Anonymous ID: f63b0d Nov. 22, 2020, 5:41 a.m. No.11737062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7130 >>7135 >>7155


Trump didn’t win. Winning requires staying in office. That means having control over voting machines, pols, and judges sufficient to ensure an election is conducted properly. That didn’t happen, so he lost.


And how do I feel about my world collapsing? Not good. I never wanted to live in a global technocommunist surveillance state, but that is what decades of christcuck weakness and faggotry brought us to. I dont blame the communists, I blame the faith based faggotry of children like you. God hates the weak and stupid. You will see.

Anonymous ID: f63b0d Nov. 22, 2020, 5:51 a.m. No.11737164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7172 >>7179 >>7205 >>7339


I just hate smug boomers. People should be organizing for war, instead they are pretending they won and giggling about it. When it’s over they will just shrug and say “aw shucks, we had a good run!” and go back to their football game because they are a bunch of retired boomers who don’t actually give a fuck because they won’t suffer any consequences. And after they prove that they are unwilling to fight for anything yet again, they will throw up their hands and say “well, communism is God’s will for us I guess! We deserve it for being sinners!” No, you deserve it for being armchair warrior faggots who have done nothing for this country and never will, and for putting the consequences of your weakness and inaction into the next generation, without an ounce of guilt in doing so: