The Full official Biderman Report (pub. Sept 1957) is available from the National Institute of Health (the same entity that is working with the CDC to develop lockdown policies & deprivation of fundamental rights of Americans).…/bullnyacadmed00378-0046.pdf
Dr. Biderman, along with Amnesty International, describes the psychological methods used by communists to coerce compliance as torture. Biderman points out the significant difference between the communist method of use of psychological force through threat and propaganda and the Nazi methods of physical violence to elicit compliance being this-
“Unlike the cynical Nazis who merely perpetrated the Big Lie, the Chinese Communist personnel our prisoners encountered in Korea were required to live the Big Lie.”
Therefore the main difference is this- physical torture brings a false compliance motivated by a need to stop the pain. However, the psychological torture mastered by the Communists brings about a true compliance when the subject actually becomes convinced the "Big Lie" is true.
“The one remaining question is why the Communists proceeded in this strange way… All this assumes that purpose as rational as propaganda is always the major reason for extorting “confessions,” and this appears quite definitely not the case.
The mystery associated with the things I have discussed stems not from their rationality but from their irrationality. Unlike the cynical Nazis who merely perpetrated the Big Lie, the Chinese Communist personnel our prisoners encountered in Korea were required to live the Big Lie.”
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