Anonymous ID: 6dbbe8 March 15, 2021, 10:23 p.m. No.13234098   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Therefore we must destabilize and discomfort society where ever possible. The Truth that they are left, alone, an individual in a society worshiping the cult of the individual, to respond against an influx of outsiders from all corners of the world. What our own nations now based on? Memes have done more for the ethno-nationalist movement than any manifesto. It ’ s profit, and profit alone that drives them, all else is secondary. The attack was to ensure a preservation of beauty, art and tradition. Whilst we may use edgy humour and memes in the vanguard stage, and to attract a young audience, eventually we will need to show the reality of our thoughts and our more serious intents and wishes for the future. Why were we allowing these soldiers deaths to be in vain? TATP packages strapped to drones, an EFP in a motorcycle saddle bags, convoy ambush rammings with cement trucks. If the media or state in your region attacks them, destroy the corporation and traitorous politicians responsible. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life.


There is no single place in the West that is even close to reaching replacement level birthrates, let alone birthrates that indicate a level of vitality and vigour. Conservatism is dead. The end result is a nation in gridlock, unable to respond to any great change, unable to commit to any great projects. I support many of those that take a stand against ethnic and cultural genocide.Luca Traini, Anders Breivik, Dylan Roof, Anton Lundin Pettersson, Darren Osbourne etc. These same children will one day become teens, then adults, voting against the wishes of our people, practicing the cultural and religious practices of the invaders, taking our peoples lands, work, houses and even attacking and killing our children. Enemies bound by faith, culture or tradition with higher levels of fertility, trust and in group preference resulting in much stronger communities.

>But the unarmed invader, we have no real idea on how to deal with them, we are unable to attack them or fend them off in any meaningful way.


Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers


I am not Gerbil, you dummy niggers