Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 9:53 a.m. No.11739237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9704 >>9955

Chinese President Xi proposes GLOBAL health QR code system to revive coronavirus-battered trade & travel


Speaking during the G20 summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping promoted the idea of introducing globally-recognized health QR codes, saying it would help to restore coronavirus-hit international trade and travel.


“While containing the virus, we need to restore the secure and smooth operation of global industrial and supply chains,” China’s leader told the virtual G20 summit late on Saturday, while advocating the need to “reduce tariffs and barriers” and “liberalize” the trade of crucial medical supplies.


He also called for the creation of mechanisms that would simplify the “orderly flow” of people in the coronavirus-battered world. They could come in the form of QR codes containing people’s health information, Xi said.


China has proposed a global mechanism on the mutual recognition of health certificates based on nucleic acid test results in the form of internationally accepted QR codes. We hope more countries will join this mechanism.


QR codes of this type are already in active use in China, where internal travel has become largely dependent on them and the corresponding “health apps.” Instruments to track people’s movement, including mobile applications and QR codes, have been implemented amid the coronavirus pandemic by other nations as well, though no global system has emerged yet.

Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 9:54 a.m. No.11739257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9955

Jeremy Hunt wants mass testing & health passports in the UK. Critics accuse him of promoting ‘ENSLAVEMENT PASSES’


Former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt wants Brits to take a monthly coronavirus test, with a negative result earning them “freedom passes.” His idea angered some commenters, who called it “Orwellian.”


Writing in The Times on Friday, Hunt described an effective vaccine as Britain’s best shot at returning to normal life. However, the Conservative MP said that the country needs a “plan B” in the form of monthly tests for the whole population, with the freedom to live a normal life awarded only to those who show negative results.


Hunt suggested “offering people who comply with testing and isolation requirements a ‘freedom pass’ that removes the requirement to follow lockdown regulations.” Slovakia rolled out a similar system less than a month earlier, with those testing negative earning a certificate exempting them from curfew.


Though Hunt described the passes as an incentive to boost the uptake in testing, normal life would be quite impossible without one. In his own words, these passes should be required by people who want “to go out, shop and go to work.”


The idea didn’t go down well on Twitter, with commenters accusing the Surrey MP of using “Orwellian doublespeak” to promote“fascism.”“It’s not a ‘freedom pass,’” one wrote, “it’s an ‘enslavement pass.’”


Orwellian doublespeak in action. It’s not a ‘Freedom Pass’ it’s an ‘Enslavement Pass’.

— Nelly Tells (@NellyTells) November 21, 2020


Get your freedom back by doing exactly what we say and only doing what you want when a test says it's OK. Don't think you understand freedom Jeremy.

— Ryan Rally #KBF (@RyanRallyOh) November 20, 2020


‘Freedom pass’ sounds so liberating..

— Aldous Nous (@bravenew_orwell) November 21, 2020

Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 9:56 a.m. No.11739275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9955

While Applying for Job With State Police, Man Arrested for Child Rape After Polygraph


Olympia, WA — As TFTP reports on a regular basis, child predators are attracted to positions of authority. When given authority, these predators are put into unique situations which allow them to exploit and prey on children with no oversight. Cops, priests, coaches, politicians, and others are frequently caught abusing their authority to prey on societies most vulnerable.


In Washington state, one of these child predators was seeking a position of authority within the Washington State Patrol this week, when it was discovered that he had allegedly raped a child.


On Tuesday, the man showed up at the Washington State Patrol headquarters in Olympia to go through the job interview process. As the 31-year-old man — who has yet to be identified — was going through the background check and polygraph test process, police found something fishy.


Investigators then began pressing the man for more details. Police refused to go into detail about what they discovered, however, they reported that they garnered enough information to arrest the man on suspicion of child rape.


What the man said during the interview to lead to his arrest is unclear. But an investigation is underway as prosecutors seek more evidence to bring charges against him. Officials with the Washington State Patrol did release a statement, however, noting that they do not plan on hiring him.


Police sexual misconduct is one of America’s dirty little secrets. Barely a day goes by without news of a law enforcement officer’s arrest for raping adults and children alike. There are so many instances of officers arrested for sexual misconduct that the Free Thought Project cannot report on all of them.


It is a sad day when police officers — the ones who claim to protect us — are caught preying on society’s most vulnerable. However, there are a lot of sad days as this situation plays out like a broken record, over and over again. Luckily, this alleged monster will not be given his position of authority that he was seeking.


As stated above, however, pedophiles often seek out positions of power and authority over children so they are in a position to abuse. Priests, teachers, coaches, police officers, counselors, and others are just some of the fields in which pedophiles will attempt to gain employment.


As TFTP has reported, a study exposed the startling fact that police officers are arrested about 1,100 times a year, or roughly three officers charged every day. Many of these arrests are over unspeakable sex crimes.

Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 9:57 a.m. No.11739289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9357 >>9955

2020 not enough: WHO envoy predicts THIRD WAVE of Covid-19 in Europe next year


With Europe already suffering a second wave of coronavirus infections, World Health Organization envoy David Nabarro has warned that the region could see another spike in infections next year.


