Magic Johnson got the cur while regular people die.
Magic Johnson got the cure while regular people die.
Magic Johnson got the cure while 675,000 Americans died from AIDS.
He celebrated by becoming a Los Angeles Dodger owner.
Did Anime baker get tossed?
Tucker Carlson Fly-Fishing in Central Park.
My moms been dead for 20 years and she was cremated.
She went insane because she was raped by people like you.
Los Angeles broke ANON. Any church will help you out thats what they are there for.
Union Rescue also.
Every vaccine lowers your IQ 10%.
Tucker Carlson is just another trust fund baby given a cushy job.
Obama may be the antichrist.
I thought he was a burnt out stoner but he doesn't give up.
What did he do with all that Iran cash?
Obama isn't black he's Filipino.
Mexicans are Spanish indigenous and white.
Why does swallowing excite you?