X22 Report
40 min.
X22 Report
40 min.
MPP Randy Hillier ticketed following anti-lockdown “Pots and Pans Protest”
Approximately 1,000-1,500 protesters took to the lawns of Ontario's legislature in Toronto for what was known as the “Pots and Pans Rally” for what was an audibly deafening protest at some points, to say the least.
An array of speakers took their turns on the microphone, including the singing of the national anthem; however, most notable was former-Conservative, now-Independent MPP Randy Hillier who continue his objection to the lockdowns.
Hillier also gave his remarks on the Adamson Barbecue fiasco taking place in Toronto, which has seen authorities not only arrest owner Adam Skelly, but seize the property and bar others from entry under the authority of health officials and the Trespass Act.
Hillier echoed many of the sentiments shared by the speakers, focusing on small businesses whom have lost their ability to pursue free enterprise during COVID restrictions, which has seen some businesses locked and chained to prevent them from opening.
New Blue Party member and fellow Independent MPP Belinda Karahalios was also in attendance (but did not speak to the crowd) remarking the following in regards to the provincial government:
"They're not listening, and they're not putting their resources and the money behind the vulnerable populations which we know need it most."
Following the event, the Adamson Barbecue owner was arrested and mounted police forces blocked entrance to the establishment. You can see Rebel News' coverage of the arrest as it was happening below.
Flat Earthers have Charter Rights too | Man JAILED for breaking Quarantine Act+
taunch anti-lockdown activist Mak Parhar has been something of a thorn in the sides of the B.C. government and its public health officials.
Back in April, Delta police claimed they were unable to find any law that could have been used to stop the Bikram Yoga Delta business owner from bringing large groups of people to his studio to allegedly discuss their belief that COVID-19 is a hoax.
Delta’s Mayor George Harvie used Parhar's defiance as reason to “ask for more power to enforce public health orders and advice.”
More recently however, Parhar has found himself having less victories with the law.
On November 2, Parhar was arrested and spent days in jail for “repeated violations under the Quarantine Act.” He was charged with three counts of failing to self-isolate after returning to Canada from the United States.
The Quarantine Act allows the federal government to have the authority to ensure compliance with the order, which is enforceable by the police and RCMP. Penalties for breaking the self-isolation orders can be as high as $750,000 and include up to six months in prison.
I met up with Parhar to ask him what led him to defy the Quarantine Act and fill us in on the events that preceding his arrest.
Watch the full report here!
Across Canada, people are receiving tyrannical fines for supposed COVID law-violations. In some cases, these fines are for doing things like feeding the homeless or worshipping at Church.
We are prepared to help 1,000 Canadians being penalized by the state, and we need your help to do it. Please visit FightTheFines.com to donate towards the cost of the team of lawyers we’ve hired to help Canadians fight for their freedom.
Questions arise over who directed Toronto police enforcement action against Adamson Barbecue
The Toronto Police Service put forth an overwhelming display of manpower in their efforts to enforce COVID-19 lockdown orders against Adamson Barbecue after the restaurant defied restrictions on indoor dining for a third consecutive day.
But the question of how exactly the officers were directed in their enforcement is not quite clear.
Speaking at a press conference yesterday following Skelly's arrest, police Supt. Domenic Sinopoli told the media that “last night, we received an order from Justice — sorry — [Toronto Chief Medical Officer of Health] Dr. de Villa essentially giving us power under the — or her power — under the [Health Protection and Promotion Act] to seize the property, which she has done.”
“At six o'clock this morning, with the assistance of the city, locks were changed at the premises and all persons were restricted from access to the premises.”
Rebel News boss Ezra Levant raised the issue with this directive in a lengthy Twitter thread, wondering just how exactly the orders were given, whether a judge was involved, or if the orders were coming from the unelected Dr. de Villa or perhaps from Toronto Mayor John Tory himself, given the massive political pressure facing the pair.
A further twist in the story came from Toronto Sun columnist Joe Warmington who reported that “after a week of deployed officers and even a dozen horses, a late development Friday was that cops were expected to stay on guard overnight, hired as a pay duty officers by the City of Toronto rather than being paid for out of the police budget.”
The City of Toronto has already faced financial challenges due to the ongoing pandemic and is now using additional funding from its budget, rather than the police budget, to enforce the shutdown orders on Adamsons Barbecue.
A further development in the story that broke this evening was shared on Twitter by True North journalist Andrew Lawton, sharing video of a London, Ontario police officer charging Aylmer Church of God pastor Henry Hildebrandt for attending a protest at Victoria Park which exceeded current social gathering limits.