In an interview on Saturday with Swiss newspaper Solothurner Zeitung, Nabarro said that European governments failed to build up the “necessary infrastructure” to keep the virus under control after the first wave of infections this spring.


Now we have the second wave. If they don’t build the necessary infrastructure, we’ll have a third wave early next year.


Infections are once again surging throughout Europe, after a lull this summer. France and Germany recorded some 33,000 new cases combined on Saturday, while the UK reported nearly 20,000 cases on the same day, and Spain announced more than 15,000 on Friday. Deaths remain proportionally lower throughout Europe than during the first wave, however.


Despite Nabarro’s stark prediction, the WHO has cautioned against responding too heavy-handedly to the pandemic. In a briefing on Thursday, the organization’s European director, Hans Kluge, called for “systematic and general mask-wearing” and “strict controls on social gatherings,” but described national lockdowns as a “last resort” policy.

Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 10 a.m. No.11739330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9360 >>9440 >>9504 >>9710 >>9861 >>9955

Tone Deaf GOP Leader McCarthy ALREADY Willing to Toss President Trump and His 73.8 Million Voters Under the Bus


Some things never change.

All of the “elites,” “intellectuals” and far left pollsters predicted that Stone-Cold Crazy Nancy Pelosi would gain between 10 and 20 net seats in the US House in this year’s election.


Instead, Democrats got creamed. Republicans picked up at least 12 House seats and may pick up 5 more by the end of the week.


But for some strange reason President Trump was allegedly defeated by Sleepy Joe Biden who can’t finish a sentence, can’t draw a crowd and ran a non-existent campaign from his basement this year.


That story is far from over.


On Sunday GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy went on with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures. It was very obvious that McCarthy had already moved on and was focusing on 2022 and the US Senate races in Georgia.


This was a huge disappointment. How quickly McCarthy forgot about the ONE PERSON who lifted the GOP party this year. But instead of defending President Trump he was quick to change the discussion. It should be noted that this was after McCarthy and House Republicans voted to place Never-Trumper Liz Cheney into a leadership position again earlier this week.


Trump voters won’t forget who abandoned their president in his darkest hour.


Via Sunday Morning Futures:

Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 10:02 a.m. No.11739343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9955

Georgia will conduct another presidential vote recount despite already officially certifying results


A hand recount affirmed Joe Biden's win in the Peach State


Georgia will conduct another recount of its presidential election results after a request from President Donald Trump's campaign, Axios reported.


The development comes despite the fact that Georgia has already certified its election results, which happened after Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) conducted an entire hand recount of the state's presidential election results.


The hand recount affirmed Georgia's results and Joe Biden's victory in the Peace State. The Associated Press reported, "No individual county showed a variation in margin larger than 0.73%, and the variation in margin in 103 of the state's 159 counties was less than 0.05%, a memo released with the results says."


Following the hand recount, Gov. Brian Kemp (R) certified the election results late Friday.

Why a recount now?


Despite the certification, Georgia officials said Trump's campaign could request another recount because the final margin between Trump and Biden was less than 0.5%.


On Saturday, the Trump campaign hand-delivered a letter to the state secretary of state's office asking for another recount, the AP reported.


"Today, the Trump campaign filed a petition for recount in Georgia. We are focused on ensuring that every aspect of Georgia State Law and the U.S. Constitution are followed so that every legal vote is counted. President Trump and his campaign continue to insist on an honest recount in Georgia, which has to include signature matching and other vital safeguards," Trump's team said.


In response, Raffensperger asked his deputy to prepare county officials for the recount, emphasizing a transparent process.


"This will be highly scrutinized so emphasize to the counties the importance of transparency and accuracy of the process," Raffensperger said.


More from the AP:


The recount will be done using scanners that read and tabulate the votes. County election workers have already done a complete hand recount of all the votes cast in the presidential race. But that stemmed from a mandatory audit requirement and isn't considered an official recount under the law. State law requires that one race be audited by hand to ensure that the machines counted the ballots accurately, and Raffensperger selected the presidential race. Because of the tight margin in that race, a full hand count of ballots was necessary to complete the audit, he said.


Anything else?


With few exceptions, nearly every legal maneuver by Trump's campaign to challenge the close election results have been dismissed by judges, tossed from court, or withdrawn by the campaign.


Trump's campaign was dealt another loss late Saturday by U.S. Middle District Judge Matthew Brann, who rejected the Trump campaign's request to invalidate millions of Pennsylvania votes and delay the certification of the state's election results.


[T]hey ask the Court to violate the rights of over 6.8 million Americans," Brann said. "It is not in the power of this Court to violate the Constitution."

Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 10:03 a.m. No.11739353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9369 >>9955

GOP Sen. Cramer: It’s ‘Past Time to Start a Transition’ to Biden Administration


Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that it was “past time” to begin the transition to a Joe Biden administration.


Cramer said, “I agree there has to be an end. I frankly do think it’s time —well, it was past time to start a transition or at least to cooperate with the transition. I would rather have a president that has more than one day to prepare should Joe Biden end up winning this. But in the meantime, again, he’s just exercising his legal options.”


Anchor Chuck Todd said, “I just want to confirm, you believe the head of GSA tomorrow morning at this point ought to say the transition needs to begin, it looks like Joe Biden will be the apparent winner. Yes, there’s more to go through. This is what the head of GSA said. Yes, there’s still more to go through, but it looks like Joe Biden is the apparent winner. Let’s allow the transition process to begin. Should that be what happens tomorrow morning?”


