Anonymous ID: dd68e4 Dec. 5, 2020, 1:19 a.m. No.11911714   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>11904972 Q Research General #15197: All Your Monolith Are Belong To Us

>>11905080 Harry Deal and Gov Kemp's daughter? need to verify

>>11905120 Chinese money brokers laundering Mexican drug cartel money

>>11905167 Lindsey Graham supports POTUS on termination of Section 230

>>11905172 Q's response to Elon's Dec 2017 UFO tweet

>>11905179 Juanita Broaddrick - Kemp called for signature audit after he was sure the evidence was destroyed

>>11905191 DNI Ratcliffe to Biden - It’s the greatest threat that this country has faced since World War II

>>11905197 John Durham recommends prison sentence for indicted ex special counsel and FBI lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith

>>11905216 Cynthia Herridge on Kevin Clinesmith / Durham investigation

>>11905224 Anon opines if Harrison Deal is related to former GA Gove Nathan Deal

>>11905263 Kemp appointed Loeffler against the wishes of POTUS. He did it one year ago today!

>>11905278 Lin Wood American Patriots take notice that as events unfold around you and our country in coming days:

>>11905279 Dominion Whistleblower -"I'm here in my bedroom right now. This is all the ballots for Wayne county"

>>11905324 Market Report-week ending Dec. 4th,2020

>>11905326 Harrison Deal, an aide to Kelly Loeffler killed in only what is being described as an “accident”.

>>11905338 Patrick Gaspard, ambassador in Obama Admin, is stepping down from Soros' Open Society Foundation

>>11905409 Watch as Rudy Giuliani and Army Col Phil Waldron team up to prove Election Fraud

>>11905495 Mark Levin - Letter from 76 PA State Legislature asking Congress to reject PA's electors.

>>11905574 POTUS says anon researchers on 'QResearch' basically believe in good government

>>11905620 PA lawsuit docketed at US Supreme Court - PA has until Dec 9th to reply

>>11905624 Raffensperger said counting ballots in controversial video were completely normal

>>11905626 PF Report

>>11905699 SCOTUS strikes down Newsom's CA restrictions on churches

>>11905723 #15197, #15198, #15199

Anonymous ID: dd68e4 Dec. 5, 2020, 1:19 a.m. No.11911716   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>11905766 Q Research General #15198: At The Precipice Edition

>>11905861 BlackRock Replacing Goldman Sachs As Top Financial Firm In The White House

>>11905862 "Quantum Supremacy" - China's New Supercomputer "10 Billion Times Faster" Than Google's

>>11905867 Timing of Large Georgia Ballot Dump for Biden Appears to Coincide with Mother/Daugther duo scam

>>11905871 Patriots need not fear the deepstate's thinly veiled threats of a "DARK WINTER."

>>11905878 2,596 Trades in One Term: Inside Senator Perdue’s Stock Portfolio

>>11905882 Maryland Man Pleads Guilty to Submitting False Claim to Steal Funds Intended for Afghanistan Reconstruction

>>11905894 WaPo: Media Must Shun Republicans Who Don’t Accept Biden as ‘President-Elect’

>>11905900 Biden needs written approval to talk to anybody at the Pentagon.


>>11905903 Proposed Law in Seattle Would Give Immunity for Misdemeanors to the 'Underclass'

>>11905968 Lin Wood - National Review is propaganda

>>11906002 Trump MAGA rally tomorrow

>>11906011 GEORGIA: New Videos Appear To Show Ruby Freeman, Daughter Pass USB Drive In Voting Room Full Of Boxes

>>11906032 Klinesmith article from August 2020

>>11906035 Lawsuit filed in PA…are affiliated with Thomas More society…asking Gov to withdraw certification

>>11906051 APNewsBreak: Georgia election server wiped after suit filed

>>11906052 Cringeshaw Publicly Calls Pro-Trump Critics ‘Democrats

>>11906054 Space Force looking for military or civilians

>>11906077 Lin - Wood Communist China attacked our county with biological weapon, then by trying to steal US national election.

>>11906169 GOP Senator Kelly Loeffler’s Campaign Staffer Killed in an Accident

>>11906202 Dive into the weekend, friends. Be safe. Love one another. XVIII Airborne

>>11906206 PF Report

>>11906279 How "Highly Sophisticated" Chinese Money Brokers Launder Mexican Drug Cartel Money On Burner Phones


>>11906301 Michigan State Judge orders forensic inspection of Antrim County election machines

>>11906302 SKY EVENT

>>11906369 US ‘re-positioning’ 700+ troops from Somalia on Trump’s orders, Pentagon confirms

>>11906393 DJT - See you tomorrow night at 7PM, Valdosta, Georgia!

>>11906430 FBI declares HACKERS targeting think tanks ‘shaping US policy’

>>11906477 #15198

Anonymous ID: dd68e4 Dec. 5, 2020, 1:20 a.m. No.11911718   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>11906501 Q Research General #15199: Warning Arkancide is Closer Than it Appears in Mirror Edition

>>11906542, >>11906616 D5

>>11906575 Harrison Deal - "Someone's going to get killed"

>>11906596 GOP Rep. Cloud says Justice, FBI putting up 'roadblocks' in efforts to verify voter fraud

>>11906610, >>11906689, >>11906862, >>11907250 pf

>>11906622, >>11906624 Carrier Air Wing Seventeen (US Navy)

>>11906626 From the Flynn Tweet

>>11906629 The 2020 White House Advent Calendar is LIVE! Christmas tree

>>11906630 UN: "2021 is literally going to be catastrophic"

>>11906638 Biden: I was Buck Naked, Trying to Pull My Dog's Tail When I Broke My Foot

>>11906661, >>11906935 Obama Judge in Nevada Denies Trump Campaign’s Lawsuit – Ignores 20 Books Full of Evidence

>>11906662 Dr. Anthony Fauci accepts Joe Biden's offer to be chief medical adviser

>>11906665 After Only 15 Months (Most of Which Was AFTER We Exposed WayfairGate) Wayfair Is Closing Its Store in Massachusetts's Prize Natick Mall

>>11906673 Dems left town again without releasing the $130+ billion of unused PPP funds

>>11906688 Trump Team Has Dominion Machine from Small Georgia County – Shows Votes Flipped from Trump to Biden

>>11906691 Arizona has called for a forensic audit of Dominion software & voting machines

>>11906699 One Batch of 23,000 Ballots All For Biden Identified in Georgia That Were Fraudulent

>>11906712 Theory - Storm Coming Warning - We're Operational

>>11906717 Firm That Conducted ‘Audit’ of Georgia Voting Machines Has Long History With Dominion

>>11906731 TRUMP CAMPAIGN Files Lawsuit to Overturn Fraudulent Election in Georgia

>>11906766 China's 'AI city' to be entirely run by smart technology which will know the personal habits of residents and visitors

>>11906789 Statement on New Appointments to the Defense Business Board

>>11906819 Soros Nonprofit President Departs, Fueling Speculation About a Biden Appointment

>>11906844 North Korea publicly executes a citizen by firing squad for breaking Covid restriction rules

>>11906880 Schumer backs Biden plan to let boys shower with girls

>>11906906 EDD fraud in California is about to explode. Billions of dollars in fraud and not just money going to inmates.

