The release of the six months of Strzok/Page text/sext messages is just a precursor the to MOAB that will be released on Thursday. These texts/sexts will prepare the minds of Americans of the stark reality of Presidential Assassination. It will bring it home and break through the MSM programming/clutter. The precursor is psychological processing and preparation for the MOAB to follow which is the mega-dump of the unredacted JFK files. This is a one-two punch that will absolutely capture the minds of the world. Forget about wrapping POTUS in the flag. You will be wrapping him up in the sacred mantle and sympathy of JFK. Public opinion will turn fast and violently. Remember, JFK is beloved as much as MLK by the black community. Good night!
SPARROW RED - Although Sparrow is a type of bird, it think Q is referring to Jack Sparrow by for the Pirates of the Caribbean Movie franchise. Jack is a pirate sailing in the Caribbean. Red is the color of blood, communism and the Rothschild Dynasty. I believe "SPARROW RED" is referring to a communist country located in the Caribbean - CUBA. It could also refer to GITMO, which is located in CUBA. SPARROW RED = CUBA
GREEN CASTLE refers to the House of Saud. SA has a green flag.
RED CASTLE refers to the House of Rothschild. ROTH is red in German. House of Rothschild was behind the formation of communism/socialism - the RED flag is their symbol. The star represents the SUN - the MASTER, or SATAN. I know many believed the RED CASTLE to mean the Army Corps of Engineers. They were a white castle on a red background.
The "CASTLE" represents the great dynastic houses (Windsor/Saud/Rothschild). PURPLE CASTLE is probably the House of Windsor…. future reference.
Regarding the 187 of H.R. McMaster's father in the Philadelphia Nursing Home…. Where is the investigation and follow-up reporting by the press? Are you aware of the the many many regulations that Nursing Homes are under? Elder Justice Abuse Act, and many state and federal regulations. When someone falls and passes away in the facility it is a big deal for the facility administrator. It is a major injury of unknown origin that lead to death. This has to be reported to the PA State HHS/DHS within 2 hours. The facility Administrator has 5 days to conduct and complete a thorough investigation. This investigation is then submitted to the PA State HHS/DHS office for their review and follow-up investigation by one of their State Surveyors. Add to this the fact, that this unfortunate incident not only lead to death, but to national attention, you can bet this was a priority one investigation for the local HHS/DHS office.
Are you all aware that this reportable incident and subsequent 5 day investigation conducted by the facility administrator is to be made public? Are you aware that if the PA State HHS/DHS office after their investigation cite the facility on a deficient practice, it has to be made public by Medicare/CMS? The news reports cited the magic word "NEGLECT." This is a big "OH SHIT" word in the IL/ALF/SNF world. It opens up a huge can of worms. Neglect falls under "ABUSE" an even bigger "OH SHIT" word.
Are you aware you can report a complaint to the PA HHS Office? You don't have to be a family member. Anyone who is concerned with potential neglect and abuse within a facility can file a complaint that has to be investigated and follow up on. Operators standing by!
Remember the Elder Justice Abuse Act… Shouldn't the PA State OIG be notified and a request for investigation started?
Many facilities have a camera system throughout the facility. This place looked nice. I'd guarantee it. If I lived in the area, I'd walk through the facility (security is next to nil, except for a receptionist who usually leaves by 5, 6pm at the latest). Buy some flowers and walk around for yourselves. Look for the cameras. Look for recent removal of cameras…
If I lived in PA, I'd be hanging around the parking lot during shift change (7-3pm; 3-11pm; 11-7am). You can catch those employees coming in and going out. All employees in these facilities gossip and talk among themselves when an incident like this happens. Even if warned, or threatened to shut up. Nurses/housekeepers/laundry/dietary/adminstration/activities…. they all talk and all know. Plus, these guys all have second jobs. The word is out all over the place by now. Where is a good investigator??? This is red meat. I've given you so much!!!
Put pressure on the local office DHS/HHS for IL/ALF/SNF (Nursing Homes). They have to conduct a thorough investigation. If they cite, it MUST be make public!!!
The part in the articles about them being cited in the past for violations is a bunch of crap. All facilities get cited throughout the year. They appear to be a very nice facility. No sub-standard quality of care issues noted by HHS/DHS. This is a nice place. Neglect? Really???
If this was a 187, as Q suggests, it would have happened during NOC shift. I'd be all over that shift. At the least I'd go there and ask for a tour for placement of a loved one.
You have no idea how protected the elderly are in such an institutionalize setting!!! The regulations are immense. And just about everything has to be made public because of the historical negative image of elder care settings.
The PRESS, like the soda jerk died years ago. RIP. Viva la Anons!!!
Remember your color codes and symbolism of the elite. BLUE is the color of KIDNAPPING. Watch your local news when the lead story is a kidnapping. The presenters will be wearing BLUE.