Cramer said, “Yeah, it should happen tomorrow morning because it didn’t happen last Monday morning. I think you have to begin that process, give the incoming administration all the time you need. I will also say this — I think Vice President Biden has been a bit overdramatic as it relates to Operation Warped Speed and distribution of the vaccines and things. None of those things are a secret. The military is in charge of Operation Warped Speed. The military still will be there after the election, but there are a lot of other things. I informed my staff well over a week ago they had to cooperate with any transition outreach because we want to be prepared. We have a government to run regardless of who the president is.”


In a statement on Saturday, Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) said, “I congratulate President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on their victory. They are both dedicated public servants and I will be praying for them and for our country. Unsurprisingly, I have significant policy disagreements with the President-elect. However, as I have done throughout my career, I will seek to work across the aisle with him and his administration, especially on those areas where we may agree, such as continuing our efforts to combat COVID-19, breaking down barriers to expanding trade, supporting the men and women of our armed forces, and keeping guns out of the hands of violent criminals and the dangerously mentally ill.”


The statement concluded, “To ensure that he is remembered for these outstanding accomplishments, and to help unify our country, President Trump should accept the outcome of the election and facilitate the presidential transition process.”

Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 10:04 a.m. No.11739371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9384 >>9391 >>9410 >>9446 >>9476 >>9494 >>9536 >>9769 >>9955

Chris Christie: Trump’s Legal Team Has Been a ‘National Embarrassment’


Former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that President Donald Trump’s legal team has been a “national embarrassment.”


Anchor George Stephanopoulos said, “Last night we saw Pat Toomey, the Senator for Pennsylvania say it’s time for the president to enable this transition. It’s time for the president to concede. The president’s response was to attack Pat Toomey on Twitter. Is it finally time for this to end?


Christie said, “Yes, and here’s the reason why. The president has had an opportunity to access the courts, and I said to you starting at 2:30 a.m. on Thursday, if you have got the evidence of fraud, present it. What’s happened here, quite frankly, the conduct of the president’s legal team has been a national embarrassment. Sidney Powell accusing Brian Kemp of a crime on television, yet being unwilling to go on TV and defend and lay out the evidence that she supposedly has. This is outrageous by any lawyer and notice, George. They won’t do it inside the courtroom. They allege fraud outside the courtroom, but when they go inside the courtroom, they don’t plead fraud, and they don’t argue fraud. This is what I was concerned about at 2:30 in the morning on Wednesday night.”


He added, “Listen, I have been a supporter of the president. I voted for him twice, but elections have consequences, and we cannot continue to act as if something happened here that didn’t happen. You have an obligation to present the evidence. The evidence has not been presented, and you must conclude. As Tucker Carlson even concluded the other night, that if you are unwilling to come forward and present the evidence, it must mean the evidence doesn’t exist. That’s what I was concerned about on election night, and I remain concerned today. I think it’s wrong. I think what you have heard a lot of Republicans start to say this. I said it on election night. I hope more say it going forward because the country is what has to matter the most. As much as I’m a strong Republican and I love my party, it’s the country that has to come first.”

Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 10:05 a.m. No.11739388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9955

China Issues Instructions for ‘Incoming Biden Administration’


Obey Beijing, do not challenge China’s assumed economic superiority and open your domestic markets without restraint: these are the three key instructions for Joe Biden issued in an op-ed published Sunday by the Global Times, official propaganda mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).


The piece outlines China’s vision of the future under a compliant Joe Biden administration, stating from the beginning the CCP wants a “partnership” that is “categorically different” than that offered by U.S. President Donald Trump.


“Biden is, irrevocably, the 46th US president,” the editorial offers without evidence, before outlining just why the two countries should combine their resources in fighting the coronavirus epidemic.


To that end the Global Times maintains that supine America is a good America, warning its friend Joe Biden, “Demonizing China or slinging dirt on Chinese people will never help to stop the flare-up of infections and fatalities in America.”


“China’s experiences are impressive in curtailing the pandemic, and China’s unparalleled ability in manufacturing PPEs and producing vaccine vials and freezers should not be neglected and could be made use of by the Biden government,” it adds.


As to the economic realities facing the two countries, the piece gets straight to the point: It says China’s economy is growing at a “sizzling pace” and if the U.S. wants to be part of that, it should comply with Beijing. It says the “selfish” doctrine of America First must end, advising:


Economic confrontations with China chosen by Trump’s team failed to do the US, or any country in this world, any good. The buying power of Chinese businesses and Chinese households should never be diminished or looked down upon. Australia and Canada, the two hardcore allies of the US who are very unfriendly toward China, have received a bitter lesson from Beijing. Don’t trample on Chinese people’s bottom lines, otherwise they will bite back.


Now, a flurry of US multinational companies have vehemently opposed Trump’s so-called “economic decoupling” attempt, as they know perfectly well they could not find another giant and growing market like China’s. So the incoming Biden administration needs to ponder its new policies, to reverse the course of the tumultuous policies of the past four years trumpeted by Trump.