>>11906908 Pro-Trump Lawyer Lin Wood Donated to Democrats for Years

>>11906930 DC Federal Judge Signals Emmet Sullivan May Challenge Flynn Pardon

>>11906954 More on the Suitcase Vote Scam, the Elections Supervisor and that Strange “Pass” Between Mother and Daughter That Was Also Caught on Video

>>11907064 Sasse Demands Investigation Into Pornhub Following Report That Pornhub ‘Is Infested With Rape Videos’

>>11907077 For the last 4+ years, the Democrats have gone scorched earth

>>11907145 EPA Forced To Study Glyphosate, Finds Pesticide Could Injure Or Kill 93% Of Endangered Species

>>11907166 Georgia Poll Worker Ruby Freeman Runs SAME BALLOTS Through Tabulation Machine MULTIPLE TIMES

>>11907257 Gen. Flynn: Election Witness in ICU, Other Witnesses Had Tires Slashed, House Broken Into Twice

>>11907276 #15199

Anonymous ID: dd68e4 Dec. 5, 2020, 1:23 a.m. No.11911730   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>11907295 Q Research General #15200: [Their] Downfall Will Literally Be Catastrophic Edition

>>11907382, >>11907790 Relevant Q posts

>>11907393, >>11907990 Sidney Powell amends court filing that mistakenly said Georgia votes were flipped from Biden to Trump (CNBC)

>>11907401, >>11907639 Twitter censoring Sidney Powell again

>>11907452 Anon idea

>>11907484 Let's reset the Lin Wood vs Republican Establishment deck

>>11907499, >>11907655, >>11907772 pf

>>11907511, >>11907547 US Navy tweet

>>11907515 The marijuana bill

>>11907525 Adm. John Aquilino tapped to be next leader of US Indo-Pacific Command

>>11907550 Trump Orders Pentagon to Move Most US Troops Out of Somalia

>>11907577 Fox News co-host Juan Williams tests positive for COVID-19

>>11907610, >>11907824 Alito Responds To Appeal Asking To Block Biden Win In PA

>>11907615 Pence comes to Georgia as calm before potential Trump storm (AP)

>>11907632 Durham had approximately 1 month and 11 days to secretly work as a special counsel before it was officially announced

>>11907637 Catholic Church bishops reassure lay community that ‘one does not sin’ by taking Covid-19 vaccine

>>11907696 Technetium 99 is a legit radioactive isotope used in medical scans

>>11907715 NEW DJT

>>11907759, >>11907785, >>11907793 California has certified its presidential election and appointed 55 electors pledged to vote for Joe Biden, officially handing the Democrat the Electoral College majority needed to win the White House (AP)

>>11907895 General Flynn on the MG show

>>11907936 Lewandowski, Bossie added to Pentagon advisory board after latest purge

>>11908049 #15200, #15201,

Anonymous ID: dd68e4 Dec. 5, 2020, 1:24 a.m. No.11911734   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>11908063 Q Research General #15201: CA Is /ourstate/ Edition

>>11908135 Senator Perdue Trashes Trump the Day Before He’s Coming to Campaign for Him in Georgia– Says Biden will be Easy to Work With

>>11908181 DEMS = Dominion Election Machines Software?

>>11908196, >>11908220, >>11908455 , Perkinscoie and Kevin Hamilton dig

>>11908207 Election maps analysis

>>11908231 Chinese Developer Buys Australian Island, Bans Locals

>>11908285 White House Advent calendar December 4, 2020

>>11908288 FLOTUS The White House Green Room

>>11908337, >>11908354, >>11908378, >>11908438 , Frances Watson and Dan Abrams digs

>>11908353 Biden Taps Former Chinese Tech Mogul For Trade Transition

>>11908446 Trump campaign takes Bucks County ballot challenge to state Supreme Court

>>11908553, >>11908616 , MSM in overdrive to 'fact check' the Georgia video

>>11908565 Are Bill Gates’s Billions Distorting Public Health Data?

>>11908643 Index provider FTSE Russell says will drop shares of eight Chinese companies

>>11908648 Arizona House Speaker Claims They Can’t Enforce Constitution, Won’t Commit To Calling Legislative Hearing

>>11908652 CM This "journalist" didnt even try. Tits or gtfo.

>>11908670 Freedom Caucus Chairman Andy Biggs joins the chorus demanding justice from the DOJ.

