This is a two-fer. She is the defender of we the people and she now has Sullivan shitting his shorts wondering if his intervention is documented on the "servers".
Here is an amicus from we the people, Run Sullivan Run
This is a two-fer. She is the defender of we the people and she now has Sullivan shitting his shorts wondering if his intervention is documented on the "servers".
Here is an amicus from we the people, Run Sullivan Run
Be careful who you follow
After the election fraud is proven in court, POTUS will have an overehelming mandate to fix it all.
Voter ID
Term limits and audits
Financial overhaul
Rights of unborn from conception forward
Eliminate Judicial activists
Give the FCC and SEC real teeth
Put rails around the IRS
Clean Energy
Cures, not drugs for life
Space exploration and frontiers on Mars, Ganymede, etc..