Put simply, the Global Times warns resistance to Beijing is futile and Joe Biden – if he does eventually take the White House – should obey.


Any other course of action will be frowned upon by the ruling Chinese Communist Party dictatorship.

Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 10:07 a.m. No.11739411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9955

Polish Prime Minister: EU ‘Oligarchy’ Wielding ‘Propaganda Bludgeon’ Like Former Communist Regime


Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has accused the European Union of wielding a “propaganda bludgeon” against his country like the communist regime of old.


National conservative-led Poland and Hungary are currently locked in a dispute with the EU establishment, George Soros, and their allies in the international press over their decision to veto the EU’s proposed multi-annual budget, which included a substantial coronavirus relief package, because provisions requiring member-states to follow so-called “rule of law” and values provisions had been attached.


The Poles and Hungarians are being blamed for the budget’s failure to pass because of the veto, but they argue that it was not their decision to politicise it by attaching the aforementioned provisions — which they believe would be used to deprive them of funds for refusing to submit to compuls0ry migrant redistribution quotas, or for going ahead with judicial reforms which the EU opposes.


“The rule of law has become a propaganda bludgeon in the EU,” said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, of the Law and Justice Party (PiS).


“We know the use of propaganda bludgeons very well from communist times,” he recalled, adding that a European Union “in which there is a European oligarchy that punishes the weaker and pushes them into a corner is not the EU that we joined.”


“This is not an EU that has a future,” he warned.


Hungarian Prime Minister: 'Soros Is One of the Most Corrupt People in the World'


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 21, 2020


Other members of the Polish government were equally robust, echoing arguments previously advanced by Brexit campaigners in the United Kingdom.


“The establishment in Germany and Brussels is trying to carry out a revolution and create a single European state based in Brussels or maybe Germany,” warned Zbigniew Ziobro, a member of the United Poland party which governs alongside Law and Justice who serves as Minister of Justice.


Prime Minister Morawiecki also bristled at suggestions that, because Poland is a net recipient of EU funding, Poles must “get on their knees” and accept being dictated to.


“If our partners do not understand that we do not agree to unequal treatment of states, to a stick that will always be used against us simply because someone does not like our government, we will indeed use [our] veto,” he said.


Poland's new Prime Minister explains precisely why it is so important his nation reforms their Communist-era hangover judiciary


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) December 15, 2017

Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 10:08 a.m. No.11739422   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK Secures Post-Brexit Trade Deal with Canada Ahead of EU Deadline


The United Kingdom secured a post-Brexit trade agreement with Canada on Saturday, and have committed to negotiating deeper trade ties after Britain finally frees itself from the control of the European Union at the end of the year.


The agreement will come into place on January 1st following the end of the Brexit transition period. The government expects the deal to lock in at least ÂŁ20 billion in trade between the two nations, as well as an estimated ÂŁ42 million in tariff savings on British exports.


The deal will secure zero tariffs of cars from the United Kingdom to Canada, which totalled some ÂŁ757 million in sales last year, as well as tariff-free exports on 98 per cent of British goods including fish, beef, seafood, and soft drinks.


The agreement will also save the British public from paying up to 8 per cent in increased prices on Canadian goods such as maple syrup, biscuits, and salmon.


Announcing the deal, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “This is a fantastic agreement for Britain which secures transatlantic trade with one of our closest allies. British businesses export everything from electric cars to sparkling wine to Canada, and today’s deal will ensure that trade goes from strength to strength.”


“Our negotiators have been working flat out to secure trade deals for the UK, and from as early next year we have agreed to start work on a new, bespoke trade deal with Canada that will go even further in meeting the needs of our economy,” Johnson added.


The two countries agreed that they will seek further economic cooperation starting next year in a specific British-Canadadian deal on areas such as digital trade. The future negotiations are also expected to focus on the ‘Build Back Better’ priorities of Mr Johnson and Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, such as climate change and “women’s economic empowerment”.


Today the UK and #Canada have agreed a vital trade continuity agreement.


This deal means:

✅ certainty for businesses and industry

✅ a foundation for a new, advanced trade deal

✅ and brings us one step closer to joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership.#CanadaDeal


— Liz Truss (@trussliz) November 21, 2020


International Trade Secretary Liz Truss said: “Today’s agreement underpins £20 billion worth of trade and locks in certainty for the thousands of jobs. We look forward to striking a new more ambitious deal next year with the aim of creating more opportunities for businesses and improving the lives of people across the country.”


“The UK is bonded by history, culture and transatlantic trade with our friends and allies in Canada, and we want to continue to build partnerships around the world that support our shared values of freedom and democracy, and today marks another step towards membership of a group of like-minded nations- the Trans-Pacific Partnership,” Truss added.


The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), which came after President Donald Trump removed the United States from the TPP, is a trade agreement between Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam.


The British government said that joining the CPTPP “is a key part of our trade negotiations programme, helping businesses secure more opportunities in 11 key Pacific markets.”


There is a small outpost of British territory in the Pacific Ocean in the form of the Pitcairn Islands.


UK Agrees First Historic Post-Brexit Free Trade Agreement with Japan


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) September 11, 2020

Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 10:09 a.m. No.11739435   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Turkish President Says Turkey ‘Part of Europe’, Wants ‘Full Membership’ of EU


ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Sunday that Turkey sees itself as a part of Europe, but he called on the European Union to “keep your promises” on issues such as the country’s membership bid and refugees.