>>11908775 PA Lawmakers Circulating Petition for Special Session on Election Issues

>>11908834 #15201

Anonymous ID: dd68e4 Dec. 5, 2020, 1:24 a.m. No.11911735   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>11908849 Q Research General #15202: CM Royal Flush against Cheap handed Journo Edition

>>11908885 Judge orders Trump administration to restore DACA, accept new applicants

>>11908911 #ClaimDisputed

>>11908916, >>11909138 , Sidney Powell's Twitter is temporally restricted

>>11908960 Latest Sealed Indictments 216,529 and map

>>11908964 Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense, Caught Red Handed, TRUMP WON Georgia Ep. 92

>>11908997 Georgia Purdue endorses Biden while POTUS is going to GA tomorrow to rally for him

>>11909120 Kemp Used Older Incident And Delayed Release? Car Crash On The 1st Dec Reported On The 4th Dec To Garner Sympathy

>>11909141, >>11909254 , General Flynn Get ready!

>>11909172, >>11909388, >>11909417 , PF

>>11909181 Russia cancels resident permit of George Soros linked ‘human rights activist’

>>11909207 Joseph J Flynn

>>11909246, >>11909394 , California certifies US election results, Joe Biden officially secures enough electors to become president

>>11909274 Anon reworked song, The devil went down to Georgia

>>11909280 Anti-Trump Democrat In Georgia ‘Suitcase Scandal’ Caught Running Same Batch of Ballots Through Tabulator THREE TIMES

>>11909298 AG Bill Barr's chief of staff (and one of his closest and most trusted advisers) is leaving, Will Levi

>>11909387 California certification puts Joe Biden over the top officially in Electoral College

>>11909437 DTJR It’s long past the time to stand up against this form of thought tyranny!!!

>>11909511 CCP’s governments at all levels are preparing for the U.S. economic war; economy and banking in CCP China is collapsing

>>11909565 #15202

Anonymous ID: dd68e4 Dec. 5, 2020, 1:25 a.m. No.11911737   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>11909580 Q Research General #15203: Joe Biden's one way ticket to GITMO please Edition

>>11909637 Chief Medical Officer Says Canadians Who Refuse Vaccine Won't Have "Freedom To Move Around"

>>11909659, >>11909736 (2019), Ghislaine Maxwell’s lawyers oddly reference NJ judge’s slain son in bail bid

>>11909664 An Update On the Hunter Biden Whistleblower John Paul Mac Isaac

>>11909683, >>11909720 , Barr's assisstant, Will Levi, that just resigned….his wife worked for the OBAMA FOUNDATION.

>>11909687 Anon latest iteration of Charlie Daniels Band, "Devil Went Down to Georgia."

>>11909728 Michigan Secretary of State Issues Order to Delete Election Data Amid Audit Calls

>>11909765 Federal issued Voter ID Number issued ONLY to United States Citizens, theory

>>11909766, >>11909951, >>11909969, >>11910294 , Michael Hastings died in an explosive car crash at the age of 33 (Loeffler staffer/Kemp’s daughter’s bf)

>>11909777, >>11909803, >>11909876, >>11909987, >>11910150 , PF

>>11909833 The White House Green Room FLOTUS

>>11909852 Nearly 30 found in Texas smuggling operation, 1 man arrested

>>11909860 Riverside County CA Sheriff responds to Newsome

>>11909865 AP is at it again, Biden officially secures enough electors to become president

>>11909943 Rudy has an extra "n" in happened..typo or message?

>>11909995 Treason, rendition flights and military tribunals walkthrough

>>11910007 Tom Fitton MASSIVE Corruption of Election CAN BE FIXED by State Legislatures and Congress

>>11910038 Trump invokes foreign interference provision of his 2018 executive order, authorizing military response to cyber warfare, see NSPM 13

>>11910123 Dan Scavino

>>11910207 White House Advent Calendar December 5, 2020 First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy began the tradition of selecting a theme for the official White House Christmas Tree in 1961

>>11910326 #15203

Anonymous ID: dd68e4 Dec. 5, 2020, 3:33 a.m. No.11912273   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>11910346 Q Research General #15204: White House, December 5, 2020 First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Edition

