Anonymous ID: 94a523 Nov. 20, 2020, 11:05 p.m. No.11722822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2864 >>3069 >>3191 >>3396

>>11722653 (all pbs)

>How does the entire solar system go red?

I'll take planetary alignments for 500$ Alex.


Trump won 406 electoral votes prior to the data DL that switched the win. That has never, ever happened in the history of the US—ever. He literally won in a landslide. It is entirely possible Trump even won most if not all of California.


I think originally it was Trump 406 v. Biden 123. I died.


Hong Kong already has cakes ready to congratulate us on our excellent choice.



>It's not that it's the "you must show them" so MSM is still going to lie and be anti POTUS so how do you tell the public the truth that Biden stole the election? When does MSM start telling the truth instead of a narrative?

Once the facts are out and POTUS is installed again….it doesn't really matter does it? Anyone can look for themselves as they can right now. Hell I've listened to hours of affidavit in person testimony re vote fraud. I have zero doubts. But the retards that marched in the streets wearing vagina hats and howling at the moon when Trump won 2016 aren't intelligent enough to look for themselves and just like last time they're going to continue howling at the moon. KEK did you think the facts will change anything?


After the inauguration Trump is going to get down to business and start collecting on that EO on election interference. I expect he will do great things for us with all that money (kek like pay off the national debt) and the trouble will fade away because they're not getting any more financial support.


You realize anyone found to interfere in elections in collusion with foreign entities forfeits all their money, right?


Comfort yourself imagining Bill Gates on skidrow.


These people aren't just going to give up. They will fight to their last loosing breath.


Therefore, be prepared for anything, not scared of everything.


I'm comfy af!

Anonymous ID: 94a523 Nov. 20, 2020, 11:21 p.m. No.11722922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2966



>any suggestions for online work ???

There's a lot of strange online work.


Try watching a few rv/vanlife videos. They have a LOT of hints on unconventional online work.


If you're in CA, make like a hobo and move on. I still have my unemployment and live in a low cost of living state. I am not physically able to work on my feet and have been working from home for 20 years—then my "workplace" closed and is still closed especially the sector I worked in (upper ed) therefore I made a LOT of investigations on how to survive because until they passed the unemployment for contractors I was fucked.


Look up Bob Weller and homes on wheels. They have amazing resources that can help you learn how to cheaply turn your vehicle, ANY vehicle into a mostly comfy place to live.




This is Bob Weller's channel CheapRVliving. Scroll through his videos and see all the different kinds of vehicles people live in and how they do it.


Whatever you do, don't lose hope. Know that you'll fail or succeed based on what YOU DO. So don't lose hope.


I know how you feel. Unemployement spared me-for now. I've been toountrusting to apply for medicaid and disability because I won't be forced into a vaccine…so–if some time in the future you see some old person walking with hiking sticks and sleeping in a van in the desert, stop in and say hello!

Anonymous ID: 94a523 Nov. 20, 2020, 11:35 p.m. No.11723007   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>You will notice that "synagogue of satan" is especially hostile to Torah observant Jews as has been seen in NY recently, where predominantly Jewish hassidic neighborhoods have been singled out for vaccination orders

Sounds like you're on the right track of these identity hijacking people. There's a massive difference between the American Jews who love this country and the Jewish Communists following the order to "hunt them down and kill them where ever you may find them." This is a fight that goes back 250k years.


Never stop identifying them. Don't say "Bolsheviks" say Jewish Communist Bolsheviks.


I've been watching Europa, the Last Battle and I rage at their audacity to claim victimhood. What they did to the Russian Christians on Nazino Island must never be forgotten. The wholesale slaughter of Germans trapped in Poland by the Treaty of Versailles was beyond anything they concocted in the Holohoax…Jewish Communist Poles…genocide is the Business of these people…identity theft is their biggest crime.


There's a reason they try to shut you up with antisemitism bullshit and make investigating the holohoax illegal and punishable by prison. To them the truth is the most dangerous thing of all. SO–Christians, remember this….their Father is "Satan"….and they've convince you he's god. Flipping the script is what they do best. They've been doing it for centuries.


IMHO it is the duty of Jews to investigate for themselves. I'm not blaming them. If you saw the programming they subject their kids to you'd vomit. If possible, it's worse than Jesus Camp (it is) which I was subjected to. Along with the sheer terrorist films like Left Behind. I spent much of my early life TERRIFIED that I would not be good enough. One day I came into the kitchen after school and saw a plate of butter on the counter melting. No one who should have been home was. I literally fell on the floor screaming in terror because that was a scene in that vile movie. I was sure I was left behind.


Later, when I grew up, I discovered that the island of Patmos was a natural habitat for magic mushrooms…..and having done shamanic work with the sacred mushrooms myself over the course of my adult life, I suddenly understood WTF John was talking about while he was tripping balls.


