Anonymous ID: af499b Nov. 22, 2020, 4:42 a.m. No.11736758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6810

Twitter to Give @POTUS Handle to Biden on Jan. 20.


Social media giant Twitter said it will give the @POTUS handle to Democratic nominee Joe Biden on Jan. 20, 2021, the company confirmed.


“Twitter is actively preparing to support the transition of White House institutional Twitter accounts on January 20th, 2021,” a Twitter spokesperson confirmed in a statement to The Epoch Times.


The company also said that the process is being done in close consultation with the National Archives and Records Administration and will also archive the Twitter accounts of the current administration for a historical perspective, as it did for other administrations.


President Donald Trump and his campaign are currently challenging the results of the 2020 general election, claiming that the results have been tainted by irregularities and voter fraud. The Trump campaign has launched a litany of lawsuits in several battleground states asking courts to protect the integrity of the voting and counting process. Their efforts have been targeting the certification of results in those states, including Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia.


Trump has repeatedly been vocal over the need to protect the sanctity of the ballot box while claiming that Democrats are trying to “steal” the election from him through efforts to count late-arriving ballots, which he alleges are illegal. He and his legal teams have been arguing that mail-in ballots postmarked by Nov. 3 but received after Election Day should not be counted and that votes that were counted without Republican observers present in the ballot-counting centers should also be considered illegal votes.


Similarly, his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who is leading the campaign’s efforts in the challenges, has claimed that there was a widespread effort by Democrats in battleground states to “steal” the states for Biden.


He has claimed that the campaign has at least ten witnesses who are ready to testify about voter fraud in court but cannot be revealed publicly now because doing so would put their lives in jeopardy. He also claimed that he has at least 1,000 sworn affidavits from citizens alleging wrongdoing that is “enough to overturn any election.”


“If we are going to present things in court, if we present it to you, judges are not going to be very happy with us. And finally, I have to tell you, our witnesses don’t want to be exposed to the tender mercy of a vicious press,” he said.


While some of the cases are still ongoing, a number of Trump campaign cases filed in federal and state cases in those states have been dismissed by judges or withdrawn. Many third-party cases have also been filed but also face similar challenges.


The Trump campaign, however, has had some success in their lawsuits. In one case filed in a Pennsylvania court, the campaign sued to compel Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Kathy Boockvar and 67 counties to follow an earlier deadline for voters to provide missing proof of identification if not provided on their initial ballot. Boockvar issued election guidance that extended the Nov. 9 deadline by three days, the lawsuit (pdf) states.


A state judge ordered all counties to segregate ballots received between Nov. 10 and Nov. 12 for which missing identification was received from ballots verified on or before Nov. 9. It also ordered that those segregated ballots cannot be counted, ruling that Boockvar “lacked statutory authority” to issue the guidance to change the deadline.


Trump’s posts on Twitter have been receiving heightened scrutiny following the Nov. 3 election. The social media platform has been flagging many of his posts as misinformation, a move that has long been criticized by many conservatives.



??????? When can @jack disappear for good????????

Anonymous ID: af499b Nov. 22, 2020, 4:58 a.m. No.11736830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6854 >>6906 >>7190 >>7386


WAYNE ROOT: Could Trump Have Been Our First 100 Million Vote President?


My latest book is titled, “TRUMP RULES.” It’s about the one-of-a-kind rules that have empowered Donald J. Trump to become perhaps the greatest warrior and winner in the history of American business and politics. I’m proud and honored to report my book is a #1 bestseller at Amazon in multiple categories as we speak.


But I’m sure millions of liberals, assorted Democrats with “Trump Derangement Syndrome” and Never-Trump RINOS would ask the question, “How is Trump a winner, when he just lost the presidency?” That’s a valid question. I hope you’re sitting down. Please buckle your seat belts. Here’s my bold answer.


First, whether President Trump wins or loses this election, he’s already established his legacy as one of the, if not the, biggest winner in America’s great history. He is the only human being in history to become a billionaire businessman and President of the United States, Commander of the Military and Leader of the Free World. That’s a pretty good resume.


TRENDING: "Georgia Is the First State I'm Going to Blow Up and Mr. Kemp and the Secretary of State Need to Go With It!" – Sidney Powell Releases the Kraken! (VIDEO)


Trump is also the only human being in history to reach the pinnacle of business, real estate, branding, celebrity, Hollywood, publishing, and politics.


He’s built and owned the most iconic buildings in America. He’s had one of the biggest bestselling books ever, “The Art of the Deal.” He’s produced and starred in one of the most successful reality TV shows ever, “Celebrity Apprentice.”


Trump’s certainly one of the most talked about human beings in world history. Love him, or hate him, other than Jesus or Mohammed, he’s the guy who’s name has been on the most lips.


So yes, President Trump, regardless of whether he wins or loses this election, is one of the biggest winners ever.


Now to the election. Trump won the biggest upset in U.S. presidential history in 2016. And in 2020 he added 10 million new votes!


Did you know that? I’m guessing not, because the lying, fake news, mainstream media never mentions it. But Trump got over 10 million more votes than last time- when he won. That’s definitely the definition of a remarkable winner.


But that’s not the really amazing part. Trump added ten million new voters under the most difficult circumstances ever experienced by any political leader in world history. It was four years of everyone against Trump. He was General Custer updated for the 21stcentury.


Trump was surrounded by enemies- from the media, social media, Hollywood, lawyers, lobbyists, globalists, billionaires, unions, the DC Swamp, the Deep State, virtually every government agency and every federal employee. Everyone hated Trump.


Trump faced 95% negative news coverage. Trump faced 95% negative polls that falsely painted him as a landslide loser.


24 hours a day Trump was painted as “evil, immoral, racist, Hitler, Nazi, KKK, white extremist, despicable and deplorable.”


On social media, millions of his enemies wished him assassinated, tortured, imprisoned or dead of Covid, every hour of every day.


In the face of all of that, Trump added over 10 million new voters.


What if there had never been 95% negative news coverage? Or a Mueller investigation? What if there had never been false accusations of “Russian Collusion?” What if there had never been impeachment hearings over a perfectly legal phone call with the President of Ukraine?


Trump’s powerhouse lawyers Lin Wood and Sidney Powell have both confidently stated that the election was stolen. They say Trump won by a massive landslide. They say they have proof that computer software was used to delete or switch millions of Trump votes.


We already know in just one single Michigan county 3000 Trump votes were switched to Biden, thereby resulting in a change of 6000 votes. We know that same faulty Dominion software was used in thirty states- including all the important swing states.


We already know in Georgia just one batch of votes in one county was miscounted in a way that added over 9600 votes for Biden. How many other counties and states across America mislabeled or miscounted votes?