He spoke before an EU summit due to be held next month. In recent weeks, EU members have raised the prospect of sanctions against Turkey over its gas exploration missions in the eastern Mediterranean.


“We always see ourselves as part of Europe,” Erdogan said in a virtual speech to ruling party members. “We chose to favour Europe as long as they don’t force us to look elsewhere.”


He added: “Keep your promises to our country, from full membership to the issue of refugees. Let’s establish a closer and more efficient co-operation together.”


Turkey applied for membership in the bloc in 1987 and four years ago signed a deal with the EU to manage the flow of migrants to Europe.


However, claims of democratic backsliding have seen its application effectively suspended while both sides have accused the other of not properly implementing the refugee agreement.


Ankara has dispatched research and drill ships to waters claimed by EU members Greece and Cyprus, sparking a military escalation over the summer.


Prior to an EU summit in September, Turkey withdrew the Oruc Reis research vessel from the eastern Mediterranean. The ship later returned and on Saturday Turkey announced it was extending its mission until Nov. 29.


European heads are due to meet in Brussels on Dec. 10 and 11 and have voiced concerns over Turkish activity in parts of the Mediterranean that Ankara unilaterally claims as its economic zone. Tensions have also been stoked by Erdogan’s insults against French president Emmanuel Macron and Turkey’s foreign policy in northern Cyprus and Azerbaijan.


Last week, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas urged Turkey to stop “provocations” in the Mediterranean or face possible sanctions. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said the bloc was “approaching a watershed moment in our relationship with Turkey.”


In a bid to patch up relations, Erdogan dispatched his spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin, who often takes a role in foreign affairs, to Brussels on Friday.


Over the last two weeks, Erdogan has talked about plans for judicial and democratic reforms to accompany a change in economic policy, a sign that some have suggested is a bid to win over Europe and a potential Joe Biden administration in the U.S.

Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 10:10 a.m. No.11739455   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Britain ‘Will Suffer’ If It Blocks Chinese Businesses, Warns China Lobbyist Group


Britain “will suffer” if it continues to stand up against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and lose billions in Chinese investment, warned a China lobbying group in the United Kingdom.


Wenjian Fang, the chairman of the China Chamber of Commerce in the United Kingdom — which represents hundreds of Chinese businesses including Huawei, ZTE, and Air China — threatened that China will throw its economic muscle around should Britain continue to ban Chinese companies.


“If you continue to bar Chinese companies, the UK itself will suffer from lack of support or co-operation from China. Chinese investor confidence will be heavily impacted … when the UK needs investment so much at this time,” said Mr Fang, according to the Sunday Times.


China has increasingly taken a hardline stance following the mainstream media’s declaration that former vice-president Joe Biden won last month’s presidential election in the United States.


The CCP has targeted both the United Kingdom and Australia, which have started standing up to the communist regime during President Trump’s term in office, with the British government announcing that it would ban Chinese tech giant Huawei from its 5G networks by 2031 after pressure from the White House in July.


There is also a national security and investment bill being considered by Parliament that could be used to block Chinese investment from critical infrastructure in Britain.


Mr Fang, who also serves as the head of the state-owned Bank of China in the UK, went on to go after Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s ‘Build Back Better’ green agenda, warning that China could pull its funding from the Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant.


“They are prepared to make further big, substantial investment in the UK, but they are now waiting to see what decision the UK government is going to make,” he said, adding: “Why do you close the door and send them away? OK, go and find another partner. The plan to reduce emissions will be heavily impacted.”


He went on to warn that British companies with large exports to China, such as Jaguar Land Rover and Burberry, could face ramifications as well, saying: “If the UK continues to be hostile to China, to Chinese companies and goods, what will the public reaction in China be? The public will say, ‘OK, if you don’t buy from us, why should we buy from you?’ We have seen such things happen before.”


China Berates Australia: Bow Down to Beijing’s Might and Ignore the U.S.


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 18, 2020


Hong Kong Watch founder Benedict Rogers described the threats from Mr Fang as “more bullying by the Chinese Communist Party regime.”


“We need global, co-ordinated, targeted and robust sanctions against the CCP and we need them now,” Rogers said.


The chairman of the powerful Foreign Affairs Committee in the House of Commons, Tom Tugendhat MP, said: “Chinese businesses claim to be independent but they threaten like the Central Committee of the CCP. We’ve seen the same tactics used in Australia. They have stood up to this threat to their sovereignty. We must too.”


China has spent the last two decades dumping millions of pounds sterling into investment projects in Britain, as well as buying stakes in Heathrow and Thames Water.


UK Will ‘Pay a Price’ over Huawei Decision, Threatens Chinese Communist Party Paper


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) May 26, 2020

Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.11739481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9496 >>9955

Dr. Fauci Says Vaccine Skeptics Pose A Serious Threat To Public Health


White House coronavirus advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said during an interview this week with the NYT that convincing skeptics to take a COVID vaccine is a matter of paramount importance to safeguard the public health.