This is horrific, at least xian kids are only taught to be terrified of sky fairy and earth demon and the eternal roasting of their souls, Jewish kids are literally taught to be terrified of EVERYONE that isn't them, and to desire to KILL anyone that isn't them.


Everyone should watch this.


Jewish Mind control programming


Jesus camp exposes how the xians program their kids

Anonymous ID: 94a523 Nov. 20, 2020, 11:47 p.m. No.11723078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3104 >>3123


Good for you. Never give up. I was more than willing to live in my car. That's why I have so much information about it at hand. I may still have to–eventually. I will not take a vaccine. So maybe I'll be hiding out in the forest someday. The important thing to remember…shit happens to us and around us…but


what you do is what happens to you, what happens to you is what you do.


I also loved Steve Wallis's humble documentary on his life as homeless car dweller. Watch a few. I like the every cheery Indie Project couple who work together and work hard. I don't like the fake ass shit like Emon and Bec (if you see posed bikini shotsin the thumbnail skip it). Why do I like this? First, I get lots of ideas but also I grew up working hard. I've worked since I was 12. I LIKE people with problem solving skillsthat no matter what the wind blows down or the rain ruins they find a way to fix it.


I'm ready if I have to. Thrifting and collecting things over the last year. I already have fairly mad outdoor skillz…I'm ready for no power for months here…and ready to walk away from all my shit and move into my car.


KEK for fun watch Dave2D. He makes vanlife roast videos but he's also been pretty much homeless living in different vehicles for years. He finally bought a 25k house….lol like Steve Wallis and Beautiful Wife…hard hard work!


Resilience!!! Hell if my 7th great grand pappy had given up at Valley Forge (go read about the conditions these determined people lived under) America would not be here today. Even now when I read their accounts of that camp my screen gets blurry. What they did for us we've no right to throw away!

Anonymous ID: 94a523 Nov. 20, 2020, 11:50 p.m. No.11723097   🗄️.is 🔗kun


OH fuuuuck when real news is so ridiculous—-yes I'd actually believe he'd do this. Did he? maybe not yet…kek his plan leaked.


Pic related–how to overcome guest limits.

Anonymous ID: 94a523 Nov. 20, 2020, 11:55 p.m. No.11723134   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>and what would "they" say if we all said, "FUCK YOU AND YOUR VACCINE, WE QUIT?" works both ways…

And did they do that over the forced flu shot? Conditioning is conditioning. Because they did NOT do it over the flu shot-which is essentially no different research-wise than flu shots as they change every yearthey are also not likely to refuse the Wuflu jab.


The place to start saying NO—-would have been then. Top down management of medicine is killing medicine. I've seen nurses think a masters will aid their career but only end up in management dealing with bitchy women that spend all day reporting each other. And the FAT holy shit doctors and nurses are so damn fat.


Anyway…I promise you all the doctors and nurses except for the rare rebels will indeed take the jab. Think about it. IF they were as you suppose them to be there should be hundreds of thousands of them marching to end this farce….but they're not, they're mostly covering up for the lie in fear of????


losing their jobs

Anonymous ID: 94a523 Nov. 21, 2020, 12:11 a.m. No.11723222   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>But ive worked may diffent odd jobs & have acouple of skills under mybelt, but i have a problem with calling out BS

It will be easy af to get a simple job stocking shelves at night in a big box. I DID have to take a job like that (the job of shopping like Click It is actually kind of fun) and I had to ignore the management. I have never seen more-stupid people. The place that hired me I had to go in person and talk the hiring manager because no way would I have gotten hired applying online. I took my preemployment test and walked out 45 minutes later-everyone was shocked—some hirees struggle all day and some need two days. I wanted a little no problem job. AND I liked it. I liked going in early when no one was around.


And let me say this, the people I worked with were literally THE SALT. The best, most decent people and kind. They may not have genius IQ but these were great people. I hated management, the way they talked down to them….sadly for me, after about 3 months of falling into bed in intractible pain after each shift I knew I was never going to be able to work on my feet. Lymes whacked me and what that didn't whack my "birth defect hip" did. Holy shit I had no idea I was that bad off.


What I'm saying–is that working like that means tuning out the shit. I would have enjoyed working with the shelf stockers. based af good old folks. They're professionals at ignoring management.


If I had to work in an office…which I did once..nuclear engineers……I lasted about a month. The lady spent 2 hours explaining the phone system to me and telling me they had to let the last person go because they couldn't understand the phone system. I interrupted the lesson, answered the phone passed the call and asked if we move on to the next thing. The trainer literally thought I was a genius. I got 'let go" after inadvertently insulting the accountant who asked me to do up some labels. I whirled in my chair, pecked at the keyboard and asked where the label making program was. Confused, the accountant reached down on a table and whipped off a plastic cover to what was a foreign device…an electric typewriter. I think my face said WTAF? while I obediently said "oh, OK, thanks"…the accountant was bitter towards me after that.


