witness and Former US Congressional Candidate Speaks Out

>>11755079 Adam Schiff: Your refusal to recognize Biden’s win will do serious long-term harm.

>>11755090 I need some help from GA Patriots.

>>11755272 Gov. Newsom And Family Go Into Isolation Following COVID-19 Exposure


>>11755404, >>11755543 Michigan election board certifies Biden win

>>11755411 ECW retweets "Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim Issues Statement Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg."

>>11755436 #15004

>>11755487 Protestors drown CNN broadcast with "CNN SUCKS" chant.

>>11755495 kek triggered woman metal

>>11755496 FLOTUS Christmas comm with and evergreen in a bag at 23 seconds long.

>>11755516 GOP senator: No indication of widespread voting irregularities, window for Trump challenges is "closing"

>>11755532 Michigan county board approves resolution in support of impeaching Whitmer

>>11755541 ‘Tony Meatballs’ among 15 mobsters busted in Philadelphia

>>11755576 Pennsylvania governor halts alcohol sales day before Thanksgiving

>>11755624 Meet Corn and Cob, turkeys vying for Trump's presidential pardon

>>11755634 Kim Jong Un’s nephew taken into protective custody by the CIA

>>11755702 "Certification by state officials is simply a 'procedural step'" - Jenna Ellis

>>11755941 Let there be light! - US Navy

>>11755959 #15003

>>11756070 #15005

Anonymous ID: c1dad5 Nov. 23, 2020, 5:40 p.m. No.11758835   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD >>11756104 Q Research General #15006: Moves And Countermoves Edition

>>11756126 Save this video before Twitter takes it down!!!

>>11756163 Sauce for GSA

>>11756181 dump of hunter's laptop (4chan)

>>11756239, >>11756469 DJT Tweet

>>11756317 Donald Trump Jr. Rips Georgia Senate Runoff Boycott

>>11756351 The Trump administration has informed President-elect Joe Biden that they are ready to begin the formal transition process, according to a letter obtained by CNN

>>11756461 Dems Threatened Govt Official, Her Family And Pets in Order to Obtain Govt Transition Funds for Biden

>>11756506 Today I welcomed the arrival of the beautiful @WhiteHouse Christmas Tree!

>>11756509 Trump scores two wins as Michigan legislature, federal appeals court agree to election reviews

>>11756529 Obama Staffers Who Joined NBC, MSNBC, and CNN, Now Headed to Biden Admin

>>11756563, >>11756593 US Election Officials - Organizations DIGG

>>11756583 Trump supporters demonstrate in California waving flags & burning face masks to protest state’s month-long Covid curfew

>>11756615 PopeFrancis holds unprecedented meeting with #NBA players to discuss #SocialJustice efforts

>>11756627 One in 20 tweets about the election now come from a QAnon account.

>>11756746 ‘Anonymous’ Anti-Trump NY Times Writer Identified as Witness in Gen. Flynn Probe: Senators

>>11756795 Anon Notable Bun

>>11756820 House Democrat Seeks Disbarment of Giuliani and 22 Trump Election Lawyers

>>11756912 Hollywood Heavyweights Including Will Smith, Mandy Moore, George Clooney, Pour Cash into Georgia Senate Runoffs

>>11757011 Every single elected person in the swamp has failed this country

>>11757083 #15007