>>1173297 (lb)
I'm born in USA but my family is originally from Germany. I won't stop until your stolen honor is rightly restored and the shitskins and kikes are purged from your good land.
>>1173297 (lb)
I'm born in USA but my family is originally from Germany. I won't stop until your stolen honor is rightly restored and the shitskins and kikes are purged from your good land.
Sauce? Sounds like a story a degenerate leftist kike would dream up.
She was scrubbing hard after that sodomite greeter her.
No traitors.
>>1173488 (heil'd)
Was that supposed to be a symbolic takedown prior to the state dinner? It feels like ritual.
We must be sure to buttfuck the disgusting characters that will be attending for 24 hours preceeding the event. I want to see them screw their lines, be obviously distracted, trip and stumble, and appear lifeless.
God bless the Irish.
Dubs confirm something bold is being cooked up for tonight.
She's such a fox.
https:// www.hooktube.com/watch?v=rdblFhOOPRY
Watermarks are for faggot gloryseekers, not anons. We do it for free.