Anonymous ID: 790fb7 Nov. 20, 2020, 9:09 p.m. No.11721725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1764 >>1774 >>1809 >>1831

Anons, lurker anon mostly here. That phone call to Rush about Georgia, that man in tears, well I bursted into tears while listening to him. I think millions feel that way right now. That youtuber video guy who got banned by youtube because he was bullying pedophiles which are considered a "protected class". Well I was molested as a child, by three seperate people at different ages. Pedophiles are cowards and they actually will blame the victim, as if a 7 year old is a tease or some shit. They are sneaky lying and psychopathic. If the majority of our ruling class are pedophiles and being here for three years as provide more proof than not, they all need to die an unbearable death. I was lucky, my whole life wasn't destroyed…I had to do alot work and God was a huge component in that, but if all the horror stories are true and can be proven, they need to go public with at least that part of it, what has been done to our children…it fucks you up, anyway. Just my 2 cents…back to lurking.