joe viturbo, in 1975…
>If that's true then why does DT Jr. have it?
the ONLY thing you know, anon, is someone you DON'T know SAYS junior has the corona. what part of that don't you understand?
>I understand that POTUS had it
NO! you BELIEVE potus had it. you are taking second, third, and fourth hand say-so and treating it as fact.
>Willie Mosconi was the king. And still is.
LOL. watch the guy in this vid. willie couldn't chalk this guy's cue.
>This COVID shut is ruining my life, surrounded by people that are freaked out because muh case count is so high
well, who ya gonna believe? the TV or your lyin' eyes?
>3 cushion takes brains to play. way harder game than pocket billards.
yeah… and skill. this guy make 50 shots in a row, and i need 50 tries to make one shot.
>what is your high run?
two, i think. i hardly ever play. no time, too difficult, no one else wants to play… the usual excuses. if i want a challenge, i play 9 ball. kek.