Anonymous ID: a7fd8b Nov. 21, 2020, 8:18 a.m. No.11726010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6044 >>6080

Here what Q forgot to tell you.

The Antichrist is inevitable.

Now im not blackpilling nor shilling. Noone can twist the scriptures and bypass what is in no doubt to come.

We have been slowly seen the pieces put in place. If Trump and Q team dont succeed, it will be only a matter of time when the false prophet introduces the man of number.

Im not wishing for the President to fail nor the Q team but if they do, the great awakening was all about getting us ready for whats to come. To help us understand and identify whose is not on God’s side so that we dont succumb to the mark of the beast.

Look around you all the things that been happening. Do you honestly believe we are waiting for a bunch of liberals to wake up so that they can see and finally arrests happens. So per every 1 liberal who wakes up 20 conservatives dies from chaos. Is this how is suppose to work?

One positive thing is that if it wasn’t for Q we would have long ago been on civil war. The streets would’ve been a bloodbath compare to what you seen with this riots.

Satan has been the Prince of this world since before the creation of man. He even offered this kingdom to Jesus himself. Ifs a bit hard to believe that a small team of Patriots is going to defeat a system in a few years thats been ruling for thousands of years. I know God anoints people to do his will, only that this time is for Jesus to do. Our only job is to pray for the glory is for God.