TY Baker
This is the livestream link. Right now, it's some HillBot talking to another politico until the dinner startsโฆ
I watched them walk in on this linkโฆ
Then, the announcer said Trump and Macron would speak/meet again for some time until the guests arrived and were seated.
Led me to believe they were going back in.
Haha - that would fcking epic
https:// www.c-span.org/video/?444399-1/president-trump-hosts-state-dinner-french-president-macron
They just said they're await Trump and Macron to walk down the grand staircase. Probably at 8pm EST, I'd guess.
Right now coverage is France 24 take on dinner
Just says, "in front of the tomb of JFK. Ask yourself each day what you can do for your country."
They're walking in!
https:// www.c-span.org/video/?444399-1/president-trump-hosts-state-dinner-french-president-macron