r hillary & chelsea slingin' hash in the kitchen?
The current official domain of the company is dominionvoting(.)com;
It is interesting to see this dominionvotingsystems(.)com is registered on May 26, 2020, by an unknown person from China Hunan province.
The owner's name is hidden by domain registrar GoDaddy(.)com
after seeing the dvs fileshare subdomain for Dominion, I scanned a wildcard "dominionvotingSYSTEMS(.)com" and it led me to a horribly insecure data center in Quanzho, China.
The BBC now trying to gaslight us into believing the WEF’s ´The Great Reset´ is a tin-foil hat ‘conspiracy theory’. When it is being promoted & implemented in plain sight.
mockingbird media thus far placating, thinking they can convince the noobs that the election theft is in reality a biden victory
they are suddenly beginning to realize that ordinary American people no longer listen to their nonsense so mockingbirds will begin to incite rioting and violence by their george soros paid minions
Thank God Donald Trump was asked to run for, and be our President, during such tumultuous times
yep, that explains how a wretched old hag like merkel keeps getting "re-elected"