The Media’s Role in This Year’s Election Fraud, and the Need for Accountability
by John Cleer | ABCU8
The liberals have been telling us there’s no election fraud of any kind for at least four years, since Candidate Trump said there were millions of illegal votes being cast for Hillary. Obama that year said it was impossible to rig a US election. This argument if you can call it that was punctuated for 3 years with shrieks that Russia rigged our election.
I can’t even read the Clintons’ names without my eyes rolling into the back of my head; overwhelming evidence of their wrongdoing over the years has gone public (and is readily searchable on Breitbart) and yet, not one charge has been prosecuted. Hillary’s campaign emails were leaked in 2016 exposing, along with the Judicial Watch FOIA emails, a number of seven-figure contributions to the Clinton Foundation from foreign governments that had every appearance of influence peddling and we were told against all common sense that we must ignore them, as they were part of a RUSSIAN PLOT to interfere in our election by exposing corruption.
It’s since come out that the entire Russia plot was a lie, and one that John Brennan said, in a briefing to President Obama, was concocted by Hillary’s campaign “as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server.” The use of a private server in itself is important because Hillary Clinton was holding stolen SAP-level (above Top Secret) classified information on that server, and may have been using the server to sell it.
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