Bill Cunningham - on now AM radio Nationwide talking #StopTheSteal - heard by tens of millions
Bill Cunningham - on now AM radio Nationwide talking #StopTheSteal - heard by tens of millions
Limited nukes, they still want all the land.
Germs more likely , Capt. Trips , methinks. Check out the quotes by elitists on GlobalistAgenda.org
Secret Service agent & driver , William Greer , in the limo , with the nickel plated .45
JFK - The Sacrificed King , a video of evidence compiled by Pale Horse author William Cooper ; find it on you tube ( maybe )
Not that but seek the audio of The Mystery Babylon Series , hours 17-22 or thereabouts
CALL this into the Bill Cunningham show on now in AM radio markets Nationwide, heard by 10's of Millions. Talking vote fraud now, Wayne Allyn Root coming up !
www.920 kvec.com
use every platform we have
Curmudgen oldfag radio still works like a charm
Bill Cunningham Radio Sunday Nights - just spin your AM dial
seen a few weeks ago, still notabru
TIME, is there time to prove it all ?
AM 700 WLW , Bill Cunningham Sunday Nights signal carries thousands of miles, huge listener base , Blacksphere on now , Wayne Allyn Root / Town Hall coming up.
Tune in anons , call in too