Anonymous ID: 76e712 Nov. 22, 2020, 3:54 p.m. No.11743294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3454 >>3534 >>3681 >>3759 >>3805 >>3881

GOP Rep. Collins: ‘I’m About Tired’ of Stacey Abrams, False Claims of Voter Suppression


During this week’s broadcast of FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA), who efforts in Georgia to contest the election outcome earlier this month for the Trump campaign, railed against 2018 Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams for making claims of voter suppression, which he said are for “her own political benefit.”


“[L]et’s turn our attention to Stacey Abrams,” he said. “I’m about tired of Stacey Abrams. I’m about tired of the false claims down here in Georgia of voter suppression. I’m tired of the claims that she didn’t win in the other governor’s race, and now making claims of absentee ballots. What she’s doing is, again, trying to focus on getting people to do absentee ballots. And, again, her organization in the Democratic Party were the very ones who sued the state of Georgia and Brad Raffensperger and the other — the attorney general and the others who signed the consent decree last year that, in our opinion, weakened the signature verification rules in the state of Georgia. This is one of the things the Governor mentioned. It’s one of the things we have mentioned. That is why it makes it so more important that we have to fight back down here in Georgia.”


“Look, people get out and run for election,” Collins continued. “They do the ground game. They do what they need to do. And Senator Loeffler and Senator Perdue are going to do that. But Stacey Abrams needs to remember, if she’s actually encouraging people to vote illegally, if she’s actually encouraging, as Andrew Yang and some, said to come to Georgia and register to vote, as if you’re going to stay in Georgia, that’s a felony in Georgia. And I look forward to our law enforcement officers if they come down here and do that, putting them in jail. It’s illegal to come in, in the state of Georgia and register with no intent to become a permanent resident in Georgia. Stacey Abrams made a lot of claims over time, mainly for her own political benefit. It’s about time that those stop because the elections in Georgia are about the people of Georgia, and not about wild claims that she’s made on whose she’s getting to vote.”

Anonymous ID: 76e712 Nov. 22, 2020, 4:03 p.m. No.11743437   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Covid-19: The Unbelievable Global Elite’s “Great Reset” ( The Elite’s Great Reset Doctrine Is Considered an Advance Toward a New Type of Political Globalism and Fascism)


Why is China Rising while America Declining ? The U.S. is in relative decline as the Chinese power is rapidly rising. There is a huge trade deficit with China and billions of dollars every year are flowing out of our country to them. $419.2 billion was the trade deficit in 2018, with China. This loss of wealth is not good for the USA. China’s economy gathered momentum in October, supported by gains in factory production, government-backed investment and consumer spending, according to official data on Monday. Industrial output rose 6.9% in October from a year earlier, on par with September’s pace, China’s official National Bureau of Statistics said. The result was better than the 6.5% increase forecast in The Wall Street Journal’s poll of economists.


The news that on Sunday China signed a massive free trade deal with fifteen Asia Pacific Nations confirms China is busy cutting a path forward even as much of the world is in economic turmoil due to the pandemic. This is a major victory in that it encompasses almost one-third of all global economic activity. It also gives the impression the United States is being left out in the cold. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP, establishes the world’s largest trading block. It was signed virtually during the annual summit of the 10-nation Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).


This underlines the fact that despite economic problems popping up in countries across the world, China is hellbent on pursuing its goal of galvanizing itself as the leading global power. Not waiting to resolve trade issues with America, China is busy turning economic lemons into lemonade. One example of China reaching out can be seen in its courting of Europe. Last year the European Union and China, after a series of meetings, came up with an important joint statement. It outlined agreement on three quite sensitive fronts and paved the way for a complex, wide-ranging EU-China investment deal.


The numbers of U.S. applications for state unemployment benefits rose in mid-November for the first time in more than a month, pointing to added stress on the economy from a record increase in infection cases. jobless claims jump 31,000 to 742,000.And it will continue to rise considering how fast the pandemic is spreading again. And this time, we’re getting way more cases. October turned out to have the largest monthly deficit for that month ever at $284B. Annualized, that equates to a $3.4 trillion deficit on top of the $3.1T this last year. The Fed is the only reliable buyer. The dollar will be destroyed trying to monetize government debt and continue to prop up these massive asset bubbles.

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to think about the kind of future we want.


The Dangers of The Great Reset Explained !! The Great Reset” began trending on Twitter after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the pandemic had provided an “opportunity for a reset. “This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset – this is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to re-imagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change,” he added. The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset initiative is picking up steam on Twitter. The Great Reset is basically the organization’s plan to impose socialism on the world, and the World Economic Forum wants to use the pandemic as a reason to do so. So What is “the Great Reset”?

Anonymous ID: 76e712 Nov. 22, 2020, 4:12 p.m. No.11743564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3593 >>3622 >>3682 >>3715 >>3759 >>3805 >>3881

Barack Obama Makes TikTok Debut By 'Passing' Memoir Over To Fans In New Trend [Watch]




Barack Obama made his debut TikTok to promote his memoir, "A Promised Land"

He launched the "pass the book" challenge in which TikTok users can duet his video as part of the trend

The first book of Obama's two-part presidential memoir hit shelves Tuesday


Barack Obama has made his TikTok debut and launched a new trend to promote his new memoir, "A Promised Land."


On Friday, Obama made a special appearance in a TikTok post from publishing imprint Penguin Teen to promote "A Promised Land," kicking off the "pass the book" challenge. The first book of his two-part presidential memoir hit shelves Tuesday.


"This book expresses the incredible hope I have in you. Take this and pass it on," Obama says in the clip, holding the book before "passing it on" to the next person.


Fans can duet the sound and "grab" the book from Obama.


TikTok users were happy to see Obama on the platform, flooding the post with supportive comments.


"YALL REALLY GOT OBAMA TO DO THIS OMG," a third TikTok user wrote.


Some said they have already bought the memoir, while others shared that they purchased the audiobook. "I'm listening to the audiobook! He narrated himself," one wrote.


"Done, Sir! Bought hard copy from Amazon on Wednesday," another posted.