>>11910439 Twelve Years Later, Rick Santelli Nails It Again

>>11910444 NDAA Seeks to Halt Troop Withdrawals From Afghanistan and Germany

>>11910461 Sidney Powell This is more authoritarian communist control imported straight from #China

>>11910527, >>11910593, >>11910616 , Trumps boarder wall

>>11910533, >>11910687, >>11910694 , The US Consumer Product Safety Commission twitter page seems to be full of comms and weird imagery

>>11910549 Dec 5 2018 [RAPID_FIRE] Q2549

>>11910556 116th Military Intelligence Brigade

>>11910623, >>11910704 , Maxine Waters’ 2020 Campaign Paid Her Daughter Karen Waters A Cool $240K

>>11910626, >>11910677, >>11910706, >>11910726, >>11910745, >>11910978, >>11911026 , GABRIEL STERLING dig

>>11910683 Rudy Giuliani STOMPS Smug Michigan Representative | Louder With Crowder

>>11910711 General Flynn telling Jack Dorsey to get a life and stop censorship

>>11910738 Justice Judge Jeanine with Gen Flynn 9pm et

>>11910750 Tesla CEO Elon Musk plans to move to Texas from California

>>11910754, >>11910819 , Pentagon blocks visits to military spy agencies by Biden transition team

>>11911105 #15204

Anonymous ID: dd68e4 Dec. 5, 2020, 11:20 a.m. No.11914754   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>11911126 Q Research General #15205: I am a Patriot, I love my Country Edition

>>11911194 Ten Fatal Errors: Scientists Attack Paper That Established Global PCR Test Driven Lockdown

>>11911203 Sidney Powell to Newsmax TV: Plenty of Time for Trump to Overturn Election Results

>>11911265 Supreme Court Takes Up Trump Bid to Revive Medicaid Work Requirements

>>11911290 7 PM EST The Republican National Committee hosts a Victory Rally featuring President Donald J. Trump, Senator David Perdue, Senator Kelly Loeffler, Valdosta Airport, GA

>>11911335, >>11911365 , CM The #DominionWatch team on the ground is keeping Georgia honest.

>>11911346 Dan Scavino White House at night

>>11911387, >>11911401 , White House fires Pentagon advisory board members, installs loyalists

>>11911393 Ted Cruz captured it alive and has it by it horns

>>11911395 Did Justice Alito set a ‘Safe Harbor’ trap by setting Pennsylvania response deadline a day AFTER?

>>11911442, >>11911458 , Anon possible decode Maybe N=14. So NN=1414 Music about to stop?

>>11911511, >>11911653 , A-5 Vigilante - The Aircraft Carrier Nuclear Bomber

>>11911513 Anon quantifies quantitative meanings of celebrated multiple digits on 8kun

>>11911538 (pb), CM: One of the most important questions of the 2020 general election. "Who ordered the counting pause?"

>>11911580, >>11911625, >>11911696 , PF

>>11911618, >>11911631 , ‘Autonomous zone’ NYC bar reopens despite COVID-19 restrictions

>>11911695, >>11911701 , U.S.Navy Musical note On the fourth day Christmas my Navy gave to me

>>11911700, >>11911901, >>11911902 , What NO ONE is Saying About The Lockdowns

>>11911709, >>11911717 , California Sheriff Sends a Loud Message to "Hypocritical" Gavin Newsom About "Ridiculous" Shutdowns

>>11911750 CM In 2019, why did Georgia State MANDATE the use of Lenovo, a Chinese corporation headquartered in Beijing, for Enterprise Infrastructure?

