Anonymous ID: 487a1e Nov. 20, 2020, 9:21 p.m. No.11721867   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So retired Marine Grunt Anon here. I’m a little baked taking everything in, JFK, KRAKEN, et al. Remember POTUS drank that bottled water a press conference weird, we all thought that he was mimicking handcuffs. If you look at the Zapruder film, when the low life fucking losers asassanated POTUS Kennedy, R.I.P. Sir, one of the cowards’ bullets, on impact, caused a spasmodic jerk of POTUS-K’s hands towards his throat while bending his head forward,that is what POTUS-T’s hand motions remind me of. Sort of POTUS-T telling “them” “we remember, you’re dead motherfuckers.’


Anyway, just a thought.


Semper Fi & Stack Bodies