Pastor Hildebrandt has been a previous success story of Rebel News' Fight The Fines campaign after receiving a charge earlier this year. The pastor has been a regular feature at the ongoing anti-lockdown protests held at Toronto's Yonge-Dundas Square.
Skelly is now free from jail, having posted a $50,000 bail. Conditions of the bail require Skelly to be more than 200 metres from the three Adamson Barbecue locations and must not communicate on social media. Skelly had announced his intention to open his Etobicoke restaurant Monday evening in an Instragram video that has been viewed nearly 640,000 times.
On top of those orders, Skelly was also required not to operate a business unless it was in compliance with the Reopening Ontario Act. He must also obey the Health Protection Act and Promotion Act, as well as all lawful orders put forward from Ontario's chief public health officer and regional public health officer.
“Let Us Fight This Evil Now and Know God’s Truths Will Expose Them All” – Jon Voight Calls for Trump Supporters to Stand Strong as Evil Is Exposed and Defeated (Video)
Hollywood actor Jon Voight posted a courageous video on Twitter filled with attacks on the historic Democrat fraud in this year’s election.
Voight hit the Democrats hard in this powerful video:
Jon Voight: “Let us bring justice to the Supreme Court. Let them see how corrupt the left is with their fraudulent votes. Let the truth show itself that President Trump is the only man who can save this nation. Let us fight this evil now and know that God’s truths will expose them all… We are a nation that fought the Civil War and did not give up. God bless.”
What a hero.
Of course, the demons in Hollywood are spitting venom over this honest and beautiful testimony.
BLAST FROM THE PAST: Smartmatic CEO Introduces Creepy Bill Gates at Global Citizen Conference in June 2015
A photo resurfaced on Friday night of Smartmatic CEO introducing creepy Bill Gates at the Global Citizen Conference in June 2015.
The Global Citizen is a globalist social justice organization aimed at ridding global poverty through socialism.
The organization includes the support of prominent leftist leaders including Bill Gates, the Obamas and Pope Francis.
In 2015 Smartmatic CEO Antonio Mugica introduced Bill Gates at the Global Citizen conference.
Antonio Mugica is a former Chavez lackey and is the founder and CEO of Smartmatic voting systems.
In 2017 Antonio Mugica admitted their system was able to create “at least one million” phantom votes in that year’s Venezuelan election.
And here is Mugica with Bill Gates at a globalist convention.
It’s all starting to make sense now.
Carter Page Sues Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, DOJ and Others Behind FISA Abuse for $75 Million
By Cristina Laila
Carter Page
Former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page sued James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, the DOJ and others for a minimum of $75 million.
Crooked officials from Obama’s FBI/DOJ obtained a FISA warrant and three renewals on Carter Page yet they never charged him with a crime.
The FBI accused Carter Page of being a traitor who was working on behalf of the Russian government in order to spy on him and the warrants were ultimately used to spy on Trump’s campaign and beyond.
We now know that Hillary Clinton was behind the Trump-Russia hoax as part of her plot to distract from her damning emails.
Carter Page is suing the “Who’s Who” of the Spygate cabal including fired FBI Director James Comey, fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, fired FBI Counterintel chief Peter Strzok, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, disgraced FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, FBI special agent Joe Pientka and others.
The discovery should be a lot of fun.
Carter Page’s lawyer argued the FBI never had probable cause to spy on Page.
Carter Page’s counsel asserted the FBI knew that Page used to do work for the CIA and they also knew that Hillary Clinton cooked up the entire Russia hoax.
God works in mysterious ways!
Attention Trump Campaign: Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Won Groundbreaking Case in October — Gives Campaign Right to Examine Voting Machine Source Code
Let’s hope this makes it to the Trump Campaign.
On October 30, 2020 2016 Green Party Candidate Jill Stein FINALLY won her groundbreaking case that gave her campaign the right to examine voting machine source code in Wisconsin.
It took Jill Stein four years to win this court case.
After witnessing the historic level of fraud in this year’s election it makes us all question the numbers in past elections.
In 2016 Libertarian voters kept Donald Trump from adding New Hampshire, Minnesota and Maine to his electoral haul. Were those actual Libertarian votes in 2016 or were they switched from Trump to Gary Johnson to prevent him from winning those states?
Dr. Jill Stein celebrated this win with a string of tweets on October 30th.
The Trump campaign should take notice.
Confiscating the voting machines in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada may be crucial to exposing the fraud in this year’s election.
