Anonymous ID: 85aa8e Nov. 21, 2020, 3:51 a.m. No.11724140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4195 >>4286

Release The Kraken


Sidney said the Kraken was already released, well there were a lot of shakeups in the agencies as of late and I saw the list of SCOTUS reassignments which led me on another path. Double meanings and all that, right?




K→Joseph (K)ernan


A→James (A)nderson

K→Christopher (K)rebs

E→Mark (E)sper





K→(K)ash Patel


A→(A)nthony Tata


E→(E)zra Cohen-Watnick



In the Clash of the Titans, the Kraken was Released under Zeus’ authority to destroy the city of Argos, as well as give his son and half-god Perseus a much needed Heroes journey in order to save it. This storyline culminates on the use of Medusa’s(Titan) Gaze to turn the Kraken(A Beast created by Hades to destroy the Titans, which became too powerful and uncontrollable) to stone and shatter the beast into a thousand pieces.


Just Spit-balling here, who knows what any of it means, but was fun to take this little adventure to try and decipher the meaning behind Release the Kraken.