Anonymous ID: 3415b4 Nov. 21, 2020, 11:01 a.m. No.11727668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7744 >>7908 >>7949 >>8158


I talked to someone 20 years older than me, who had sex as a kid, where I first had sex as an adult with an adult, I got the impression that he dealt with it by telling himself it had no reverence, and after that I noticed that he was pretty much still mentally a child, possibly because he couldn't handle it in any other way than saying 'are you supposed to wait until your an adult to learn how to ride a bike as well?' and that I was 'overthinking it and making it too complex' for him to understand.


He is really knowledgeable on technology , especially IT, but knew almost nothing about other humans, maybe because he couldn't understand himself other than trying to disregard the impact of having sex as a kid.

Anonymous ID: 3415b4 Nov. 21, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.11727823   🗄️.is 🔗kun


when I became 32, having only had sex as an adult with an adult, in my twenties, I developed mentally in a way I don't believe would be possible if I tried to disregard everything related to having sex as a kid with the intention to 'move on'.


I tried to make sense of everything I knew, if I needed to try to forget something I would never reach the conclusions I can now. As an adult, who never had sex as a kid, it is only clearer with time, that children should never have sex, and I believe that those who had the misfortune of having sex as a child can never understand or make sense of reality as one who hadn't, because they were too underdeveloped mentally to understand the impact of having sex as a child.

Anonymous ID: 3415b4 Nov. 21, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.11727945   🗄️.is 🔗kun


When I became an adult, I was made to feel ashamed as a man that I was a virgin still, by the (((modern culture))), which was being spread by those who had sex at a way too early age to try to 'deal with it', by hoping no one would care.


I am sorry for your spouse's experience, I know what bearer of degeneracy infiltrated nations to damage those most impressionable, and it has always been the ones known as jews, trying to normalise their satanic rituals.

Anonymous ID: 3415b4 Nov. 21, 2020, 11:43 a.m. No.11728092   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If you need to focus on anything else than yourself, because of childhood trauma, you don't really understand yourself, or others either, and instead, you have an immense capacity to learn what others don't have time for, because others understand better what is expected of a human, by understanding themselves, their health, and how to function in relation to everyone else.