Need to pull up the great post by butterdezillion regarding the mysterious death (187) of Loretta Fuddy, a Subud member and keeper of the HI birth certificate secret. She was going to flip.
>>1172674 blog post with photos by butterdezillion. Take a look. She was also on hagmann show. It's a blockbuster.
Protecting the Hussein birth certificate. Butterdezillion lays it out
Fuddy’s role in Obama’s birth certificate controversy was much more critical than simply looking at a piece of paper and saying what she saw. I’ve written on this extensively here, and you can read about it in detail at the “Putting it All Together Series”, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, and Part Five . I’ve held off on posting Part Six, to protect potential witnesses. To summarize, when Neil Abercrombie was elected governor of HI in 2010 he pledged to produce Obama’s long-form BC because it was looking like Arizona would pass a law requiring a long-form BC for placement on the 2012 presidential ballot. When a Star-Advertiser columnist asked how it was going he said there was something “actually written down” – a very curious answer, so Abercrombie’s friend, Mike Evans, called him up and asked him what the deal was. Abercrombie told him – and he reported on his “Hollywood News” blurbs to multiple radio stations – that his investigation was showing there was no BC for Obama, nothing to prove he was born in HI. Mike Evans later retracted that claim by saying he never claimed to have spoken to Abercrombie, but the transcripts show otherwise. The day after that story broke big, Abercrombie forced his own choice for HDOH Director, Neal Palafox, to resign – but tried to hide it. When Palafox was asked why he resigned, he said he had no idea. HDOH communications director Janice Okubo jumped in to say it was for personal reasons but he wouldn’t play along with that, even amid rumors from the HI AG’s office that Palafox had a mighty fine medical practice and there “might” be a Medicaid fraud investigation in the works
Part 2
So Fuddy replaced Palafox. The long and the short of it is that it had already been revealed that Obama’s BC# is anomalous. Okubo had reported that BC#’s were assigned by the state registrar’s office on the day that office received them. Obama’s BC was received 3 days before the Nordyke twins’ BC’s but received a BC# 3 later than theirs. By February, a World Net Daily source within the HDOH said a fake long-form was ready but the problem was the BC#. They had to use the BC# that Obama had put on his forged COLB but somehow they had to make it seem like their BC#’s are issued randomly.
And that is where Fuddy is the CRITICAL piece – willing to do what Palafox apparently wasn’t willing to do – because sometime between March 15th, when at least one long-form was issued (and a year or so earlier a colleague of mine had videotaped a woman at the HDOH office ordering her long-form and being told she’d get it in 2 weeks, no special procedures necessary…) and the end of March, Fuddy changed the request form for BC’s so there was no way to request a long-form (standard) BC. The narrative then began that this had been a years-long policy – even claimed by Bob Bauer at the White House press conference that it had been the policy since the 1980’s, when we have proof that it was instituted LESS THAN A MONTH before Obama’s long-form was made public – instituted by Loretta Fuddy after Neal Palafox had been canned for no reason.
Part 3
ut ultimately the way it’s claimed that they can have this policy without violating UIPA and the Vital Records Statute is by saying that statute ALLOWS the health director to determine what the means for copying certified copies shall be. And Fuddy says nobody can see anything except an easily-manipulable computer ABSTRACT. It all falls on her, because if she had obeyed the law, people could request their long-form birth certificates and see how the numbering really was done in 1963. Instead, her office put out BC#’s that made no sense by ANY numbering method – first on Stig Waidelich’s short-form BC which was shown on CNN 2 days before Obama’s long-form was released. Then, when it was noted how easily the BC# could be faked on a computer printout, BC#’s were manipulated on “long-form” documents – first Virginia Sunahara’s death certificate, which has about 5 BLATANT anomalies just on the first line, and then on a long-form BC that they faked as an earlier certified copy (but they botched up Onaka’s signature and the BC# stamp which had 2 digits overlapping – an impossibility with a Bates stamp).
Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio has said all along that the way to know what happened is by looking at the paper documents, the computer transaction logs, and especially the MICROFILM ROLLS FROM1961. That was exactly what Fuddy wanted to keep them from having to forge, because it would be very difficult to forge all those records – because a person could look in other months to determine the numbering method, etc. If those records are subpoenaed in a federal investigation, it is all over for Fuddy and all over for Obama.
With Sheriff Joe closing in on what may be federal crimes that demand Congressional investigation and a special prosecutor, there seemed to be no “out” for either Fuddy or Obama…
And THAT was when this crash happened.
Comey hires a lawyer and activated cells.