complete lack of self awareness
it happens every time anyanon posts something painfully obvious
yet totally missed
why aren't Krebs & Ware appearing on Maddow and State of the Union?
skeert? lawyer'd up?
certifying fraud
violates your oath of office
at which point you become
an enemy combatant
keks in 2011 NDAA & lack of writ of habeus corpus
at what point is the election officially not valid? how does this relate to certification, and the state's duties to appoint electors (not faithless)?
>Second Thessalonians 2:9-12 speaks of a strong delusion God will send in the end times
>So which is it?
>Covid or Biden?
this is completely your fault, Dan.
we had a handle on this shit b4 your fucking lightning bolt hitting National Guardsmen wuz bibi cull