Honorable Baker
Makes your autofilter fast. Your 'flag' is costing you your influence. And that's that.
LEOs are stuck in the middle and till now they've been able to avoid choosing sides. That will not be the case after December 14th.
Yep. They have choices between siding with good or siding with evil.
I've found if you filter the shills with the old banner and anyone who expresses support of the old banner you get rid of 80% of the concernfagging/hatefagging. Try it. The board gets very peaceful very fast and it's easier to concentrate on realfags and relevant information.
Polizei are making handsome salaries. At what cost to turn on the people you swore to protect? A lot of our LEO's are asking themselves the same question as we speak.
At some point everybody gets thrown under the bus in a Communist State. The LEO's will be next after the population is disarmed and enslaved. There will be no need for them then.