FRIDAY’S FUN FRAUD FACT: Mysterious Spike in Incomplete NV Voter Registrations – 13,372 with Invalid Birthdates and Casinos and Temporary RV Parks as a Home Address
JUST IN: Arizona State Legislature to Hold Public Hearing on Election Integrity on Monday, Nov. 30
U.N. Seeks ‘New Social Norms,’ Declares Itself a ‘Trusted’ Coronavirus News Source
The United Nations has joined the World Economic Forum (WEF) to announce a global coronavirus news service, declaring the time has come for “new social norms” that seek out and correct “wrong” information.
Observing that social media is a mechanism for driving opinion on a host of issues, the two globalist organizations announced Thursday they want to “combat dangerous misinformation.”
“When COVID-19 emerged, it was clear from the outset this was not just a public health emergency, but a communications crisis as well,” Melissa Fleming, chief of global communications for the United Nations, said.
“We’re trying to create this new social norm called ‘pause – take care before you share’,” Fleming continued. “We’re equipping people, through this new social norm, with a bit of ‘information scepticism’.”
The U.N. is also encouraging social media influencers to help spread what it selects as “real news about the pandemic,” recruiting them in their tens of thousands to spread the digital messages the U.N. itself has deemed necessary.
“So far, we’ve recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of ‘digital first-responders’ in those spaces where misinformation travels,” Fleming said.
U.N. chief Antonio Guterres is pleased to enter the global information age and seek out “wrong think.”
Put your trust in the U.N. alone and all will be well, is his simple alternative message.
As Breitbart News reported, in March the Chinese Communist Party declared the coronavirus did not start in the city of Wuhan, claiming support from both the U.N. and World Health Organization (W.H.O.) in rejecting “hurtful” U.S. allegations to the contrary as “bald-faced racism and xenophobia.”
This was supported directly by the United Nations which had earlier worked to deflect any criticism of the Chinese Communist Party and China.
“Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel [coronavirus] identified in [Wuhan],” the WHO wrote on Twitter.
The W.H.O. was later forced to backtrack on its stand and concede the coronavirus is indeed capable of human-to-human transmission and presented a huge risk to global health.
Now it hopes the rest of the world will fall into line and observe its dictats as driven by selected social media warriors.
"A Horrifying Future" - WEF's Vision For A Post-COVID World
Authored by Peter Koenig via GlobalResearch.ca,
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has just published (October 2020) a so-called White Paper, entitled “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda – in a Post-Covid World”.
This 31-page document reads like a blueprint on how to “execute” – because an execution (or implementation) would be – “Covid-19 – The Great Reset” (July 2020), by Klaus Schwab, founder and CEO (since the foundation of the WEF in 1974) and his associate Thierry Malleret.
They call “Resetting the Future” a White Paper, meaning it’s not quite a final version. It is a draft of sorts, a trial balloon, to measure people’s reactions. It reads indeed like an executioner’s tale. Many people may not read it – have no awareness of its existence. If they did, they would go up in arms and fight this latest totalitarian blueprint, offered to the world by the WEF.
8 min.
CBC leans on Trudeau Foundation Scholar to criticize Alberta's confidential COVID meetings
8 min.
CBC has secret recordings of Alberta government cabinet discussions with Chief Medical officer Deena Hinshaw.
Which means, of course, CBC rounded up a left-wing crank to make the case that unelected Hinshaw should have the right to shut down the economy without telling CBC readers exactly who that left-wing crank really is.
After a summer and fall of taking a very hands-off approach to the pandemic, the Alberta Government, in reaction to rising case counts, has put in place some targeted restrictions without putting the province into the kind of heavy lockdown happening in Manitoba and Ontario.
While in-person gatherings are limited, schools, churches, stores, and restaurants remain open with reduced capacity. The Conservative cabinet met with Hinshaw and wrestled with the new restrictions for eight hours before Wednesday’s evening press conference. These meetings are protected by cabinet confidence — nothing about the discussions can leave the meeting room.
However, twenty COVID response team meetings were recorded and leaked to the CBC:
Secret recordings reveal political directives, tension over Alberta's pandemic response
Recordings provide rare glimpse into relationship between civil servants, political officials
The level of political direction — and, at times, interference — in Alberta's pandemic response is revealed in 20 audio recordings of the daily planning meetings of the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) obtained by CBC News, as well as in meeting minutes and interviews with staff directly involved in pandemic planning.