>>11911774, >>11911781 , 'Papers Please': Government Prepares to Issue COVID-19 Vaccination Cards

>>11911786 Sidney Powell: I Have Huge Bag of Shredded Ballots - Raffensperger & Sterling Should Be Investigated

>>11911818, >>11911843 , House, Senate Oversight Committee leaders send letters seeking clarity on status Of EPB software and associated files, requiring DELETION by the 7th calendar day following the final canvass and certification of the election

>>11911945 The day after the Electoral College Votes on December 14, 2020 is the 229th Anniversary of the Bill of Rights

>>11911962 President Donald Trump Holds Victory Rally LIVE in Valdosta, GA link

>>11911981 #15205

Anonymous ID: dd68e4 Dec. 5, 2020, 11:20 a.m. No.11914755   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>11911988 Q Research General #15206: Rise and Shine for Rally Day Saturday Edition

>>11912023 Fleet Ballistic Missile Trident II D-5

>>11912053, >>11912065 , Ruby Freeman had access to the voting machines with her own login

>>11912080 Dominion machine analyzed, and yes, it switched votes 'We now know conclusively'

>>11912088 Ivanka Trump Home: Imagination Station #HammerTime

>>11912091 Wyoming health official decries COVID-19 pandemic as communist plot

>>11912164 Sen Perdue attacks DJT the day before POTUS's scheduled to campaign for him in GA

>>11912398 CAKE11: A B-52 on a training mission to Europe callsign CAKE11 suffered an engine failure & diverted into RAF Fairford.

>>11912407 Artist Sues To Prevent Vermont Law School From Painting Over Underground Railroad Murals That Black Students Call Racist

>>11912420 in the great reset onlyfans pays you?

>>11912444 CM: Under the guise of the Covid Emergency, Colorado State purchased 2.4 million dollars worth or “emergency laptops” for employees across many sectors.

>>11912462 How many anons had forgotten there are TIMERS in the Election Interference EO?

>>11912485 Amistad Project argues in new report that Electoral College deadlines are not set in stone

>>11912507 2020 SKYWARN Recognition Day

>>11912515 The Perpetrators of OPERATION COVID-19 are doing everything possible to prevent HERD IMMUNITY—Why?

>>11912518 The UK government today said this vaccine should not be given to anyone pregnant or anyone thinking about becoming pregnant.

>>11912529 long term implications of receiving vaccines. That data is buried deep out of our reach.

>>11912541 ‘Grandmaster Jay’ arrested… Black militia leader faces 20 years in prison on federal charges…

>>11912552 Former Chicago Fire Department official sentenced to 14 months in prison for hiding cash from feds

>>11912557 Iran's leader transfers power to son as health deteriorates

>>11912562 Ingraham: Elites, political class seek a post-pandemic world that is 'never normal again'

>>11912575 NEW ERIC TRUMP

Anonymous ID: dd68e4 Dec. 5, 2020, 11:20 a.m. No.11914757   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>11912720 Q Research General #15207: Board Under Attack Edition

>>11912871 Bremen - BRD (falsely known as Germany) Muh China virus demo.

>>11912883 #15206 in #15207

>>11912913, >>11912963, >>11913015, >>11913256, >>11913304, >>11913424

>>11912924 Perdue throws shade at President Trump the day before POTUS arrives to help his sorry ass.

>>11912928 #USARMY “We’re on the path to deliver the capabilities our #Soldiers require to fight & win.”

>>11912935 POTUS' schedule today

>>11912950 Ruby Freeman mugshot for fraud 2010-01-24 ?

>>11912968, >>11912973, >>11912977 New Herridge: #Durham #Declassified This week Senators @ChuckGrassley + @SenRonJohnson released new records from Crossfire Hurricane including 38 pages of emails about FBI’s receipt of Steele Dossier (Fusion GPS thumb drive)

>>11912976 Trump’s Stock Market ALL TIME LOW, EXCEEDS Obama’s All-Time High

>>11912999 trips: ironically the family name is actually Fucker, they changed it to homonym Fugger but continue to pronounce it the same way. "Fucker"

>>11913005 Dem Rules Chair Jim McGovern told members in a letter that went out today that voting against Nancy Pelosi for speaker is a vote for the “QAnon wing of the Republican Party.”

