Anonymous ID: 480de6 Nov. 22, 2020, 1:05 a.m. No.11735696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5763 >>5772 >>5848



BBG Board member Dana Perino left the Broadcasting Board of Governors effective Jan. 1, 2013.


The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, United States.


The National Defense authorization act (NDAA 2012)

created the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) which is an independent agency of the United States government.

According to its website, its mission is to "inform, engage, and connect people around the world in support of freedom and democracy."


Hillary Clinton was on this board at the time of Sandy Hook, while she was Secretary of State.


This law empowers the government to legally propagandize the American people.


Why would the Congress create and approve this bill, which was signed into law by Obama, if they didn't plan to use it?


Have we ever actually seen any "fake" news in the media?


“National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has an amendment added that negates the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 (SMA) and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987.”


“The amendment empowers the State Department and Pentagon to utilize all forms of media against the American public for the sake of coercing US citizens to believe whatever version of the truth the US government wants them to believe. All oversight is removed with Amendment 114.  Regardless of whether the information disseminated is truthful, partially truthful or completely false bears no weight.”


“Repealing the Smith-Mundt Act allows the direct deployment of these tactics on the American public.

Information Operations activities are undertaken to shape the essential narrative of a conflict or situation and thus affect the attitudes and behaviors of the targeted audience and equates descriptions of combat operations with standard marketing strategies. With the NDAA 2012 in its current form, the State Department and Pentagon can go beyond manipulating mainstream media outlets and directly disseminate campaigns of misinformation to the U.S. public.  Successful wars require domestic acceptance.”


“The Sandy Hook shooting occurred just days after Sen. Rand Paul sent out an alert that the U.N. was set to pass the final version of the Small Arms Treaty, supported by Obama the day after election.

Part of the treaty bans the trade, sale and ownership of all semi-automatic weapons … like the one Adam Lanza used to kill 20 children and 6 adults.

The "Batman shooting" in Aurora, Colo., also happened to coincide with the same time as negotiations of the U.N. Small Arms Treaty.

The timing is impeccable.”


“…Through the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act the US government has the legal regulation to use propaganda against foreign audiences and American citizens. The intention is to sway public opinion by using television, radio, newspapers, and social media targeting American and foreign targets in controlled psy-ops or perception management…”



Anonymous ID: 480de6 Nov. 22, 2020, 1:21 a.m. No.11735796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5848




What a twisted web.


HW Bush and the Clintons were smuggling guns and drugs continually since the days of Iran-Contra… Obama continued the family business…


The biggest scandal in American history…



The Bush-Clinton empire and criminal succession.


“At a spring 2016 Republican debate attended by the Bushes, George H.W. “Poppy” Bush, looked directly at Donald Trump and gave him the “throat slit” gesture, the traditional threat of murder. The Bushes want the Clintons back in the White House.

Bush Sr. knows that the criminal empire he created, and still oversees, would be in reliable hands with the Clintons. They are family. The Clintons love “Poppy” Bush like a father. He is their crime godfather. Barbara Bush loves the Clintons. George W. Bush views Hillary Clinton as a sister-in-law.

“Poppy” trusted them with Arkansas in the 1980s, and with the White House in the 1990s, and he can trust them with the marching orders again. A Hillary Clinton presidency guarantees that all the things that the New World Order wants done will continue to get done.

The Clintons and Bushes have been criminal partners for more than 30 years. They and their colleagues have dominated the American government, the military-intelligence apparatus, the judicial system, the financial markets, and the banks. Their friends dominate the corporate media and Hollywood—the shapers of The Big Lie.”


Clintons, Contras and Cocaine:


“Just as the BCCI trail heads back toward Arkansas and a prime cash register for the Clintons, so too does another  long-running and explosive scandal within the state, involving money-laundering, drug-running and support for right-wing insurgents backed by the CIA.

By the mid-1980s, Arkansas was a crucial link in the contra war against Nicaragua being masterminded from Washington. One scheme for maintaining a cover-up for Oliver North’s network was, it appears, played out in the Governor’s mansion occupied by Bill Clinton.”




“In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.”


“…And while the pursuit may be shadowed in secrecy, from Latin American luxury hotels to car parks in Africa to the banks and battlefields of the Middle East, the impact is not: In this case, multi-ton loads of cocaine entering the United States, and hundreds of millions of dollars going to a U.S.-designated terrorist organization with vast reach.”