Anonymous ID: 543f55 Nov. 20, 2020, 9:15 p.m. No.11721805   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This new OZ MSM talking point is a distraction to keep the Aus population from focusing on the fact that the US election was stolen and fraud is rampant. OZ MSM has already crowned Biden and brainwashed the people of Aus that the election is over if only the "dictator Trump" will concede. As the American people are fully awakening to the scale of this evil con, the OZ MEDIA is desperate to keep the people of Australia from waking up to the same truth. Because of course it would begin to expose their own fraudulent elections and the total corruption of the OZ MEDIA itself. Beware a false flag in Aus to further distract from truths about the US election. I've already seen OZ MEDIA stories claiming that this might "incite retaliation" from extremists.


Everything in OZ MEDIA is fabricated.