Anonymous ID: b13734 Nov. 22, 2020, 6:16 p.m. No.11745242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5261 >>5291 >>5297 >>5342 >>5414 >>5492



Rudy Giuliani already gave us the playbook, Anons. He specifically mentioned this movie, in which Joe Pesci and Marisa Tomei play an ill-equipped legal pair from New York, who go to the rural south to defend a case. The two of them seemed ridiculous throughout the movie, and out of place in a distinguished court room, yet ended up winning the case.


In the Q movie, we have the President's crack legal team, also coming from New York and ready to make their case down South. On full display we have Rudy's hair dye streaks, a lot of bold claims that Tucker challenges, and Sidney Powell's southern accent and shaky voice. In the latest plot twist, the President's team seems to disavow Powell completely. "We just let her hang our here, she's not really part of the team" effectively. Now all the knuckle draggers on the Left are supposed to pile on mercilessly. We're going to see pictures of her looking unsure, read details about some past embarrassments she has had, while they continue to show images of Rudy flailing his arms and sweating for the camera.


Some of you are already questioning the Plan once more, muh arrests, and muh Q-larp. Yes, folks, the bumbling legal team from New York, way way outgunned and with little to no 'actual' evidence, is now expected by everyone on the Left to walk into the lion's den, where they will be torn to shreds for all the world to see. The President's 4 year carnival show is meant to come crashing down, while the world watches with glee. The shills will go apoplectic and the concern fags will multiply. We are heading into maximum climax; 11:59:59; DEFCON 1; D5 checkmate. Imagine how many heads are going to explode on the Left when POTUS' team actually destroys the opposition.


Last week I was critical of our side, for not presenting a Credible image. Give Ron a suit, I said. Get Rudy away from the cameras. Give Sidney a shot of whiskey before she speaks to keep her calm. A lot of you called me a shill, although I was just trying to give constructive criticism. But now I can see what Team Trump is doing, and I hereby withdraw my critisism: Trump Team does not want a slick lawyer team of the sort the Left would hire…no Perkins Koie types. I believe now that he WANTS Deplorables representing. Plain-talking Rudy, complete with his foibles. Sidney Powell, who looks and sounds like my Mom. Enigmatic Ron with his broken glasses and cowboy hat. Bannon in his rumpled field coat. I can see that this cast of characters is specifically designed to give maximum confidence to the Left that they will win this. It gives the Left a green light for all the fence sitters to choose their side, as we see many falling away and accepting Biden.


Welcome back my friends, to the Show that never ends. We're so glad you could attend! Come inside, come inside! ……….This is going to hit them like a round-house knockout punch. This is going to be Rocky and Ivan Drago in the 15th round. We are going to see weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth….it is going to be BIBLICAL. Perhaps the sweetest irony will be that all of us in Flyover Country were right, lo these many years.


Think I'm gonna watch My Cousin Vinny tonight.