What excuse exists for the ‘Anderson Coopers’ of MSM allowing forgiving of the lies?
I got your ‘deeper meaning’ right here.
Oral contraceptive use is medical use of steroid sex hormones to prevent pregnancy. It is far more prevalent than men using androgen steroids. Therefore Kraken is likely female. So eat it.
Realize I pull material from the depths of mine own rectum. This source for material is overflowing.
No, idiot. You are. So start fucking acting like it.
I know it all anyway.
Don’t need Q telling me misinformation.
Heard it from the source.
This jesting Anon to whom you speak is far far away from the “triggered” thing.
Cocktail wieners?
The ones with an ‘on’ and ‘off’ switch are programmed and work for the other side.
Have you seen the Stacey Abrams power up? Strange piece of machinery that one is.