>Had a very tough week here.
Sorry to hear fren, sending you some positive prayers tonight. I have suspicions that all this torture of the citizens on COVID and the FFs are to get us to be spiritually fragile. It doesn't matter if one is a leftie or rightie. Spiritual warfare is to get both sides angered. When I see the fear porn now on COVID, death, etc. I just laugh kek - I literally laugh.
Be happy! Jesus doesn't want us sad. God is love. The Devil on the other hand is fear and more fear.
>Business is ridiculous, everyone in the mainstream public is on edge…..my patience with this is wearing thin.
Ah yes, the normies. We might need to help them one day but many of them seem lost.
I used to hate on the normies for their actions. I do not approve of their actions but I know that they are clearly lost spiritually and have been innocently brainwashed. Some have made the choice, however, to turn to the dark side. I do feel sorry for these individuals as they've been misled and their actions were based on the wrong intentions. For example, I've been given the horrible dirty face for not wearing a mask. I've also gotten people to talk behind my back for not wearing a mask. Their action of talking crud on me was based on the wrong intention. These individuals just need to see the light. I will not get angered by these people because they clearly are not thinking properly - kind of like how you cannot get too involved with psych patients. Otherwise you will be manipulated. Armour of God helps here.
>Thee one thing keeping me going is knowing what's up.
Same here. I haven't fully read all the Q posts but I am using my knowledge on the hidden information to help those who need it. My family is slowly awakening and I am using this info to drop it to them at the right time. Makes sense why they tried to lock us all down eh? To stop us from talking with others.
>Can you imagine not having hope right now?
Oh yes, I used to be a lost fella too. Many things in this world never made sense. After reading up more on spirituality, believing in a person of higher power, understanding that there's good and evil in this world, the puzzle kept piecing together. It still gets pieced together daily.
One time after I meditated I had a thought that popped up in my head asking me to question everything. Then I thought…what if everything in this world was made up? That led me to questioning everything we've believed. We have the abilities to design our own lives but some of us just decide to let others control us; we on the other hand know it is not right and have internal instincts to fight against this. I do have strong suspicions too that we were not meant to work until 70 and retire. How messed up is that? Somewhere on the mb the past few days, some anon mentioned that maybe we are from Mars. It makes more and more sense that the reality we live in and have been made to believe doesn't piece together. Things might get darker before getting better but I think some of the horrible stuff has been leaked (HB laptop, election rigging). We know some of the plan and it's been rolling out. The elites have been panicking so they're trying to do all they can to make us give up. Not a chance on my watch!! Using this body to help fight against this tyranny is my pleasure. We've seen the Q proofs and know the crazy shit about Antarctica and the portals and all. Seeing Sidney Powell's lawsuit and some of the exhibits gave me more hope. The lefties, normies, and elites are just panicking. It's like an abusive ex that wants to come back to you and say they're going to be good again. Heck no. We've seen how these narcissist work.
Do take some self-care anon…very important thing that everyone needs to do. Quick and slow walks without your phone outside in the sun. At home, play some binaural beats or calm, uplifting music in the background. Close your eyes and breathe naturally, trying to prolong your inhales and exhales. Happy thoughts too anon! Remember the Water Experiment (or look it up kek it's a good one ;))…we're mostly water. And remember Nikola Tesla - we're all energy, vibration, and frequencies. If you've got some trauma/stress to get rid of, try the technique in the video embedded. The US Army uses this too. This other video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26zoFKZzbQc) uses the same techniques but simplified exercises (less time kek).