Board slowing down. Swing Shift Clowns on duty?
If we don't educate ALL future generations and put Amendments in place to prevent central banks from taking control (again)? The same damn situation, but with far more insidious tech at their disposal.
It's time for another HandsAcrossAmerica, instead of the HandsUpAmerica robbery we've been subjected to.
You ever wonder why Swiss neutrality is the only one ever respected by all "sides" in war?
muh language is fluid. Honeypot is promising something sweet/positive in order to trap. It's the perfect description.
Q implies that P was near the very top. Bush is nothing on the grand worldwide, multigeneration scheme.
That's the nighttime Emmys. Daytime Emmys are April 29th
They would not have let her go if they didn't already have everything with solid proof.