>This election is not only about to be overturned, but ALL elections are about to be overturned. World Wide.
Longtime expatfag here. SK.
Over the last four months or so, certain policies have made rents skyrocket across the nation. Since July, they have doubled. That is across the board, all cities, towns, and villages in the land.
As I see it, TPTB in SK don't give two fucks if Trump is elected and turns back the great reset in America. It seems to me they are going full steam ahead with it here. I am expecting that when enough people have been turned out of their homes and deprived of their livelihoods, "relief" will be graciously offered -- in return for taking the vax and carrying a verification card.
Even after Trump wins and turns the battleship around in the States, I don't expect this society to magically embrace the Great Awakening and rise up to hold their leadership to account. They are, imo, per capita, far more naive and more brainwashed than Americans as a whole, and they have no firebrand galvanizing shitlord like Trump to get the awakening started. Their MSM will just tell them America is a disaster under the second Trump administration, and unless there is something I am not seeing, they will proceed with reset plans here.
I believe in the power of Intention and positive thought -- up to a point. No individual can alter manifestations this big. Anon is training to eat and otherwise live on less than $2/day. Spouseanon is a local. She is generally aware that the world is in the shit right now, but it is hard to bring her up to 40K feet. Suffice it to say anon is mentally preparing for subsistence level survival in a highly authoritarian country where the winters are unfortunately cold.
That said, I hope you are seeing things that I don't, and that your prognostication of a World Wide Awakening will happen much sooner than later.
Peace and God bless to all.