Anonymous ID: 7fbb59 Nov. 22, 2020, 5:50 p.m. No.11744940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4985 >>5147 >>5238 >>5395

“Sidney Is Staying the Course to Prove the Massive Deliberate Election Fraud” – Attorney Sidney Powell Suspended by Twitter — Releases Statement and Signs Off #KrakenOnSteroids


The Trump campaign issued a statement Sunday night announcing Sidney Powell is not a member of President Trump’s legal team.


The statement was posted online by campaign attorney Jenna Ellis on behalf of lead campaign attorney Rudy Giuliani.


Powell had appeared at a campaign legal team press conference earlier this week alongside Giuliani and Ellis.

Anonymous ID: 7fbb59 Nov. 22, 2020, 5:58 p.m. No.11745032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5352

Californians Defy Gov. Newsom Curfew Order, Flood Streets in 16 Cities


Thousands of people in 16 California cities took to the streets on Saturday to protest Gov. Gavin Newsom’s curfew order requiring people to stay at home after 10 p.m. Carrying Trump/Pence flags and “Open up California” banners, the crowds began to gather at 10:01 p.m., including in Huntington Beach and San Clemente.


Huntington Beach,California is still supporting our President Donald Trump 🇺🇸💪


— Jolanta Jemiola-YOLA (@JJemiola) November 22, 2020


“Governor Newsom’s sweeping edicts by moving 95 percent of California to purple tier and a curfew is an abuse of power,” Syndie Ly, who helped organize the protest and was on the ground in San Clemente, told Breitbart News. “We are all responsible adults so we can make our individual choices.”


“This movement is about us rising up for our freedom and against Governor Newsom’s overreaching edicts,” Ly said.


“This is tyrannical and government overreach on behalf of Gavin Newsom and other Democrat governors. The American people, as well as citizens of other countries need to stand up against this,” Nancy Vu-Kerr, who took part in the Huntington Beach protest, told Breitbart News. “Our freedoms are truly at risk and all we need to do is look at the history of my mother country of Vietnam, and other countries of Venezuela, Cuba, Iran and others.”

Anonymous ID: 7fbb59 Nov. 22, 2020, 5:59 p.m. No.11745044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5147 >>5238 >>5395

Report: LA County Restricting Indoor/Outdoor Dining Thanksgiving Eve


FOX LA’s Bill Melugin reports that Los Angeles County will restrict outdoor indoor and outdoor dining beginning Wednesday at 10 p.m.


On Sunday Melugin tweeted:


The Los Angeles County announcement comes just over two weeks after California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) took part in a birthday dinner party at French Laundry in Yountville in Napa County. The San Francisco Chronicle reported the party violated state guidelines for the number of people who can gather at once.


Newsom reacted to publicity over the event by saying, “While our family followed the restaurant’s health protocols and took safety precautions, we should have modeled better behavior and not joined the dinner.”


California issued guidelines for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday on Friday, limiting gatherings to no more than two households.

Anonymous ID: 7fbb59 Nov. 22, 2020, 6:02 p.m. No.11745090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5113 >>5126 >>5155 >>5164 >>5175 >>5238 >>5395

Chris Christie slams Trump's legal team, says they're a 'national embarrassment': 'Outrageous conduct'


'You have an obligation to present the evidence. The evidence has not been presented'


Chris Christie, the former New Jersey governor who has been a loyal ally to President Donald Trump, eviscerated the president's legal team on Sunday, telling ABC "This Week" that Trump's lawyers are a "national embarrassment."


Christie's comments came after the Trump campaign lost another lawsuit in federal court late Saturday in which they asked that millions of Pennsylvania votes be invalidated. U.S. Middle District Judge Matthew Brann rejected the request, saying, "It is not in the power of this Court to violate the Constitution."

What did Christie say?


When show host George Stephanopoulos asked Christie whether it is "finally time for this to end," noting Trump's legal team has lost 34 court cases, Christie responded in the affirmative.


