Anonymous ID: 9138cf WA State History of vote fraud Nov. 22, 2020, 12:51 a.m. No.11735599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5605 >>5616 >>5617 >>5619



In 2004 I Volunteered as a pole worker in WA state. SAW the cheat in KING COUNTY(Seattle is in King County) with my own eyes. Fellow pole watchers also saw it. We reported it, and I was able to get one pole worker fired for their actions. Then I worked on the ROSSI/Gregoire gov race hand recount in King County(largest county) same year, few weeks later. I could write a book on all the ways that count was manipulated and stolen.They made up the rules as they went along, when problems occurred. I spoke out numerous times, but the fix was in. At that time, there was NO WAY to distinguish provisional from in-person ballots (we still voted in person back then). That was one of the biggest ways they took advantage. They also bussed illegals aliens in vans all over the county to vote at multiple polling stations, multiple times, provisional ballots. We ran out of provisional ballots all over the county on election day, and election staff were driving all over to restock voting stations (that NEVER happens, running out of provisionals). Then, provisional fake voters would "accidentally " stuff their provisional ballot into the black box counting machine instead of placing in a separate envelope as instructed. Once its in the machine its indistinguishable from the other ballots, and it gets counted.

So when we recounted by hand, it was difficult to challenge ballots that were obviously not legit, because once they were included in the 2 machine counts, ballots were only allowed to be challenged if you couldn't tell the intent of the voter (though we tried). Ironically (not ironic at all) Dan Satterberg was part of the 3 person ballot challenge panel working on the Republicans side in KC. One Democrat, Dan Satterberg, and the Elections official who was a clear partisan Dem. Satterberg is now our KC prosecutor [Insert your own conclusions here]. And the partisan election official? He was FIRED from his $350k+ job, moved to CA where he was hired as an election official down there.

After Gregoire won the hand count by 130 votes, she put the cost of that recount back on the tax payers (her campaign orig had to foot the bill to make it happen, just like Trump just shelled out $3mill down payment in WI for a hand recout). In her 1st week as governor she signed EO's to punish the BIAW for supporting ROSSI in his lawsuits against the state for voter fraud. He and the BIAW lost that lawsuit. ROSSI won that election, not by the original 250+ votes counted by machine.. he won by thousands of votes. I PERSONALLY counted or sorted at least 600k ballots in KC, to give you an idea of how many ballots I handled.

One thing that has NEVER made sense to me in WA... When you look at the initiatives, they are typically passed by 53% of the vote, and often they pass with 60% or more, statewide. That tells me where people's values reside--on the conservative side.

After ROSSI, Cabal made sure they would NEVER come that close to losing again. And to give all of us WA GOP's a feeling of integrity, they have allowed us to have a Sec of State Republican, so we have the (false) sense that our elections are real. But I know better because I WITNESSED THE STEAL in 2004. Since then, in KC, we have lost ground, slowly, in every legislative district in KC, lost ground on the county council, lost ground with the city mayors races, lost our ability to elect our own sheriff (County council now decides) , etc, etc.. REFERENCE FOR ANONS WHO LIVE IN MIDWEST OR SOUTH: Counties in WA can be very large in comparison to say, Southern counties that you can drive all the way across in 10 minutes. Kek.

Shortly after, we went to 100% mail-in ballots. TOTAL SCAM. We give Drivers Licenses to illegals, we are sanctuary state, when you get your DL they ask you if you are registered to vote, and give you the form to do so (no they don't, ask you if you are a citizen, that's discrimination.) Now, they register 16 year olds, automatically when they get their DL, so that when they turn 18, they are already registered, "For maximum participation."

The virus started here, Bill Gates lives here, Jeff Bezos has Amazon here, etc etc,....seeing a pattern?

FOR THE REST OF YOU, WA IS THE TESTING GROUND FOR THE DEEP STATE. WA ANONS LIVE IN THE CABAL PETRI-DISH, AND NOT BECAUSE WE HAVENT BEEN FIGHTING IT. WE HAVE! Feeling more comfy knowing that there is now HOPE that the WA cabal will come crashing down with the rest of it.