Many of these people "actually don't think that this is a problem," Dr. Fauci said during a conversation with the Hastings Center. He also pointed out that many people simply don't accept the fact that a vaccine was developed so quickly, especially since experts during the early days of the outbreak warned that a vaccine could take years.


After slamming all the "fake news" surrounding the virus and the vaccine, Dr. Fauci complained that he was "stunned" by peoples' reluctance to believe in the virus.


After the NIH estimated that 75% of the US population would need to receive the vaccine to establish herd immunity, Dr. Fauci insisted that he would like to see "the overwhelming majority" of people to receive the vaccines so we could "essentially really crush this outbreak."


"Despite a quarter million deaths, despite more than 11 million infections, despite 150,000 new infections a day, they don’t believe it’s real. That is a real problem," Fauci said.


Speaking earlier this week at the NYT's Dealbook virtual conference, Dr. Fauci said that "if we have an effective vaccine and 50% of the population refuses to take it, you still have a considerable public-health challenge."


Many Americans have pointed to the speed at which the vaccine was developed for making them uncomfortable with taking it. But Dr. Fauci tried to explain that the speed is largely a factor of scientific advances that helped unlock the mRNA approach being used by Pfizer and Moderna.


Additionally, once the data is ready for review - Pfizer is submitting its vaccine for an EUA on Friday, the company said - Dr. Fauci explained that the data are reviewed by both internal and external committees and researchers.


"By the time you get the FDA deeming that this is a safe and efficacious vaccine, you’ve had a independent and transparent process decide,” Fauci said. "We’ve got to keep hammering that home because for the group of people who are concerned about the process, the process is sound."


At this point, only the naive should believe that Dr. Fauci is sincere in his hopes to convince skeptics to take the vaccine. In the end, only one thing is going to force people to take the vaccines, and that's the "soft" pressure of exclusion - or a more heavy handed approach, like mandatory vaccination orders.


Could this be how the scene is set for the silencing of bastions of "free speech" like Parler, where all of this vaccine "misinformation" has migrated from 'mainstream' platforms like Twitter and Facebook?

Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 10:14 a.m. No.11739499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9955

Al Sharpton Paid His Family More Than $80K Through National Action Network As Organization Spent Lavishly On Travel


Sharpton provided family members at least $80,000 to work for his social justice organization, National Action Network. In Addition, the organization spent lavishly on travel.


The information comes from recent tax filings reviewed by the New York Post


“The National Action Network paid Sharpton’s 33-year-old daughter Ashley Sharpton $63,250 last year to do social media work and consulting, and gave $13,750 to his niece, Nikki Sharpton, 45, for special-event work in NAN’s Atlanta bureau, according to the group’s most recent tax filing, which was obtained by The Post,” the outlet reported. “And NAN gave a $5,000 grant to Kathy Jordan Sharpton, 64, the reverend’s wife from whom he separated in 2004. It was listed on the form as scholarship money.”


Sharpton himself took less money than he did in 2018, receiving a 1% raise to collect $327,570 in 2019. He was paid an extra $722,948 in 2018, which NAN said was for years in which Sharpton was not fully paid.


Sharpton’s oldest daughter, Dominique, has been listed as NAN’s membership director for more than a decade yet tax filings do not show her being paid for her work.


It’s not surprising or even uncommon for family members to work for an organization, and the money paid to Ashley and Nikki isn’t extraordinary. The money spent by the organization on travel, however, should raise eyebrows.


As the Post reported, about one quarter of the organization’s expenses in 2019 came from travel and transportation, including $777,623 to a high-end car service called Carey International that the group used to chauffeur employees who worked around the country and even to bring “in dignitaries and talent for the group’s annual conference in New York and regional meetings, and to take victims to rallies or trials,” the outlet reported.


Rachel Noerdlinger, a spokeswoman for NAN, told the Post that 2019 was “a banner organizing year in preparation for 2020” and that travel expenditures had to increase for “voter engagement and registration, work around the census and construction of NAN tech hubs around the United States.”


Another peculiar expenditure the Post found related to Sharpton’s ex-wife. Noerdlinger claimed the money she was given as part of a “scholarship” is paid through her church and apparently paid every year, though the Post found no similar grants in the organization’s tax filings over the previous few years.


Sharpton’s finances have come under scrutiny before. In 2018 he apparently sold the rights to his life story to his own organization for $531,000 so that NAN could then sell the rights to filmmakers. So far it is unclear whether those rights have been sold again.


Sharpton always seems to receive good fortune no matter his actions. In 1998 he was ordered to pay $65,000 in defamation damages to a man he smeared as a rapist as part of the Tawana Brawley rape hoax in the 1980s. Sharpton never paid a dime of what he owed, instead having his debt paid off by wealthy friends.

Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 10:15 a.m. No.11739511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9538 >>9646 >>9955

In Apparent Message to Biden, Netanyahu Warns World Powers Against Reentering 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal


Netanyahu spoke at commemoration ceremony for Israel's first prime minister David Ben-Gurion, where some 300 protesters against him gathered


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Sunday that world powers must not reenter the 2015 nuclear accord with Iran, in a message seemingly directed towards U.S. President-elect Joe Biden.


Speaking at the annual commemoration ceremony for Israel's first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, Netanyahu said, "we must uphold an uncompromised policy to guarantee that Iran doesn't develop nuclear weapons.

Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 10:18 a.m. No.11739557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9955

Airbnb Complied With Chinese Communist Party Demands For User Data, Prompting Chief Trust Officer To Resign


Airbnb’s Chief Trust Officer resigned from the vacation rental service due to concerns about the company sharing personal data with the Chinese Communist Party.


Sean Joyce, who was hired in May of 2019 with the goal of protecting users’ safety on the platform, resigned after six months at the job, citing “concerns about how the massive rental platform shares data on millions of its users with Chinese authorities,” according to The Wall Street Journal.


“Joyce grew alarmed during his tenure that the company wasn’t being fully transparent about the data it shares with the ruling Chinese Communist Party government, including for Americans traveling in the country,” the report continued.


And Joyce thought this trend would only continue:


“He also was concerned about what he viewed as Airbnb’s willingness to consider more expansive data requests from China.”


Data shared with the Chinese government included “phone numbers, email addresses and messages between users and the company.” Additionally, the Chinese Communist Party requested “real-time data,” which would alert them to when someone first books a property.


To Joyce, “such data-sharing would enable Chinese government surveillance and put members of minority ethnic groups such as repressed Muslim-majority Uighurs at risk.”

Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 10:21 a.m. No.11739616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9833 >>9955

New York Sheriffs break up underground swingers sex club in Queens


These probably weren’t the busts they’d expected.


An underground swingers sex party was broken up overnight in Queens for violating pandemic gathering restrictions, the New York City Sheriff’s Office announced.


Caligula, which bills itself on Facebook as a “private upscale on premise swingers club” in Astoria, was caught hosting more than 80 people, bumping loud music and unlawfully serving alcohol, Sheriff Joseph Fucito said.


When sheriff deputies arrived, they found three couples having sex in a small room while others were gathered across the venue unlawfully drinking alcohol and socializing, according to the sheriff and pictures of the event.


Jennifer Hayes, 47, was the only attendee who was fined and given a summons for disorderly conduct.


“[The chief] kept saying how long have you been working there… I didn’t work there. I heard them laughing and making fun of everybody,” Hayes told The Post Sunday, adding she will be fighting the violations.


“I got angry, I mouthed off… they kept me there for four hours,” she continued.


The woman claimed she was not taking part in the hanky panky.


“I just wanted to dance and see and hear a DJ play music, that was it! There’s no other options. You can’t go anywhere.”


Hayes said she was wearing a mask the entire night and claimed she didn’t witness anyone having sex.


Photos taken by deputies show four white beds and a black leather couch crammed together in a small room with a basket of what appears to be condoms on one of the beds and a trash can on the floor.


Another photo shows a large cardboard box filled with condoms with a lacy black bra draped on top of it. There is also a picture of a white laminated sign showing prices for an apparent VIP room, which started at $30 for 10 minutes and went up to $500 for “ALL NIGHT!”


The party was in violation of the 25-person gathering rule in place for businesses located in yellow zones and it also didn’t have a liquor license or a special permit from the state liquor authority to sell or store booze, the sheriff’s office said.


Hayes said the event wasn’t crowded and people were spaced apart. She doesn’t believe 80 people were in attendance but couldn’t say for sure just how many patrons there were.

Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 10:27 a.m. No.11739698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9708 >>9734 >>9955

Largest Number of Cluster Votes In Wayne Co. MI Came From Psychiatric Hospital For Patients With Severe Mental Illnesses


Yesterday, data scientist Sarah Eaglesfield tweeted about some interesting facts she uncovered while looking into Wayne County, Michigan’s voter data from the November 2020 election. According to 100Percent Fed Up, her data, so far, explores cluster votes in Michigan’s Wayne County, where hundreds of affidavits have been filed sharing eye-witness accounts of voter fraud and intimidation by paid election workers and officials and Democrat activists present at the TCF Center, where absentee ballots were processed.


Eaglesfield’s tweet reads:


In order – clusters in Wayne County, Michigan with the most votes cast in #Election2020 were:


  1. A psychiatric hospital (@NedStaebler is that you?)


This comment directed at Ned Staebler is in reference to his viral, videotaped, unhinged rant directed at the Republican Wayne Co. Board of Canvassers who refused to certify the county’s election last week.


  1. Apartment block (but no apartment number)


  1. A convent


  1. THE FOUR SEASONS Care facility (really!)


  1. Homeless drop-in centre


Today, Sarah Eaglesfield shared the data she used to obtain the information she shared on Twitter yesterday. She tagged Michigan’s Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (who insists there was no voter fraud or intimidation of poll challengers in Wayne Co), Trump attorney Sidney Powell, President Trump, Joe Biden.


RE #1: The psychiatric hospital that, according to Eaglesfield’s research, provided the largest number of cluster votes in Wayne Co.


The largest cluster of votes received in Wayne County was from the Walter P. Reuther Psychiatric Hospital, which provides treatment, care, and services to adults with severe mental illness. 97 patients at the facility either applied for a ballot or are register as absentee voters, and 78 appeared to have returned their ballot.


From the website: Walter P. Reuther Psychiatric Hospital provides treatment, care and services to adults with severe mental illness.


