Anonymous ID: 659685 April 24, 2018, 3:54 p.m. No.1173459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3474 >>3492



“As the World Turns”


The Bible is a book of history as much as anything else. When one looks at the sumerian texts it is not hard to see how much their history and stories match the bible. Each has an Adapa (first “ model man”) or adama or Adam, each have a flood, deluge, a Noah, an ice age etc. You get the idea. The stories are an overlay with time telescoping in and out. The play of life gets played over and over, somewhat the same story taking various lengths of time.


So the bible has already happened in a sense. Our particular play has not fully played out. But others have. There is much evidence that flooding and other catastrophes have happened here on earth over and over throughout thousands of years. Plus there was really good evidence that Revelation was going to happen in September 2017 based on the bible and the constellation. But it didn’t because it already had, just in a previous play. The play this time is different. With the Great Awakening we have made it further then we ever have before.


Just like the Four Trinities (will repost if requested) are playing out so are the Four Horsemen as discussed in Revelation.


So who are the Four Horsemen?


The first is a no brainer. First to appear, White horse + Crown= Jesus of course. Besides those of us in Form (physical bodies) there are many many spiritual beings that influence us, as well as we influence them. Someone has to be coordinating the Great Awakening Plan in this group that is not in Form (not in physical body). Who better than Jesus to be in charge. Yes suprise suprise Jesus has a Plan. Trust the Plan. As above so below.


Next is the the red horse, sword ready for battle, the anons already picked this one. I have see Trump with his sword gallantly on his fiery red steed. Really fits him.


Next is the black horse with the scales of Justice. A law giver. This person(s) probably would be in a support position to the red horse and the pale horse as both would need a solid person, strict about truth, what is right and what is wrong, world is black or white to them. Might imagine two jewish men filling this role in two different places. Almost misfits due to the determined sense of justice this job requires, someone that might be misunderstood by others but perfect for this role.


And finally the pale horse, death and hades. Ok any takers, who wants this job, anybody. Well maybe not as bleak as it looks on the surface. Always with death there is the flip side Life or Creating. In the Trinity God the Father gave creative power to Mother. Maybe the writers of the bible were locked into Patriarchal thinking, who really knows. But it makes sense that the pale rider that is connected to life and death is most likely female. And this person in turns bears the full responsibility of this role.

Anonymous ID: 659685 April 24, 2018, 3:55 p.m. No.1173476   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There has been some posts regarding Jesus is a Patriot.

That is so Great.


Something that isn’t commonly know about is how Jesus loved equines.

He and his mother Mary loved to ride together on their horses across the land.


In their community there were also donkeys. Of course we all know the famous stories of Mother Mary riding her donkey into Bethlehem and Jesus riding his donkey on palm Sunday.


Donkeys were common and Jesus and Mary each had their own donkey. They kept their two donkeys with others in a community barn/corral. Jesus had a very unusual beautiful white donkey. This donkey was truly magnificent. Not that anything is perfect, but if you did use the term perfect this donkey was as close as one could get. Mary had a more ordinary donkey, not particularly beautiful or ugly, kind of small really, kind of pale in color. The beautiful white donkey loved the pale donkey. The pale donkey did not really even understand why, but was very grateful. There was also a strong red colored donkey housed with them. He belong to another member of the community. This donkey also protected the pale donkey as she was the only female donkey in the group. And finally there were two black donkeys. They hung out together and often looked kind of sideways at the other three donkeys. These two black donkeys were real thinkers, they thought the other three donkeys were kind of silly at times.


Anyway, Jesus and Mary needed to purchase some more donkeys as there was much work to be done on a new farm they were just beginning to build. They approached the owner of the red and two black donkeys. He said he would sell them, but they were a bit headstrong. He told Jesus if he could catch them, then he would sell them.


Jesus went into the corral to see if he could catch one. The red donkey did not want to go as he was very worried about leaving the pale donkey. He was very concerned about her protection. The two black donkeys were both reluctant. One was already comfortable with Jesus from prior interactions and came willingly. The other one remained wary.


Jesus now had the white, the pale and one black donkey. He would have to go back to get the other two, which he planned to do very soon.


The owner of the donkeys insisted that Jesus sign a contract in order to purchase the donkeys.


Just like in days of old a written contract in some form, did not have to be anything fancy,

was required to seal the Deal.


Think Art of the Deal!


We will have to wait and see if Jesus can catch the other two donkeys and get them signed up before he begins work on his new farm. But he must hurry as the season is fast approaching….

Anonymous ID: 659685 April 24, 2018, 4:25 p.m. No.1173889   🗄️.is 🔗kun


read herbert spencer on "what is knowable" then you will see you will never be able to comprehend the true nature of time and not to worry

same as infinity

we can have a construct and math but no practical reality

hope it helps