"Yes, and here's the reason why. The president has had an opportunity to access the courts… if you've got the evidence of fraud, present it," Christie said.


"What's happened here is, quite frankly, the content that the president's legal team has been a national embarrassment. Sidney Powell accusing Gov Brian Kemp of a crime on television, yet being unwilling to go on TV and defend and lay out the evidence that she supposedly has," Christie added.


The former Republican governor went on to explain that Trump's lawyers only make accusations of voter fraud outside the courtroom, where it doesn't actually matter.


"This is outrageous conduct by any lawyer," Christie said. "And notice, George, they won't do it inside the courtroom. They allege fraud outside the courtroom, but when they go inside the courtroom, they don't plead fraud and they don't argue fraud."


Christie continued:


Listen, I've been a supporter of the president's. I voted for him twice. But elections have consequences, and we cannot continue to act as if something happened here that didn't happen. You have an obligation to present the evidence. The evidence has not been presented. And you must conclude, as Tucker Carlson even concluded the other night, that if you're unwilling to come forward and present the evidence, it must mean the evidence doesn't exist. That's what I was concerned about starting on election night, and I remain concerned today. I think it's wrong. I think what you've heard lots of Republicans starting to say this; I said it on election night; and I hope more say it going forward. Because the country is what has to matter the most. As much as I'm a strong Republican and I love my party, it's the country that has to come first.


“Yes,” Chris Christie tells @GStephanopoulos when asked if it’s time for President Trump to stop challenging the 20…

— This Week (@This Week)1606059390.0


What are other Republicans saying?


As TheBlaze reported, patience is wearing thin among top Republican lawmakers.


On Friday, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), the number three House Republican and House Republican Conference chairwoman, called on Trump's legal team to present "genuine evidence" of their voter fraud allegations "immediately."


"If the president cannot prove these claims or demonstrate that they would change the election result, he should fulfill his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States by respecting the sanctity of our electoral process," Cheney said.

Anonymous ID: 7fbb59 Nov. 22, 2020, 6:24 p.m. No.11745332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5366

Smartmatic Lied: Lord Mark Malloch Brown Admitted to License Agreement Between Smartmatic and Dominion in 2015 Interview


Smartmatic, a UK based company, is a George Soros linked company that has provided voting technology in 16 states including battleground zones like Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Virginia.


The company was formed in 2000 and a Chavez campaign adviser was placed on the board as well.


The chairman of Smartmatic is Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, who sits in the British House of Lords and on the board of George Soros’s Open Society Foundations. He was formerly the vice-chairman of Soros’s Investment Funds and even the deputy secretary-general of the United Nations when he worked as chief of staff to Kofi Annan.


Smartmatic posted a tweet last week outright denying their transfer of technology to Dominion voting systems.


But this is completely false.


In December 2007 Smartmatic announced the sale of their Sequoia Voting Systems to Dominion Voting Systems.


Smartmatic published a press release announcing their sale Sequoia voting systems as shown in screenshot below.


And in 2015 Smartmatic Chairman Lord Mark Malloch Brown told a Filipino news station that Smartmatic uses Dominion owned software!

This was back in 2015!



Reporter: The question on people’s minds, why is Smartmatic even still here in the Philippines after reports it had violated provisions of the election automated law. Number one for example that it was never allowed to bid in the 2010 elections because it did not actually own the software. Dominion owned the software. Dominion Voting owned the software. Plus the difficulty that they had to put the COMELEC (Commission on Elections) in order to access the source code. Issues like that. Your thoughts? People say we should not be subjected to Smartmatic again this time around.


Mark Malloch Brown: Yes, well I think that’s competitors who say that. The fact is, yes a part of our technology IS licensed from Dominion. But you tell me a large technology company which isn’t using in part licenses from other companies. And we have a license for the international use of that particular piece of the technology.


Reporter: So Mark let me just cut in there and ask you, the license issued by Dominion for you to use for proprietary software, that is a live license for you to use?


Mark Malloch Brown: Yes.