>By your estimation, does P = Payseur, General?
For the 5millionth time…Daniel Payseur was NOT the Dauphin of France. He was yet another grifter and imposter much like the multiple Olga and Anastasia Romanovs were.
DNA from the heart in the jar proved 100% that the heart in the jar was the young French Dauphin's. Now, before you claim that the DNA is a coverup please….do you really think scientists in France even heard of that bullshit Payseur LARP?
A fucking money making LARP like the "princes in the tower LARP, and just like fast talking nutter Gregory Hallet aka the rightful King of England LARP. Hallet has managed to gain a massive following (until his mother and sisters did a live stream interview and showed endless family photos and explained that while Gegory is brilliant he's batshit insane)
You people are fucking insane.
Who the fuck are the paytriots inthematrixz? apparently you're the only one that ever heard of them. He called out the ever wobbly Tim Pooles and Jordan Schachtel because they're only "loyal" as long as the ground is steady. And they both have a massive audience. They're PUSSIES when it comes to discussing something the MSM and the cancel culture will rage on them over. Avoiding Q is one thing, calling people who follow Q and dig, stupid and gullible is something else. Watson stepped in it too. He should have kept his limey mouth shut.
To answer the rest of your questions as to what Flynn knows? LOL don't fuck with that shit. Flynn is probably THE best officer the USMC ever turned out. If he needs to know he knows. LOL right he'll get right on checking into Fritz. Holy shit and now you want your titty sucked over Parot and UBL? PRO fucking TIP. Stop listening to "former" bullshit. Former CIA, former Seal, former…anything gov only means "CURRENT LIAR".
You're the retard that listened to Alex Jones instead of fucking doing some science to check out of Paysuer's claim could even be possible.
Alex Jones?
what is truth mixed with fiction for 500$ Alex