Taken together, they reveal how Premier Jason Kenney, Shandro and other cabinet ministers often micromanaged the actions of already overwhelmed civil servants; sometimes overruled their expert advice; and pushed an early relaunch strategy that seemed more focused on the economy and avoiding the appearance of curtailing Albertans' freedoms than enforcing compliance to safeguard public health.
“What is there suggests to me that the pandemic response is in tatters,” said Ubaka Ogbogu, an associate law professor at the University of Alberta who specializes in public health law and policy.
“The story tells me that the chief medical officer of health doesn't have control of the pandemic response [and] tells me that decisions are being made by persons who shouldn't be making decisions,” said Ogbogu, who was given access by CBC News to transcripts of specific incidents from the recordings.
Ogbogu has been a staunch critic of the UCP government. In July, he publicly resigned from the Health Quality Council of Alberta, citing the potential for political interference in its work due to amendments to the Health Statutes Amendment Act.
Based how they presented the information, I think CBC wants me to be mad that the cabinet — elected politicians who work for us and are accountable to the electorate — made the decision to restrict but not close Alberta.
The elected decision-makers, whose job it is to balance all interests — business, economics, charter rights, and public health — made this decision after hearing from the health bureaucrat whose sole job it is to be concerned about the pandemic.
That’s how it’s supposed to be. It’s not the duty of unelected, unaccountable health bureaucrats to control the economy.
Hinshaw agrees, explaining in a Thursday press conference that she always felt respected in her meetings with the UCP cabinet and that politicians making pandemic decisions is “how democracy works.”
And that so-called staunch critic of the UCP, Ubaka Ogbogu, trotted out by CBC to treat Hinshaw like a political football?
He’s not just a bad faith critic. He’s a Trudeau Foundation Scholar. Maybe the state broadcaster could have included that in their story, in the name of context, accuracy and balance.
Thanks Fren, How were you able to enbed a bitchute video?
I all was get can't make sense of URL error.
I figured it out.
On bitchute you can right click on video boarder and select "view page source".
Scroll down until you find the link to the .mp4 file and click on the link.
A new window will open with the .mp4 video in it, right click on video and select, "save video as" to save .mp4 file to your computer. You can now use the "Select/drop/paste file here" option to embed.
Do not copy paste to Embed option.
Great video's to red pill friends, if you can get them to watch them!
Five Videos – Five States Where Votes Were Switched Live on TV Away from President Trump to Biden –Updated
Agree, MSM is a weapon of the Cabal!!!
Why Does the Liberal Media Refuse To Report Meaningful Data on Covid?
Italian angel "Adam de Angeli" you can't make this stuff up!
MICHIGAN WITNESS: I Saw the Detroit Plan to Destroy All Provisional Ballots, Hurt Republicans (VIDEO)
Matt Braynard: FBI Has Requested Vote Fraud Research
Cheating started months before Election!
“These People Were Vicious – I Saw All Kinds of Illegal Behavior” – Michigan Election Witness Who Saw 4 AM Illegal Ballot Drop for Biden Speaks Out (VIDEO)
Dominion Rep Who Scanned Ballots in Georgia County Where Thousands of Trump Votes Were Uncounted Also Worked for Kamala Harris
The[Y] weren't stupid just desperate.
Hungary And Poland Create The Unbridgeable Gap Of The Great Reset
There comes a point where negotiation becomes surrender. Those actively undermining you will always demand more than their right. Those behind the Great Reset have been creating no-win situations for voters for decades to this exact end.
The Strangely Unscientific Masking Of America
Pfizer vaccine arriving on chartered flights from E.U to U.S.A
Pfizer vaccine arriving on chartered flights from E.U to U.S.A
Pfizer's widely anticipated COVID-19 vaccine is already arriving in the United States from Europe, the Wall Street Journal reported Saturday.
In anticipation of a rapid approval by the FDA within the next two weeks, United Airlines has been chartered by the US Government to begin vaccine drops in Chicago, bringing the drug from Brussels.
According to the Journal, Pfizer has expanded storage capacity at specific distribution sites in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin and Karlsruhe, Germany. The drug company plans to use suitcase-size frozen storage in cargo planes and trucks to distribute the vaccine around the world.
The air-lift efforts are a continued part of Operation Warp Speed, introduced by President Donald Trump, to provide at least 300 million doses of the vaccine by January 2021.
Last week, Operation Warp Speed's head, Dr. Moncef Slaoui, said he anticipates a vaccine rollout in the United States by December 11.
On Friday, United Kingdom health officials advised the National Health Service to prepare for a vaccine rollout as early as December 7.
