Anonymous ID: b89803 Nov. 22, 2020, 4:49 p.m. No.11744094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4131 >>4174

>>11743850 (PB)

Let me go slow for you.


Have you been out among the average American public who don't know about Q? The hard-working salt of the earth schumucks whose only news access is Jewish Communist Media? Have you seen their faces? Heard their voices filled with tears of "again". WE have the luxury of feeling confident. MOST people outside your bubble are devastated. They don't even know about the Biden vote skimming in my county. They just know they lost and they know they're about to lose everything.


If you think they didn't get HOPE from hearing Sidney's interviews and thinking there's a chance, you're an idiot. NOW all they're going to hear is "ha we told you, she's not even on Trump's team and everything she said is a bullshit".


Have some compassion for these people. I've seen people in tears just completely broken. I try to help "don't worry give it time be patient". Maybe just maybe team Trump needs to remember that not everyone is on Parler or Q.


Whomever wrote that fucking demoralizing press release just sucked the oxygen out of these people and if you can't recognize that in all your "confidence" then fuck you up the ass sideways. HARD.


I don't think this lot has a clue how absolutely scared. demoralized and despondent the average non -Q-linked person is. I get the slow rip, I get the trap, but that fucking statement just literally KILLED that last spark that was staring to rise in people who were listening to her on the only media outlets that would let her speak.


Do you fucking think they know about "Durham".


Fuck off grow some compassion and Trump team fire the heartless incompetent fool that wrote that.

Anonymous ID: b89803 Nov. 22, 2020, 4:59 p.m. No.11744243   🗄️.is 🔗kun


AAAND exactly what I predicted in the other thread has started.


SHITTING on her.


What money? they were sending me 1-10 begging emails a day. I'm like–are you fucking kidding me? I'm all for the trap and I'm doing my part but fuckinA many of us are looking at homelessness while they needfully mosey toward shutting the trap door.


Maybe they've lost sight of the reality behind all this. That can happen when you're in so deep you can't see outside the window.


Slow and easy wins the race. I get it. Legally and honestly wins the race (nope—lol since when?) But outside that window people are not doing well. Outside their window people are facing vile holiday restrictions that no post-win celebration can undo. Elders are dying alone and scared NOW. People are facing complete financial ruin, NOW.


Trust me I know POTUS loves us. I know that….and he's probably the most compassionate president for reals we have ever had, but don't lose sight of the NOW in hopes for the future.


NOW is horrible, deadly, depressing and soul sucking. Not two-weeks from now. NOW. They didn't have to suck out and destroy that last glimmer of hope people had.

Anonymous ID: b89803 Nov. 22, 2020, 5:08 p.m. No.11744378   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Trump hires a lot of creeps.

Mattis…you guys cheered and praised him. I vomited and hoped it was a trap??

Kelly **ditto

McMasters **Ditto

Miley WTAF


the harder the cheering the more corrupt the hiree is. We didn't really hear about Powell except for Flynn's case until the post election stuff.


And now, they just shat on her.




>2. Deal making time


>Biden gets shown what they have. Biden / Hunter going down + everyone else.


>Option 1: Biden + Family saved if Biden concedes due to ‘newly found’ medical issues.


no fucking deals


You think Biden's haven't known all the fuck along what Team Trump has on them? FUCKINGA I spent two weeks getting "drips" of Hunter's dick and corruption so bad it's immediate execution type emails…they know. The CPP sent Pelosi and Biden's a copy of what they have.


JAYSUS if anyone KNOWS what we have on them it's the fucking Bidens. There was enough corruption evidence to finish Biden off before he was even nominated.

>we have put together the most comprehensive vote fraud organization in the history…


FUCKINGA he's on video bragging about bribing Ukraine, he's on video sexually assaulting little girls, he's on video bragging about vote fraud.


This thing ran for president knowing we know and he doesn't give af because like BIBI he's confident on the win because they have more cards.


HE is putting this country through this, HE and his Jewish Commie cohorts. NO FUCKING DEALS.


Public executions.

Anonymous ID: b89803 Nov. 22, 2020, 5:23 p.m. No.11744605   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There is zero doubt the Vatican is foul. But I can't help but be amused at the massive Jewish Communist Internet Defense Force's vast posting campaign. I mean your shit is EVERYWHERE now.

>it's the Vatican

>it's the Free Masons I tell you, the Free Masons…..


No fucker the hidden hand is now as always, the Jewish Communists.