Anonymous ID: 54c671 Nov. 22, 2020, 4:04 p.m. No.11743447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3471

Crazed and Vicious Michigan AG Threatens to Criminally Charge GOP Lawmakers for Meeting with Trump on Stolen Election


Dana Nessel is the face of the modern day Democrat Party — lawless, unhinged, ignorant and angry as hell.


Earlier this month Nessel sent a cease and desist letter to a reporter Shane Trejo demanding he erase his #DetroitLeaks video that exposed voter fraud training in Detroit, Michigan before the November 3rd election


Now Nessel is threatening to criminally charge GOP state lawmakers who met with President Trump in Washington DC on the stolen election.


According to the Washington Post, Dana Nessel “is conferring with election law experts on whether officials may have violated any state laws prohibiting them from engaging in bribery, perjury and conspiracy.” It is same weaponization of the criminal code for political purposes that we have seen in the last four years against Trump. Notably, the focus is the same discredited interpretation used against Trump and notably not adopted by the impeachment-eager House Judiciary Committee: bribery.


In Politico, Richard Primus wrote that these legislators should not attend a meeting with Trump because “it threatens the two Michigan legislators, personally, with the risk of criminal investigation.”

Anonymous ID: 54c671 Nov. 22, 2020, 4:15 p.m. No.11743614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3759 >>3805 >>3881

Californians Defy Gov. Newsom Curfew Order, Flood Streets in 16 Cities


Thousands of people in 16 California cities took to the streets on Saturday to protest Gov. Gavin Newsom’s curfew order requiring people to stay at home after 10 p.m. Carrying Trump/Pence flags and “Open up California” banners, the crowds began to gather at 10:01 p.m., including in Huntington Beach and San Clemente.


Huntington Beach,California is still supporting our President Donald Trump 🇺🇸💪


— Jolanta Jemiola-YOLA (@JJemiola) November 22, 2020


“Governor Newsom’s sweeping edicts by moving 95 percent of California to purple tier and a curfew is an abuse of power,” Syndie Ly, who helped organize the protest and was on the ground in San Clemente, told Breitbart News. “We are all responsible adults so we can make our individual choices.”


“This movement is about us rising up for our freedom and against Governor Newsom’s overreaching edicts,” Ly said.

Anonymous ID: 54c671 Nov. 22, 2020, 4:20 p.m. No.11743675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3710 >>3711

For those of you young kids who don't know the band Rush here's the background: 24 gold records and 14 platinum records (including 3 multi-platinum) 5th behind The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Kiss & Aerosmith for most consecutive gold/platinum studio albums by a rock band in the US….RIP NEIL PEART


if your a drummer and you lose your job to Neil Peart I guess that's OK.


Rush Working Man,Rare Early Live Performance

Anonymous ID: 54c671 Nov. 22, 2020, 4:23 p.m. No.11743719   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Steps Up Pressure On China, Set To Blacklist More Military-Linked Companies


White House expected to blacklist 35 entities as “Communist Chinese Military Companies”


As President Donald Trump’s first term comes to a close, his administration is stepping up pressure on the China’s Military establishment. The White House has added four more China-based companies to the list of “Communist Chinese military companies,” making them off-bounds for American investors and financial institutions.


President Trump issued an executive order on November 12 banning investment in firms controlled by China’s military establishment. The order set to come into effect in early January will target around 35 companies identified as entities run by the Chinese military. Communist China is “increasingly exploiting United States capital to resource and to enable the development and modernization of its military, intelligence, and other security apparatuses,” the order added.


The Chinese military establishment is increasingly using private companies as fronts for acquiring critical Western technology and accessing global financial capital, the Trump administration believes. “Through the national strategy of Military-Civil Fusion, the PRC increases the size of the country’s military-industrial complex by compelling civilian Chinese companies to support its military and intelligence activities,” the executive order explained.

Anonymous ID: 54c671 Nov. 22, 2020, 4:26 p.m. No.11743761   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It begins: The Biden border surge, and too bad about the COVID lockdowns


Migrants, and more important, the people who traffic and profit from migrants, are like the stock market: They're forward-looking. They make decisions now based on what they see coming down the pike.


So surprise, surprise, the media's crowning of Joe Biden president, along with many world leaders congratulating him and conducting their affairs of state with him, even as legal challenges are going on, has sent a message to Central America's gangs and Mexico's cartels, who control migrant smuggling routes to the U.S. It's time to profit. It's time to go. A new border surge has begun, in anticipation of a Biden open-borders presidency, which comes just as Democrat-run states and Biden himself are prescribing new COVID lockdowns.

Anonymous ID: 54c671 Nov. 22, 2020, 4:30 p.m. No.11743818   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Whoever Controls The Ideological Landscape Controls The World


Do you see what they’re trying to achieve?


This propagandised message from the Met is attempting to reconstruct the ideological landscape, reframe the parameters of what a debate is, reclassify free speech, weaponise information, and obfuscate the important legal principle: ‘Innocent until proven guilty.’


In other words, the government is attempting to whitewash free speech towards the kind of one world ideology that was endemic in the former Soviet Union, where thinking contrary to the ideology of the Communist Party was criminalised.


But there is something even more odious concealed within this Goebbelsian public service announcement: here we have a senior police officer using threatening language to intimidate and shakedown the general population.


This is on the very same day that Boris Johnson flexed his own military muscle, announcing: record defence spending for laser guns, directed energy weapons, an artificial intelligence agency and the creation of a national cyber force (a group of computer hackers to conduct offensive operations).


Offensive operations against who exactly?

Anonymous ID: 54c671 Nov. 22, 2020, 4:34 p.m. No.11743865   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Governor Forced to Back Down as Citizens Stand Up to Threats of Arrest Over Mask Order


Across the world, governments are using their only tool — which is force, or the threat of — in a futile attempt to fight COVID-19. Because the government does not act on logic and reason and instead makes knee jerk reactionary measures that almost always end in loss of freedom, the citizens are growing weary of their actions. As a result, massive insurrection and protests are taking place across the planet in response to the arbitrary and tyrannical lockdown measures doled out by governments who claim to protect your freedom.


Denmark recently made headlines for their resistance to the tyranny mentioned above. In Denmark, the national government reportedly proposed a new epidemic law which included the right to conduct forced physical exams, mandate isolation, and allows police-directed physically coerced vaccination. Naturally, the people resisted, and because of this resistance, the proposal was dropped.


DENMARK: GOOD NEWS! After 9 days of banging pots & pans outside parliament the epidemic law is SCRAPPED. PROTESTING WORKS: DO IT!#WeWillNotComply


— Robin Monotti Graziadei (@robinmonotti) November 15, 2020