Russia has already begun using its own, nationally-produced vaccine. One which experts have confirmed has a 95% effectiveness rate, with a price tag of only $20 per dose.
Meanwhile, Canada has not yet determined a date for vaccine approval or distribution. It is one of few countries that does not appear to have a clear-cut plan to begin providing the vaccine rapidly in order to return life back to normal for Canadians.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has stated that September 2021 is being eyed for the date when the 'majority' of Canadians should be vaccinated.
Google's search and the suppression of balance: Allum Bokhari with Ezra Levant
On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Breitbart's tech editor Allum Bokhari called in to talk about YouTube's censorship of One America News and Facebook's continued suppression of Breitbart articles.
Here's a bit of what Allum had to say about search engine suppression:
“[Breitbart] even had an exclusive interview with President Trump a few months ago and you couldn't find it on Google, even if you searched for the exact headline. So it's complete and total suppression. And I think Google is probably the worst.
“You have to consider how this impacted the election. I don't think ‘stealing the election’ is a conspiracy theory, because if you're an undecided voter and you were looking for results, looking for information about Joe Biden, or Donald Trump in the run-up to the election and you went on Google — all you would find would be a stream of propaganda from outlets and broadcasters that are hostile to President Trump.”
Allum is also the author of a new book on this very subject: #DELETED: Big Tech's Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal the Election.
This is just an excerpt from the full Ezra Levant Show.
To watch the whole thing, become a premium subscriber to RebelNews+.
Time Is Flying By - Get Your House In Order!
16 min.
Police, public health have NO ANSWERS for why mask exemptions aren't ACCEPTED
While covering an incident in Peterborough, it became apparent that there are many layers (pun intended) to the mask mandates currently in place from the Ontario government.
The mask mandate is seemingly being aggressively enforced without exception, despite the fact that the legislation surrounding masking clearly outlines that there are exceptions to the rule.
Under the Reopening Ontario Act, specifically Regulation 364-20, Section 2, General Compliance, specifically brackets (4) and (6); it states that masks are required, BUT that exemptions exist and goes on to list all the reasons that individuals are exempt. Then in bracket 6 it confirms “it is not necessary for a person to present evidence… of their exemptions.“
Sounds great on paper, right?
Unfortunately, I discovered that Peterborough police are using bullying tactics, under the guise of the Trespass Act (without actually fining anyone), to rid areas of those claiming to have exemptions to mask mandates.
For some reason, the law is only being enforced in one direction. The Peterborough police are going after the mask exempt, but not after business owners who aren't abiding by the exemption law.
After an entire day of reporting, in-person discussions with police, several phone calls with public health and the Ontario Human Rights Commission, and further attempts to seek clarification from Peterborough Police Service — no one could give me a straight answer on the law.
I got a whole lot of deflection, but not a lot of clarity about the behaviour of the police, or acknowledgement of people's right to an exemption from wearing a mask
Michael Flynn Says Coup Against Trump Still In Progress In First Public Remarks Since Pardon
X22 report
47 min.
CHARGED for organizing a PROTEST in Manitoba
This past week has been a tough one for Manitobans with Premier Brian Pallister cracking down hard on Christmas and religious gatherings.
Outside of Pallister's office, we interviewed one pastor who had been fined thousands of dollars during a late-night visit to his home from police and health officials. The officers arrived at Tobias Tissen's remote property near Steinbach, Manitoba to hand him the fines for attending church.
Pallister has closed down churches, going as far to have police blockade a church on Sunday. Manitobans fought back and held a service despite the police opposition to their Christian faith.
Former Doug Ford Conservatives lobby to keep Walmart OPEN — while Adamson BBQ gets CLOSED
In this clip from last week's marathon livestream covering Adamson Barbecue, Ezra Levant and David Menzies were in studio with Sheila Gunn Reid on the line to talk about the destruction of small businesses under the second wave of lockdowns.
Commenting on Adam Skelly's chant of “Small business! Small business!” after being handcuffed and led away by police for attempting to enter his own restaurant in Etobicoke, Ontario, Ezra recalled that Walmart's CEO, “at a very high expense, hired two of [Ontario premier Doug] Ford's [former] staff” Melissa Lantsman and David Tarrant to get a private meeting with the premier.
“By arranging that meeting,” said Ezra, they took “bread off the table of every small family business and gave it to one of the largest corporations in America…”
EU Outrage After Hungarian Official's Op-Ed Calling George Soros The "Liberal Hitler"