hey numbers anon, i'm not one myself but i've noticed repeating patterns in Q's posting times/timestamps, called attention to it a few times but never saw it picked up.
no big revelation to announce, but just found it's often blocks of 5/10 minutes, also noticed some 3-6-9 going sometimes (heads up Tesla fans)…
autists or wanna-autists would be welcome to just have all Q's drops layed out, focus on the timestamps and just document the deltas, see what pops up.
here's today's:
Q ! 04/24/18 (Tue) 11:27:03 bc4b43 No. >>1169101
Q ! 04/24/18 (Tue) 11:30:18 bc4b43 No. >>1169138
Q ! 04/24/18 (Tue) 11:37:59 bc4b43 No. >>1169241
Q ! 04/24/18 (Tue) 11:42:14 bc4b43 No. >>1169294
Q ! 04/24/18 (Tue) 11:45:00 bc4b43 No. >>1169345
Q ! 04/24/18 (Tue) 11:48:44 bc4b43 No. >>1169419
Q ! 04/24/18 (Tue) 18:38:57 5155b4 No. >>1173273
11:27:03 - 11:30:18 _ 00:03:15 min
11:30:18 - 11:37:59 _ 00:07:41 min
11:37:59 - 11:42:14 _ 00:04:15 min
11:42:14 - 11:45:00 _ 00:02:46 min
11:45:00 - 11:48:44 _ 00:03:44 min
11:48:44 - 18:38:57 _ 04:50:13 min