Good to see that people are finally realizing this about Fox. It's been a long time coming
Spiritual masters like Jesus and Buddah told us that our minds had the ability to manifest what we think about.
Motivational speakers tell us about the power of our minds to create what we think about.
The ability to use our minds ito manifest what we desire is very important and must be protected because the human mind can and has been hacked for many years.
Currently, We are engaged in a psychological war. As we know, tactics are being used everyday upon many unsuspecting Americans. Fake news is working overtime to tell fearful stories in order to create doubts in our minds in the hopes of manipulating our thoughts.
They are trying to influence the creative power of our minds, by filling them with so much fear so that we inadvertently create the things we fear instead of the things we desire.
We must be alert to the psychological warfare taking place. Since we are in a state of war, IMO anyone who falls prey to these psychological tactics being used against them, is essentially a prisoner of war.
How many prisoners will this psychological war claim before people put aside their fears and reclaim their minds?
Put on the Armor of God
The places where I found the most wisdom was in the words of Jesus. They are simple but filled with so much wisdom.
Reverend Robert Schuller has a lot of great spiritual insight
Zig Ziglar is another good one
This looks interesting
Christ Mind The Power of the Subconscious