>>11913006 Lenovo R&D Bldg - Shenzhen, Guangdong, China: Interdasting Shape

>>11913020 a confession? "my baby" ? WTF? Need FB and Insta diggerz

>>11913045, >>11913087 Someone said Gen Flynn mentioned the word shady on the Matrixx show yesterday

>>11913048, >>11913307 Reports of the assassination of the Israeli Mossad commander Fahmi Hinawi, southeast of Tel Aviv, Israel by unknown persons

>>11913094 Meanwhile, in Valdosta, GA. Just after 7 am at the Trump rally line, about 38 degrees here in Georgia this morning as the first in line are waking up from the overnight campout.

>>11913107 Ruby Freeman’s daughter provided the ‘suitcase of votes’; she has long blonde dreadlocks in the photo, and a Trump lawyer identified her as the woman who brought in suitcases full of ballots at 8:22 a.m

>>11913117 @FBI: dyk foreign govts. target current and former USG clearance holders thru social media?

>>11913130, >>11913170, >>11913174 Understanding [their] language - Unfounded - something that is true that [they] don't want known.

>>11913132 Just 25 congressional Republicans acknowledge Biden’s win, Washington Post survey finds

>>11913148 STRONG EVIDENCE OF FRAUD This batch of 23,487 votes went, at an absolute minimum accounting for all decimal places, 97.9779% for Biden.

>>11913158 Sec. of State Raffensperger is on Neil Cavuto right now. He appears to me to be very nervous. Just me or do other anons see this also?

>>11913186 NDAA: 2 main issues here are that Republicans have refused to include removal of Section 230 protection from social media companies on the bill and Warren's provision of confederate names to be scrubbed from bases.

>>11913213 Michael Ignatieff

>>11913259 Journalist Accidentally PROVES "Suitcasegate," Votes Illegally Counted After Watchers Told To Leave

>>11913264 113 newly released Russia documents

>>11913352 some dog comms from a Resistance member….does anybody know who this guy is?

>>11913400 #BallotImages?

>>11913469 58% of Georgia are demanding a special legislation session to fix the fraudulent election setup by the Georgia bureaucratic sec of state.

>>11913494 Lawyer on new PA lawsuit: RE: Mark Zuckerberg public partnership are illegal access to the voter registration system.

>>11913516 OAN: 75 PA legislators urge congressional leaders to flip vote on the floor.

>>11913521 People in Europe waking up to the election fraud in the US


>>11913546 #15207

Anonymous ID: dd68e4 Dec. 5, 2020, 4:06 p.m. No.11917762   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>11913562 Q Research General #15208: If nobody told you about the virus would you have known at all? Edition

>>11913702, >>11913792, >>11913837, >>11914161 Planefag Updates

>>11913746 Listen to Barr discuss upcoming election back in early September and apply it to what we know today

>>11913755 DS ad hominem attack on Rudy's witness.

>>11913848 New Project Veritas #CNNRAW 9-10-20

>>11913856 Another traitor unmasked. 'It looks like Joe/Kamala will prevail': Trump ultra-loyalist Kellyanne Conway finally admits Biden has won

>>11913910 @LLinWood: Kemp, Raffensperger, Duncan, Sterling. Remember names. They are ALL going to jail.. complicit in foreign interference w/national election

>>11913912 Appeals court rules for Trump taking military money for wall

>>11913924 BREAKING: Patriots Surround Michigan Court House To Prevent Dominion Machine Wipe

>>11913982 @USArmy: “The relationship between a military working dog and a military dog handler is about as close as a man and a dog can become.” – Robert Crais

>>11914067, >>11914082, >>11914111 Lin Wood loses appeal case, referred back to State court whose decision he was appealing

>>11914068 New PDJT: I will easily & quickly win Georgia if Governor @BrianKempGA or the Secretary of State permit a simple signature verification…

>>11914077 Central Bank Of Uzbekistan Introduces Parallel Currency: Gold

>>11914099 @FLOTUS: This year’s #WHChristmas tree illuminates the Blue Room, featuring ornaments designed by students. #BeBest encourages youth to BE BEST…

>>11914102 Gun Violence Has Killed 23 Times More Chicago Youth Than COVID

>>11914128 Perdue Down in Polls to Leftist Idiot Jon Ossoff — Maybe He Should Stop Slamming Trump?