True stories of corporate idiocracy. Trust me, these people are only LARPing as intelligent. Listen to Bill Gates talk…he's like the dr. evil of stupid fucks…he's rich because he has no moral compass and he's willing to lie steal and kill to get what he wants. He's Jewish Communist, it's one of their main features.

Anonymous ID: 94a523 Nov. 21, 2020, 12:18 a.m. No.11723257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3294 >>3396 >>3413



This this and this. The "cover" stories or slides on this started today and managed to get into notables.


THIS IS THE TRUTH, how do I know? (dare I post 4chan LARP here with people who take every word literally?) There was a call, that there was a call just as Sidney describes…was dropped on /pol/ just like the Scytl server snatch was.


>>11723120 Sidney Powell: “There’s a person in the DOD who has been on the internet with Bernie Sanders and AOC instructing people how to commit sabotage in their respective offices


Pic related refers to THE CALL:


(please dear readers, if you're not familiar with /pol/ LARPS I beg you to withhold your hysteria)


KEK can you imagine POTUS listening in on this call while in the SCIF? HAHAHAHAHA if he smoked cigars listening to yet another DoD traitor fuck themselves had to be awesome.


Imagine the condition of THAT person right this minute.

Anonymous ID: 94a523 Nov. 21, 2020, 12:26 a.m. No.11723287   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>This was shortly before Tucker "lost" the damning evidence and had to track the documents through UPS.

You may have to dig deep to find it, but what Tucker "lost" was literally 100% fake shit and had he aired it he would have been a laughing stock.


Tucker didn't need anyone to send him stuff, he could have easily DL everything like we did–online.


There are some kind of dog coms because Russia trolled Obama with the white dog…but the shit Tucker "lost" and found again and never aired? 100% fake and he would have been humiliated. Perhaps someone notified him.


Still–he did NOT cover the easily found information. I personally would LOVE to hear Rob Portman's explanation as to how he's gotten so rich and why Biden/Archer thought he should be approached in Ukraine.


fucking crooks


My Daddy had the best sayings–he always used to say


the whole outfit stinks

Anonymous ID: 94a523 Nov. 21, 2020, 12:44 a.m. No.11723374   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Exactly. We can't be quitters when the ONE man with the guts to take these assholes on–has given up EVERYTHING for us.


I'm not a Christian but I was raised up as such. The good-beautiful things—are almost always words in times of trouble.


I put my favorite words on a few pics of POTUS to remind myselfI've got no cause to whine. How many times he and his family were in danger while I was comfy in my room. How they're still in danger-let me tell you this. IF they kill him, the streets will run red with the blood of the traitors. No where to run, no where to hide….and weather is not going to be a problem.




Remember Valley Forge


It also occurred to me that many, if not most of you have NOT seen Ken Burn's The Civil War. Here's a playlist. You will never be the same. This is not fake-news…it is built on letters, diaries, photos and historic journals of the time.


Valley Forge. Never Give UP!

Anonymous ID: 94a523 Nov. 21, 2020, 1:05 a.m. No.11723462   🗄️.is 🔗kun


LOLOLOL it will look nice hanging in his prison cell.


This is SO like the Jewish Communists. Just keep making stories, broadcasting–drowning out the truth.


"oh well he must be good, look he got an award". And they'll have a ceremony and everyone will congratulate him.




>>>11722797 , >>11722880 Tucker Carlson VIP at Comet Ping Pong? (dafuq?)


Oh come the fuck on. If everyone that attended Comet PingPong was a pedo….


>>11722987 EXCLUSIVE: Fox News golden boy Tucker Carlson almost had his career derailed after a woman falsely accused him of raping her in a packed Kentucky pizza restaurant


And that wasn't the first false allegation. That whacky leftie with the crazy eyes also claimed he sexually assaulted her.


Jaysus stop with your leftie style attacks.

Anonymous ID: 94a523 Nov. 21, 2020, 1:15 a.m. No.11723506   🗄️.is 🔗kun


AAAAND…someone in the DoD..Department of Defense. I'm salivating to know which traitor this is. Shivers….Sunrise is troubling because of their access to kids in schools. That is funded by Jewish Communist Aaron Berger who was careful to name his group, Asymmetrical Solutions…when you search it Asymmetric Solutions comes up (a paramilitary organization) …clever swerve there KIKE.


Esper was fired after the election, I pegged him a traitor the night of the church walk, along with Miley. Just see it. Esper was SoD…so not Dod…exactly..Miley would be…and if that guy isn't bent my "RV powers" are broken. (they're not, I've not missed one yet.)


But I think it might be someone we don't yet know—it's tantalizing to have that server snatched right out from under their fucking NOSE but only AFTER the crime was committed.


To be honest had POTUS outright won this election I would not have trusted it. I saw cheating, fraud on never before seen levels—so had he won…(just saying). Because POTUS has had to use deception and I can easily detect that I had a very hard time…trusting 100%. When he "lost" the election that's when I knew 100% for sure…everything is going to be OK.


I can't wait.