Anonymous ID: 5706f4 Nov. 22, 2020, 4:20 p.m. No.11743677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3794








I found these so will just use them. I will go collect the other #14984 now (there are 2). Here are notes from #14984 Bread 1

>>11739955 (PB)

>>11739199 (PB) Two 1984 breads


>>11738181 (PB) #14984: We Will Never Forget Edition


#14984 'Bread 1 posted in #14990

>>11739183 Dominion ‘Attorney Spokesman’ says there was no voter fraud.

>>11739216, >>11739596, >>11739611, >>11739763 PF

>>11739237 Chinese President Xi proposes GLOBAL health QR code system to revive coronavirus-battered trade & travel

>>11739257 Jeremy Hunt wants mass testing & health passports in the UK. Critics accuse him of promoting ‘ENSLAVEMENT PASSES’

>>11739258 Bill Cooper predicted that mass arrests would happen on a Thanksgiving day

>>11739275 While Applying for Job With State Police, Man Arrested for Child Rape After Polygraph

>>11739289 2020 not enough: WHO envoy predicts THIRD WAVE of Covid-19 in Europe next year

>>11739316 Filed in federal court and headed for the Supreme Court: We have seized the servers for Dominion in Germany

>>11739330 Tone Deaf GOP Leader McCarthy ALREADY Willing to Toss President Trump and His 73.8 Million Voters Under the Bus RINO

>>11739343 Georgia will conduct another presidential vote recount despite already officially certifying results

>>11739349 Still going strong here in Huntington Beach, CA protesting Newsom’s “curfew.”

>>11739353 GOP Sen. Cramer: It’s ‘Past Time to Start a Transition’ to Biden Administration RINO

>>11739371 Chris Christie: Trump’s Legal Team Has Been a ‘National Embarrassment’ RINO

>>11739381 Treaty On Open Skies -> Terminated

>>11739388 China Issues Instructions for ‘Incoming Biden Administration’

>>11739396, >>11739416 The current official domain of the company is dominionvoting(.)com

>>11739411 Polish Prime Minister: EU ‘Oligarchy’ Wielding ‘Propaganda Bludgeon’ Like Former Communist Regime

>>11739438 Senate investigators believe the Secret Service has withheld key records from oversight committees regarding Hunter Biden's

>>11739481 Dr. Fauci Says Vaccine Skeptics Pose A Serious Threat To Public Health

>>11739499 Al Sharpton Paid His Family More Than $80K Through National Action Network As Organization Spent Lavishly On Travel

>>11739511 In Apparent Message to Biden, Netanyahu Warns World Powers Against Reentering 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal

>>11739557 Airbnb Complied With Chinese Communist Party Demands For User Data, Prompting Chief Trust Officer To Resign

>>11739616 New York Sheriffs break up underground swingers sex club in Queens

>>11739698, >>11739708 Largest Number of Cluster Votes In Wayne Co. MI Came From Psychiatric Hospital For Patients With Severe Mental Illnesses

>>11739703 SCOTUSblog founders are suspicious

>>11739806 The CCP Captured U.S. Power by Controlling Sequoia Capital. The link Between Dominion, Sequoia, Smartmatic, and the CCP

>>11739020 Alert: Dominion Spokesperson on Fox does not work for Dominion. Former Jebbie Campaign worker

>>11738379 This is how you say NO!

#14984 posted in #14990

Anonymous ID: 5706f4 Nov. 22, 2020, 4:28 p.m. No.11743794   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Never mind, ignore this list. It's actually renumbered #14985 and is already in notables list above. I will go find the true missing #14984. If I have to collect, I will post n/b if I miss you this bread.