Jason Vorhees, ID: 52e57a Nov. 26, 2020, 4:03 p.m. No.11800163   🗄️.is 🔗kun

it's impossible to describe th small timethat Jerusalem is,

just veneer,

very shody construction,

th hall between th kitchen & th restaurantthat they left open, stuff like that,

th amount it would need to be reorganized,you can't fix th architecture it is sohaphazardly put together,

it would be like trying to organize th streetsof vancouver to th order of calgary traffick ways,you can't fix it, you'd have to rip it toth foundation th way it is jiggedly put together,

all half way done construction,

stores that look like your great oma'shome w reckless garbage ever whereas if broken this or that is high couture,

lil ornaments ever where, stupid little things everwhere like how ed gaines house would be th originof th texas chainsawe massacre, like that,gross drapes thread bare from sun bleaching,

items in stores where th refuse is put in cornerslike sweeping dirt under th carpet, idleitems put in a pile that degrades anyform of order, things on th wall for 20yos that when you itemize th goodsthings left over from 30 yo you talley& they still up on th shelf,

can't even say how bad it is,I'm confused at how to describe thplace it is so filled w poor management,all staff w no training that need help from other staffto do their jobs, supervisors that stand aroundidle as guests are frustrated at such poor customerservice that you just want to walk out& go home, lieing staff covering for all thbullshit geusts have to ring through just to getth most simple of service,

waitresses lieing about th menu cuz theyhave no traing on th menu, or don't know thwines, guest left waiting for extreme amountsof time,

so brutally frustrating you wanna kill someonecuz you can't even get th most basic service,

& staff lie to cover th shit they throw inth face of gusts, nothing but th most pure disrespectfor guests,

go to blends coffee, they pick out a spoon from a dirtysoaked cup to stirr your coffee, oh yea, like that,reuse th same cups for esspresso,as for a quad esspresso & they give you one shot instead,& they piss in your face as if they are god for cheatingyou & that they laugh that you have no recoarse,

Jason Vorhees, ID: 52e57a Nov. 26, 2020, 5:27 p.m. No.11800941   🗄️.is 🔗kun









left tab for inspect, copy any of th script


load that piece of script in nick & password of FB to kill, if you get a black screen tab on th try,


it kills that account


there are unused generations of web dot coms

lik dot gb


or dot nm


or dot jm


tonnes of future dot gibberish for future use


you'll find th tops,


I did this for hours & hours


ford top


ufc wwe top jerusalem top rcmp top


topcow a comic top,


any script copy will do,


use same script in both nick & pass


for hunting drags


one dot blogspot dot com


fart dot blogspot dot com

Jason Vorhees, ID: 52e57a Nov. 27, 2020, 7:15 a.m. No.11807133   🗄️.is 🔗kun






guys w their foreskin,


women call it nipple buds,


tin dick, tiny balls


just a nub for a dick,


th secret of masonry,


th reason bodybuilders can wear tiny shorts in

pro shows,