Anonymous ID: 5622f6 Nov. 22, 2020, 4:38 p.m. No.11743940   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well, I get it but that time hasn't come yet for me. Whether you think Q is a larp or not ( I do not) the one fucking thing I do know is this. I trust our President Donald J. Trump implicitly. This man has walked on blazing embers for this country without one fucking minutes reprieve for damn near 5 fucking years. Think this man is down and out? Wrong. 5 steps ahead at all times. Even if I see that frail, ill, dementia ridden man lie through his stench filled, rotten to the core teeth as he swears an oath to protect the Constitution from foreign and domestic enemies I am there for our POTUS and I ain't going no fucking where.

Biden gets sworn in then the shit is going to be on and within 6 months 2.0 will be at hand unless the Team pulls the unthinkable. It was bad then. It's a multiple of worse now if these fucks get away with this. Little less than 2 months to go. That is an eternity in the political arena.

As anon said, quit your bitching and get back to your fucking post soldier.