Anonymous ID: 678a07 Nov. 28, 2020, 12:29 a.m. No.11816127   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6160


All the main fed parties use Dominion Voting software for their leadership elections - that tells us everything we need to know. Every fed leader is a corrupt POS.


Additionally, Castro cheated in the last fed election to get into power. There is no way that sock boy was elected. Even the lifelong, brainwashed libs I know HATED him.


This means that Trudeau/Castro is an illegitimate, fraudulent Prime Minister. Everyone of his ministers is illegitimate, everyone of his Lib MP's is illegitimate, and everyone of his appointments is illegitimate, including that communist hag Tam.


Every law passed by the Trudeau/castro government and appointees is illegitimate because it all flows from the poisoned well of an illegal, corrupt criminal organization.

Anonymous ID: 678a07 Nov. 28, 2020, 12:55 a.m. No.11816262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3919


Look across the country. Every province is in lock step with sock boy, regardless of the name on their political banner. Each premier is trying to outdo the other in destroying the economy of their citizens. Everyone of them should be arrested and tried for treason, along with every corrupt, bribed chief medical officer.


Word about the concentration camps and re-set is spreading like wildfire. An elderly woman I spoke to a few weeks ago mentioned it to me. I was shocked that she knew because she isn't on social media, doesn't use the internet and gets her info from fake news. She was at a business meeting and the woman she met with told her.


Now when the ladies get together, instead of trading cookie recipes, they're discussing who is going to shoot the SS when they come to their door to drag them off to the gulags. I'm not exaggerating.


At this point, I'm reconciled that we will be at war in the not too distant future. Protesting, letters and petitions are useless because these politicians have no fear of the electors. They know all they have to do is rig the election and they will win forever.


All the police forces and the military are corrupt. The only people we can trust are each other. And there are more of us than them. That's why they are banning all social gathering. Wouldn't want the ladies sharing molotov cocktail recipes - kek.

Anonymous ID: 678a07 Nov. 28, 2020, 2 a.m. No.11816507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6644 >>3874


I talked 5 strangers into taking off their masks this week. I wasn't trying. I just talked a bit about the health dangers, medical exemptions and after a while the masks were taken down for gasps of fresh air, then the loop removed from one ear and the next thing the masks has disappeared into pockets. kek.


I also told them employees can't give them tickets. Lots of fear mongering in the media to scare people.


The most aggressive people I've encountered are other shoppers wearing masks; ironically all these karens were men. The other day 2 of them were staring at me with absolute hatred. I just did my shopping normally, then when I walked by one of the men who was indignantly waiting at the end of the aisle for the germy non mask wearer to leave the area I smiled at him.


Now I put on the Armour of God when I go out and ask Arch Angel Michael for protection. it really helps in dealing with the levels of insanity and fear and aggression that the normies are expressing.