>>11745172 Flynn team calls-out Grifters: Jordan Schachtel, Ryan Saavedra, and Tim Pool
A few questions for General Flynn
General Flynn, Sir
Could you please explain to the class two nagging issues, ThanQ
1: Your relationship to the Deep State's John K Singlaub.
Major General John Kirk Singlaub (born July 10, 1921) is a retired two-star general in the United States Army, founding member of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and a highly decorated former officer in the former Office of Strategic Services (OSS).
2: Why did you not also call out the Paytriots INTHEMATRIXXX, SHADY GROOVE and Karli?
By your estimation, does P = Payseur, General?
As you can see by the attached Q drops, it appears that if P = anything at all, it most certainly is not Payseur.
and this would be of supreme importance, General, because whoever P = also controls SOROS who also controls the [D] Party according to Q Team.
Are you aware that one of the primary sources of P = Payseur is an Alex Jones flunky by the name of Fritz Springmeier AKA Viktor Schoof?
Fritz Springmeier is a well know racist pseudo religious grifter associated with racist extremist and other neo nazi groups of the Pacific Northwest.
Fritz is also a multiple felon (drugs and bank robbery).
Are you aware that the CIA went on a media blitz once "seal team 6>CIA AGENTS" raided UBL compound and found UBL's book collection?
A media blitz that was all about UBL and his book collection yet one book was highlighted above all others "Bloodlines of the Illuminati".
The CIA even made a pdf copy available at CIA archives.
Are you aware that the other primary source of P = Payseur is David Icke, another Alex Jones cohort?
ThanQ for your service, Sir!
Can an Anon get a Nomination/Notable please?