Anonymous ID: 10fe00 Nov. 20, 2020, 8:59 p.m. No.11721608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1648 >>1660 >>1670 >>1685 >>1830 >>1871



SCIENCE suggests that SARSCoV2 is uniquely adapted to infect humans


What does the SCIENCE say about the origins of SARSCoV2 (COVID-19)? Excerpt from cited paper below: "We explored the possible transmission path by which SARSCoV2 might have crossed to humans by calculating the binding energy of SARSCoV2 spike protein to ACE2 receptors of relevant species. Notably, SARSCoV2 spike protein had the highest overall binding energy for human ACE2, greater than all the other tested species including bat, the postulated source of the virus…


"Overall, the data indicates that SARSCoV2 is uniquely adapted to infect humans, raising questions as to whether it arose in nature by a rare chance event or whether its origins lie elsewhere."




COVID-19 is a highly adapted human pathogen with little evidence that it arose from bats and most likely originated from "gain of function" research conducted in a Bioweapons laboratory, exactly the kind of research initiated under Obama, signed off by Dr. Fauci's NIH, and funded with US Tax dollars.