Given that the psychiatric facility in question specifically states that it caters to those with severe mental illness it should be investigated what mental capacity these voters had and whether these ballots were potentially abused. It is my understanding that there is no capacity test for voting in Michigan, although state law allows for one to be applied.



Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 10:29 a.m. No.11739708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9955



In addition to her findings related to cluster votes, Eagelsfield also released more evidence of voter irregularities that she discovered.


Wayne County Dataset


The Wayne County Dataset was obtained from Jocelyn Benson, the Secretary of State for Michigan. It contains 613,091 lines of data, each representing a vote cast in Wayne County, including voters’ personal information (such as name, home address and year of birth). It is a partial dataset and does not contain all the voter data for Wayne County.


Forensic Analysis Questions


There are a number of questions that can be asked to help determine the integrity of the election data provided. Although one factor on its own would not point to election fraud having taken place, these questions can still help determine shortcomings in the computer systems used to process the ballots, and where human error may have occurred.


Q1. Is rejection rate in line with other years?


If the rejection rate was significantly higher than other years, this would indicate a possibility that valid ballots were being rejected. Conversely, if the rejection rate was significantly lower, it would point to potentially legal ballots being disregarded.



7,700 votes were rejected in the provided dataset, a rate of 1.256%. This is lower than the statewide 2016 Michigan rejection rate of 2.02% stated by the Election Assistance Committee in their 2016 Election Administration and Voting Survey. Although not an immediate cause for concern, given the increase in absentee ballots, rejection rates would be expected to be higher than previous elections, and ballot rejection procedures should be reviewed in the audit.


Q2. Does any voter ID appear more than once in the dataset?


As each voter ID represents a unique person, and each person is only allowed to vote once, a voter ID appearing more than once should be flagged as suspicious.




A total of 1,104 voter IDs appeared more than once in the dataset, with 4 voter IDs appearing three times, and one voter ID appearing four times.


Whilst the majority of duplicate voter IDs were processed correctly, the dataset appears to show 21 processing errors with these duplicates. 10 voters with the same voter ID who voted twice appear to have been counted twice, two of whom had changed their address, one of whom was an overseas voter. 5 voters voted twice and had neither vote counted. 6 voters had their ballot counted more than once, as detailed below.


Q3. Does any ballot ID appear more than once in the dataset?


As each ballot ID represents a unique vote, a ballot ID appearing more than once should be flagged as suspicious.





Anonymous ID: c1fdf1 Nov. 22, 2020, 10:48 a.m. No.11739955   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#14984 ( Bread no. wrong)


>>11739183 Dominion ‘Attorney Spokesman’ says there was no voter fraud.

>>11739216, >>11739596, >>11739611, >>11739763 PF

>>11739237 Chinese President Xi proposes GLOBAL health QR code system to revive coronavirus-battered trade & travel

>>11739257 Jeremy Hunt wants mass testing & health passports in the UK. Critics accuse him of promoting ‘ENSLAVEMENT PASSES’

>>11739258 Bill Cooper predicted that mass arrests would happen on a Thanksgiving day

>>11739275 While Applying for Job With State Police, Man Arrested for Child Rape After Polygraph

>>11739289 2020 not enough: WHO envoy predicts THIRD WAVE of Covid-19 in Europe next year

>>11739316 Filed in federal court and headed for the Supreme Court: We have seized the servers for Dominion in Germany

>>11739330 Tone Deaf GOP Leader McCarthy ALREADY Willing to Toss President Trump and His 73.8 Million Voters Under the Bus RINO

>>11739343 Georgia will conduct another presidential vote recount despite already officially certifying results

>>11739349 Still going strong here in Huntington Beach, CA protesting Newsom’s “curfew.”

>>11739353 GOP Sen. Cramer: It’s ‘Past Time to Start a Transition’ to Biden Administration RINO

>>11739371 Chris Christie: Trump’s Legal Team Has Been a ‘National Embarrassment’ RINO

>>11739381 Treaty On Open Skies -Terminated

>>11739388 China Issues Instructions for ‘Incoming Biden Administration’

>>11739396, >>11739416 The current official domain of the company is dominionvoting(.)com

>>11739411 Polish Prime Minister: EU ‘Oligarchy’ Wielding ‘Propaganda Bludgeon’ Like Former Communist Regime

>>11739438 Senate investigators believe the Secret Service has withheld key records from oversight committees regarding Hunter Biden's

>>11739481 Dr. Fauci Says Vaccine Skeptics Pose A Serious Threat To Public Health

>>11739499 Al Sharpton Paid His Family More Than $80K Through National Action Network As Organization Spent Lavishly On Travel

>>11739511 In Apparent Message to Biden, Netanyahu Warns World Powers Against Reentering 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal

>>11739557 Airbnb Complied With Chinese Communist Party Demands For User Data, Prompting Chief Trust Officer To Resign

>>11739616 New York Sheriffs break up underground swingers sex club in Queens

>>11739698, >>11739708 Largest Number of Cluster Votes In Wayne Co. MI Came From Psychiatric Hospital For Patients With Severe Mental Illnesses

>>11739703 SCOTUSblog founders are suspicious

>>11739806 The CCP Captured U.S. Power by Controlling Sequoia Capital. The link Between Dominion, Sequoia, Smartmatic, and the CCP