>>11914142, >>11914145 ‘Soft power propaganda tools’: US State Department ends five cultural exchange programs with China

>>11914156 Trump’s Attacks on Georgia Take a Toll on Brian Kemp as BK's Approval Rating Dips

>>11914158 San Diego mayor says there's 'no science' behind Gov Newsom's lockdown and sheriff insists he won't be 'blackmailed' into enforcing strict orders

>>11914168 An #earthquake with a magnitude of 5.4 shook #Turkey's Mediterranean coast and was felt in Israel

>>11914177 ‘Operation Mile High’: NYPD busts jet exec in child sex trafficking probe

>>11914178 Colorado church asking Supreme Court for relief from Democratic governor's COVID restrictions

>>11914198 Ruby Freeman, Georgia’s Suitcase Vote Counter, Solicited ‘Donations’ After Working During Election

>>11914222 Arizona Court Rejects GOP Challenge to Election Results: ‘See You at the Supreme Court’

>>11914238 #15208

>>11914254 DEA Arrests El Paso Cop Accused of Helping Drug Dealer

Anonymous ID: dd68e4 Dec. 5, 2020, 4:07 p.m. No.11917765   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>11914476 Q Research General #15209: Never Give Up, Only Losers Give Up Edition

>>11914499 New PDJT: 25, wow! I am surprised there are so many. We have just begun to fight. Please send me list of 25 RINOS. I read Fake News Washington Post as little as possible!

>>11914539 Saudi FM: Biden must consult Gulf states on rejoining Iran nuclear deal

>>11914573, >>11914596 China Whistleblower w/Royal Ancestry Reveals Video, Photos Alleged Chinese Counterfeit Ballot Printing Operations of US Ballots, MI, FL and NC (gwpundit)

>>11914595 @Whitehouse: Congratulations to @CoachLouHoltz88, recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom!

>>11914602 Top Insider trading-week ending 120420

>>11914613 Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Vos: Republicans Will Convene Public Hearing on ‘Numerous Concerns’ Regarding 2020 Election on December 11

>>11914614, >>11914661 "What they have done to America is the equivalent to injecting mercury into every river, lake and reservoir in the country."

>>11914627, >>11914702, >>11914900 LIVE: President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Valdosta, GA TODAY: POTUS to arrive @7pm

>>11914647, >>11914667, >>11915043 Lenovo Digg

>>11914648 Artificial intelligence conference – Vladimir Putin (Dec. 4)

>>11914656, >>11914992, >>11915104, >>11915107, >>11915177, >>11915239, >>11915251 Planefag Updates

>>11914720, >>11914751, >>11914758, >>11914771, >>11914783, >>11914805, >>11914892, >>11914955, >>11914956 DIGG: Harrison Deal Car Wreck

>>11914849 These Republicans say that Biden won or have called Biden the president-elect (WaPo)

>>11914906 George Bush Jr. Appointed Judge Who Enforced Court’s Ruling on Removing 10 Commandments from Alabama Courthouse Denies Lin Wood Suit in Georgia

>>11914916 GEORGE SOROS Appoints Lord Mark Malloch Brown – The Former President of Smartmatic – to Lead Open Society Foundation

>>11914987, >>11915019, >>11915055, >>11915106, >>11915220, >>11915228, >>11915260, >>11915265 DIGG Continued: Harrison Deal Car Wreck

>>11915042 Douglas County candidates accuse district of election fraud, call for government oversight review (12/4)

>>11915073, >>11915134, >>11915161 Massive East Village fire destroys historic church

>>11915086 Cyber-Attack Exposes Data of 295,000 Colorado Springs Patients (Sept. 2020)

>>11915299 #15209